Oh for fucks sake just because the guy got good lands from a suicider/disbander doesn't mean all hell broke loose and everyone needs to kill him. Sorry he threatens your monopoly up top.
Ok lets kill ER and then when he dies and he was good lets kill me. Although ER is my friend and I don't want him to die
EDIT: This still means I vote darkness
No surprise really.
Physics is only a theory. It's acceptance is because it makes the most sense.
Must suck working in a field that's made up.
My bad someone did fall for your troll lol
ER you have such a way with words as to make the subject of your position seem comical.
I just like to troll the old timers that believe they run the show.
Welcome to our new forums! Let's hope this fixes some of the problems we have had with bots.
are in game bots gone?
Hey fepo! Funny how this is working out that we are all coming back around the same time
newbies have been around since the start of sk. attackin bigger looking ones at tick is a risk yes but its a calculated one. i remember an AL a while back who called it farming. a guy called mother aka jamragia. to this day he is known as SKs bigges…