just like we did with Lovsan back in his multi days
wtf way to contradict yourself retard
It's not a contradiction, Lovsan has cheated a lot in the past, years ago, just like you this round and even worse at some point. Doesn't mean he does it this round. It's not contradiction, you just obviously have a problem with past tenses.
no proof of RO multying
matching IPs + interaction doesnt = cheating? fuck whos cock are you sucking
No proof bullshit. It's weird you are the only one claiming this.
no proof of moogle farming
going from 50th in land to top 10 because he hit 2,3,4,5 on a suicider doesnt = farming?
i guess starkingdoms is dead
It was a KT, half the uni got fat from him and moogle didn't suicide the KD so it's not cheating I'd also love to see a whole SOSN of those hits . In any case Moogle is far from top 10 nowadays
You multied to take over 1:14, 1:11 and 1:7 because you can't take a grab, same as you did last round when you took over many sectors in Phantomz.
was not me and you have no evidence to prove it was. keep talking shit you 3rd world scum
and finally
Don't understand why you keep saying I live in 3rd world since i don't, but I suppose it's related to the fact you're an idiot who assumes everybody is Romanian .
As for the multies, it was you, no point denying it, everybody knows it. You're the only one who had a problem with 1:7, 1:14, 1:17 and GOM in general. It's no coincidence that when we started to message you and threaten to KT you because you where being a crybaby asshole, that all the sectors that had a problem with you where hit . Plus, once again, you've done this last round when your multis landed in Phantomz, you got banned from Alliance chat, and sectors where overtaken by your multies, how do we know this? Because of the racist sh1t that you can't ever stop from writing .
Your shitty built Kd
a shitty built KD that was bigger then all of your shitty romanian kingdoms despite being suicided on and arsoned through the entire game
yep sounds shitty to me dont it?
Actually, most RO Kds are higher in score & land than what your shitty kd used to be before uni decided to take care of your nuisance. Even with your multies & bank farms, you ARE that bad .
romanians - retarded neg - 1
You're the one who has no KD left and whose reputation will forever be assimilated to multying so I'd say SK: 1, neg: -1 . Look at what happens to Lovsan more than 5 years after his multying rampage, people still calling him a cheat, that's what your future looks like .
Edit: Oh and the fact you only talk BS without never putting any kind of evidence on the table proves once more you're full of sh&t. Nothing but words & smoke screens to try to hide the fact you are a cheat and a lousy one too
It's not a contradiction, Lovsan has cheated a lot in the past, years ago,
and recently...
he even made an addon for firefox or chrome that is a fucking scanner like what moo was
is that fucking legitimate in your eyes?
No proof bullshit. It's weird you are the only one claiming this.
there was. use the search button you lazy faggot
no proof of moogle farming
see above
As for the multies, it was you, no point denying it, everybody knows it. You're the only one who had a problem with us and it's no coincidence that when we started to message you and threaten to KT you that all the sectors that had a problem with you where hit .
i think you will find lots of people have a problem with you 3rd world faggots.
the game has been a shitty place since your underground alliance decided to come back and grace such a small game with your cheating and selfish attitude ingame
its a shame GOC shutdown as that was the perfect place for you fuckheads to stay as it actually meant a fun legitimate round of SK. now the game has gone to utter shit.
Actually, most RO Kds are higher in score & land that what your shitty kd used to be before uni decided to take care of your nuisance even with your multies & bank farms, you ARE that bad .
yeah no they were getting owned. i wasnt even active and still outgrowing them.
kind of funny how you reckon that bank farm is mine when i didnt even have probes for a majority of the round.
why the fuck would i make a bank farm when i couldnt rob it?
romanian dribble
this game has turned to shit since you faggots decided to start playing
i cant see it lasting the year if you retarded cunts stick around
Once again: I'm not romanian, are you blind or just incredibly stupid?
As for the cheating and selfish attitude: RO haven't mde any multis, you and a couple of idiots with no proof what so ever are the only ones claiming this. Last round multying was Viva's, everybody who has a clue about what's going on in the game knows that too .
If your "evidence of cheating" was legit, you'd have used the search button yourself and posted links a long time ago.
You just mad that good old players have returned to the game and made you realize you are sh1t at this game . It's normal, we used to play SK when it was actually a hard game. You just mad your KD has been killed two rounds straight because you suck.
I understand everything now, you're just mad you're bad
There are always been banks and probe farms and from what I've heard, the "current increase" isn't from last round where all the RO came back to play. (and once again those Probe farms killing KDs last round belong to Viva ).
Scanners have existed for more than 12 years in SK dude, sorry you just learn't about this now. As for cheating, I've never seen anyone get KTd for using scanners. Back in the time when Kesha ran his, half the uni was in it. And from what I've seen in PFs there where even public scanners at some point.
As for "underground alliances" there are many out there and it's mostly friends playing together and it's never a problem unless they are made of good players like LFC xLTx RO and so on. When UA has strong players you always see people crying like you, it may not be fair, then again, life ain't fair and games are never fair bro, sorry .
Edit: As for killing the game, there where thousands of players before. Only 200 max left nowadays: Game is already dead. You can blame Bcart for that .
Would also be nice to have a date of the interactions and the KD they interacted on. If it was a KT you can't expect 2 out of 3 kds not participating on the KT because they work at the same place.
What Kd are you? or are you a 2nd PF account of neg's? just talk to your Alliance Leader and tell him to talk to Moogle. If it was real interaction I don't think he'll deny the KT .
Am I defending anyone? I'm just asking for information and I told you what to do to get the KTs done. Are you mad cuz I'm not saying they shouldn't be KTd?
