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Best / worst looking sk players



  • Jones looks good
    Debate was ended after the first reply to be honest haha
  • Had to go back to page one for that lol
  • Ur ginger u have no soul so u can't be the best looking lol
    Tru dat
    Pretty sure the "soul" you weirdos refer (like those actually exist... ha!) to is supposed to be on the inside of one's body, whereas I look best on the outside, you see.

    Souls... what rubbish. I'd know if people had souls, but I don't, so no one else does either.
  • Spoken like a true soulless ginger.
  • Spoken like a true soulless ginger.
  • Spoken like a true soulless ginger.
  • Don't you all be jelly of my gingerness
  • best hair thread yeah?
  • That just looks like to much effort
  • That just looks like shit
  • Effort yes, Lynog: you folically challenged?
  • Effort yes, Lynog: you folically challenged?
    Iam actually mate yeah but that thing on your head is laughable, although by the look of your kipper you need something like that ontop to take the attention away. Little life lesson i will teach you here mate, listen to these words of wisdom now.

    You cant polish a turd

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