are you kidding me? LOL is one of the most unforgiving games to learn. When you start off you suck and your team-mates hate you. I know I hate it when a noob sucks and the other team wins because of a feeder.
Bots are a nice place to start with someone experienced to explain the meta. It should be easy to pick up for a dota player after seeing how certain champions work.
are you kidding me? LOL is one of the most unforgiving games to learn. When you start off you suck and your team-mates hate you. I know I hate it when a noob sucks and the other team wins because of a feeder.
I meant as in, you get a good walk through of skills and what the objectives are. Obviously there is a learning curve, I thought that would be obvious considering it applies to almost everything in life.
Well, I don't think I was a feeder in the bot matches I played with Mages today (he will have to speak on that), but I am excited to jump in and try my luck against real people. It is extremely similar to dota2, hell even the map is nearly the same.
Oh right my name is NaughtyTanthy if any of you wanna add me, haven't really played in like 2 weeks or so, usually just hop on and play ARAM's with my friends when I feel like it.
Can't ask what your favorite MOBA heroes are. The League Nubs won't know what a hero with real game changing potential is. They're all cookie cutters of the same thing. Bunch of Eunuchs. In league you'll never experience a game changing black hole, or a monster RP.
Can't ask what your favorite MOBA heroes are. The League Nubs won't know what a hero with real game changing potential is. They're all cookie cutters of the same thing. Bunch of Eunuchs. In league you'll never experience a game changing black hole, or a monster RP.
Now now, I'm not asking for an argument (there isn't one for hardcore moba fans). ;p you and I appreciate DOTA, but have to respect leagues massive player base. Let's just make fun of smite together lol
when you get used to the game, change to intermediate and die a little...
gather a nice amount of rage then go pvp to spread it
btw, intermediate bots are way harder than midlevel players...
bots have instant reaction...
its evil
Ahri/Ryze/Morg/LB Mids. Garen/Darius/Singed/Ryze/Voli/Shyv tops. Jinx/Cait/Trist ADCs. Voli/Shyv/Yi Jungles. Blitz/Leona/Annie/Morg Supps.
Someone carry me to Gold pls
aram is very nice to try new things with less chance of cursing and namecalling
really, every time it has to update around 100mb ...
youtubed "hots" and found only that
2gb ram...and legends gives me problems when i run it with flash player and unity on background
Youtube actually cuts it, though. As long as you start it before match starts lol