What Kd are you? or are you a 2nd PF account of neg's? just talk to your Alliance Leader and tell him to talk to Moogle. If it was real interaction I don't think he'll deny the KT .
aka you said you wouldnt KT them but didnt want to look like a double standards fuckwit
underground alliances arent made of good players. they are made of players that take over different alliances and set a base for weak alliance activity. you wont hit a KT if its part of your faggot circlejerk and that is why the game is dead when you consider there is like 100 players
scanners arent legit, moo was a plague on the game until bcart took it down. lovsan was a regular user of it to make multis until it got taken down. its no surprise he'd want to make his own private scanner though.
Fake, the preferences have stated they share a connection @ work since round start .
so this wasnt in defense of some cheaters? right right
I just stated the truth after you lied when you said they had just modified their preferences to say the Ips matched. The IP matching has been posted in their preferences since roud start.
the ip they had when i took the screen shot was different then the ip they matched in said screen shots
they modified their prefs after i posted and pm'd them, to have the correct IP address, and it also went up in RTT's prefs when as you can see in my screenshot he had nothing about it
so, wanna keep defending? you said its okay if they have it in prefs, k, my 8 siblings are playing next round and we can interact with eachother? Thats what you are saying right?? as long as its my prefs
if he had to ability to take SL from a sector, I think we would have done it to make his KD better long ago
that said his posts seems sketchy but, there is that for what its worth
As for the multies, it was you, no point denying it, everybody knows it. You're the only one who had a problem with 1:7, 1:14, 1:17 and GOM in general. It's no coincidence that when we started to message you and threaten to KT you because you where being a crybaby asshole, that all the sectors that had a problem with you where hit
Edit: Oh and the fact you only talk BS without never putting any kind of evidence on the table proves once more you're full of sh&t. Nothing but words & smoke screens to try to hide the fact you are a cheat and a lousy one too
he even made an addon for firefox or chrome that is a fucking scanner like what moo was
is that fucking legitimate in your eyes? there was. use the search button you lazy faggot see above i think you will find lots of people have a problem with you 3rd world faggots.
the game has been a shitty place since your underground alliance decided to come back and grace such a small game with your cheating and selfish attitude ingame
its a shame GOC shutdown as that was the perfect place for you fuckheads to stay as it actually meant a fun legitimate round of SK. now the game has gone to utter shit. yeah no they were getting owned. i wasnt even active and still outgrowing them.
kind of funny how you reckon that bank farm is mine when i didnt even have probes for a majority of the round.
why the fuck would i make a bank farm when i couldnt rob it? this game has turned to shit since you faggots decided to start playing
i cant see it lasting the year if you retarded cunts stick around
As for the cheating and selfish attitude: RO haven't mde any multis, you and a couple of idiots with no proof what so ever are the only ones claiming this. Last round multying was Viva's, everybody who has a clue about what's going on in the game knows that too
If your "evidence of cheating" was legit, you'd have used the search button yourself and posted links a long time ago.
You just mad that good old players have returned to the game and made you realize you are sh1t at this game
I understand everything now, you're just mad you're bad
its no coincidence that the amount of random probe farms and bank farms increased when you third world faggots came back to play
on top of that the way underground alliances play in such a small game is pretty fucking weak
i like how you conveniently ignore the scanner that lovsan made which im sure he shared with his romanian mates
keep on killing the game m8
Scanners have existed for more than 12 years in SK dude, sorry you just learn't about this now. As for cheating, I've never seen anyone get KTd for using scanners. Back in the time when Kesha ran his, half the uni was in it. And from what I've seen in PFs there where even public scanners at some point.
As for "underground alliances" there are many out there and it's mostly friends playing together and it's never a problem unless they are made of good players like LFC xLTx RO and so on. When UA has strong players you always see people crying like you, it may not be fair, then again, life ain't fair and games are never fair bro, sorry
Edit: As for killing the game, there where thousands of players before. Only 200 max left nowadays: Game is already dead. You can blame Bcart for that
is this proof of cheating
News: http://oi60.tinypic.com/33p7k34.jpg
Jamm: http://oi61.tinypic.com/20js0ie.jpg
RTT: http://oi60.tinypic.com/rqwtnl.jpg
be more social, get friends, make UA, make multis, multi competition, rollout competition, WIN
or just troll like me and try not to give a damn :P
Cool, good to know
Am I a kt of shitty failed probes? I doubt it
you wanna keep defending cheaters go ahead, its obvious what you are doing now
GG moogle and your romanian retard friends
thanks for killing any joy that that the game had left
gotta lol at them all going quiet when i mention lovsans private scanner which is exactly like moo
i've got moog on speed dial, its up to him to see if he has to balls or not to do something in his own alliance for once this round
so this wasnt in defense of some cheaters? right right
underground alliances arent made of good players. they are made of players that take over different alliances and set a base for weak alliance activity. you wont hit a KT if its part of your faggot circlejerk and that is why the game is dead when you consider there is like 100 players
scanners arent legit, moo was a plague on the game until bcart took it down. lovsan was a regular user of it to make multis until it got taken down. its no surprise he'd want to make his own private scanner though.
you dont even deny that you are using a scanner.
cheaters galore
thanks for killing the game guys
don't have UAs = get KTed
cycle of sk
they will try out SK and make one mistake. next thing you know their SOM/SOK is doing the rounds between the retarded UAs
hey they dont give a fuck. these romanians live in filth anyway
the ip they had when i took the screen shot was different then the ip they matched in said screen shots
they modified their prefs after i posted and pm'd them, to have the correct IP address, and it also went up in RTT's prefs when as you can see in my screenshot he had nothing about it
so, wanna keep defending? you said its okay if they have it in prefs, k, my 8 siblings are playing next round and we can interact with eachother? Thats what you are saying right?? as long as its my prefs