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  • My kingdom sucks. What's new lololol
  • if after this round DW isnt nerfed then Bcart defo plays and is also a masssssive troll.
  • if after this round DW isnt nerfed then Bcart defo plays and is also a masssssive troll.
    I am bcart u peon
    i said troll not douche
  • The real question is who gives a fuck??? You play DW to war n freight train pussy turtles.!!! Choo Choo muddah fuckahs
  • The real question is who gives a fuck??? You play DW to war n freight train pussy turtles.!!! Choo Choo muddah fuckahs
  • I just calculated what a normal dw might come out of newbie and u can come out with 2k goons and 500 tank D

    any dw can hit one another and the only PT thats gonna be safe is a FW or terra who went low probe low sci strat.

    Now the uni has 2 choices.

    1. DWs hit each other and...the turtles win

    2. DWs hit non DWs and actually grow together in unison.

    Happy hunting!


    I can guarantee that you can have 2300 goons and 1100 tanks ;)
  • if you really wanted too and you had control of sec states, there is no reason that a DW couldnt leave with over 6k goons, albeit zero defense but still, you could 4x tap anything on the server np
  • I have a kd on s1 was top kd but its in deletion mode. Had nearly 5k soldiers and 15k pop and that's on a tf kingdoms. Then I realize that dw with that same strategy would have been better. Just wanted to try tf. So yeah it can be done and that's with probes and nerds.
  • This thread turned so geeky I couldn't read it without kicking my dog.
  • Ya Lynog.

    Spy around a bit and there are a lot with like 4k goons and 500 lts.

    Would you guys consider these to still be xDWx?

    If people super AT I think they are free land. If anyone can break them, I say free land. Better it go to the DWs anyways.
  • Ya Lynog.

    Spy around a bit and there are a lot with like 4k goons and 500 lts.

    Would you guys consider these to still be xDWx?

    If people super AT I think they are free land. If anyone can break them, I say free land. Better it go to the DWs anyways.
    my guess is anyone built like that is a multi, probably looking to get some payback from being trained last time round :D
  • true turtle talk
  • ATs are not protected under xDWNAPx
  • Good. SoM the top DWs. I lol'd
  • ATS are protected by DW!!!!!!
  • ATs are not protected under xDWNAPx
  • ATs are not protected under xDWNAPx
    Wait, I'm confused. What's the point of xDWNAPx if you don't AT? :P
  • Because it becomes a pointless circle of hits between those that do and those that don't. I could tap an AT 4 times, but then they can revenge and do the same back.

    LOL which just made me realize when I typed it out... Haha, I would say ATs aren't free land unless the uni finds out.
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