I've always been a pretty fast typer. Randomly decided to take one of those online speed tests and scored 97wpm, 90wpm after errors.
Took the test at
TypingTest and I took the "Test Instructions" one
How do you compare?
inb4; Darius says he types faster

Edit: Fixed Link
An now he gives me shit over my grammar
I did that in around 60 seconds.
I was doing phenomenal until they had a sentence that said "do not hit enter after finishing sentences". And then there was a line break so it made me want to hit enter, then they started having you type "TypingTest.com" 2 or 3 times. I guess depending what you are typing, weird things or URLs might be included sometimes but that felt gimmicky and threw me off, I think both of my errors were there.
Of course I don't type that fast all the time, that was being focused and with speed in mind. The test might have been easier than most, I've taken typing tests in the past and I almost always get in the mid 90's. If anything I'm on computers and type less often now, I don't see why I would have gotten faster.
why are u so...polite?
it isnt like you i liked the fiesty bugger that always contended with darius!
it's what i came for every time i came to read the pfs...
4 errors
78 tot
but I am 17 and have been using computers since I was born unlike you old bastards+my school had mandatory typing classes k-8