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Disney/Redemption VS Stunners



  • also, I just saw sky. I guess we can just remain NAPed until either they are removed or bcart deletes them.
    Don't worry mate, it's understandable because the War threads pushed that one far down the list. Can't blame you for not seeing it. :)
    I see what you did thar hehehe
  • I want to say this, You guys totally fucked over 1:17. Every single alliance did, they got kicked and you guys decided to nap up. Over 21 defends so far, they are getting totally pillaged You guys fucked them over to not just cobras. So good job.
  • I want to say this, You guys totally fucked over 1:17. Every single alliance did, they got kicked and you guys decided to nap up. Over 21 defends so far, they are getting totally pillaged You guys fucked them over to not just cobras. So good job.
    I know i didnt help the situation with my grab but it was total bs that he got multi pked and even worse that Stunners threw out this entire sector. This was an active sector and you chose networth wh0res to replace them. Not smart.
  • I want to say this, You guys totally fucked over 1:17. Every single alliance did, they got kicked and you guys decided to nap up. Over 21 defends so far, they are getting totally pillaged You guys fucked them over to not just cobras. So good job.
    I know i didnt help the situation with my grab but it was total bs that he got multi pked and even worse that Stunners threw out this entire sector. This was an active sector and you chose networth wh0res to replace them. Not smart.
    I asked the SL to make his own alliance and NAP even during the war.
  • They have a time limit after being kicked from what i got told?
  • They have a time limit after being kicked from what i got told?
    It would be 12 hours if I remember correctly. I don't know when they were booted though.
  • They were booted the hour war broke out
  • I have really good timing. I woke up that hour and declared.
  • edited December 2013
    December 1, 10:05:41 The sector of 1:11 has joined your alliance.

    Still have just over five hours to go. :(
  • edited December 2013
    they will be joining Phantomz
    I had respect for Stunners until they took in 1:11 which everyone agreed was just a bunch of wh0res. good job letting the wh0res take the round. especially that USS guy. horrible NW wh0re.
  • Universal KT of 1:11?!?! I think so
  • Universal KT of 1:11?!?! I think so
    not with Stunners protecting them
  • edited December 2013
    KT Cory Newb before he gets out of control!
  • Fo
    I want to say this, You guys totally fucked over 1:17. Every single alliance did, they got kicked and you guys decided to nap up. Over 21 defends so far, they are getting totally pillaged You guys fucked them over to not just cobras. So good job.
    for the record, stunners fucked them over. I offered to house them until after the NAP phase, but they never replied, so its their own fault.
  • You can't join or do anything for 12 hours after being kicked
  • Aye, I noticed now. That's too bad.
  • if stunners didn't want to screw them

    they wouldn't have agreed to napping the universe. lol

    i mean sure naps are great for your alliance, especially this round where explore is 20%
    but it also royally fks over everyone without naps

    like 'peace' terms without naps, would have been enough
    telling the other alliances to nap up, is signing the death sentence for every sector without an alliance.

    i don't think cobras is that stupid, pretty sure he knew what he was doing.
  • Dear 1:11 wh0res,

    In the unlikelihood that I survive this war I'm going to make it my goal to grab each of you over and over for the rest of the round. I do not like wh0res
  • Ok i don't want to " " so many people so ill just type a new comment.

    1. 1:17 was not active at all...the 4th place sector in HOF was 2x as many points as them...they had like 4 active kingdoms...and btw all 4 said they understood moving them out because their sector sucked at helping with anything.
    2. The plan was they would move out and make a solo sector alliance and nap us so that our alliance wouldn't hit them or anything and we wanted to protect those 4 kds that did fight for us
    3. regarding protecting whores or trying to get top rank u are all fucking stupid :p if that was the case i would dropped sector 1:4 @ 8.5M rather than sector 1:17 @ was purely motivated on reloading actives not NW for the next eventual 3v1 war that would have come with or without 1:11...u can disagree but that was the reasoning behind the move.
    4. Regarding sector 1:17 getting shotgunned...i take 100% ownership of that...when we were making the switch, then got warred, then talk of uni naps to kill multis i just forgot about them being on an island for 12hrs and had i thought of it I woulda pushed the naps 12hrs and just had war i will own that!
    5. Regarding sector 1:17 and all the people that shotgunned them....FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! that goes for kds in my alliance too...and i will isolate MAL b/c of how he said it..."i felt bad" but then he did it anyone....FUCK are 100% correct you will not see the end of that rd b/c that attitude is worse than the NW whores you and I both hate...difference is i hate people that did what you did more you asshole...and that goes for anyone that did what you did, you are just the only one that said anything in this topic
  • ignoring the fact that people feel pissed off at being betrayed for a sector of NW whores
  • ignoring the fact that people feel pissed off at being betrayed for a sector of NW whores
    well that comment is ignoring the fact that i said those 4 actives all told me they understood and would still support us after the move...they were not pissed off...i am sure disappointed because noone wants to be booted but also very understanding that it was best for us and that they could make their own alliance and be kinda our 4kd "6th man"

  • they would still support you after the move yet they've joined Phantomz?
  • they would still support you after the move yet they've joined Phantomz?
    the plan was for them to make their own alliance...things got changed when they had kds like madvillian had 13 defends today and harley was basically suicide broken...all 4 have got msgs from me after the disaster today and all 4 said basically it wasn't my fault the uni sucks...joining phantomz I assume would be more about instantly gaining access to uni naps...not saying they won't stay now...but that was not the original plan...and the original plan they were ok with

    but that unfortunately flys in the face of the narrative shared by most on here
  • I'm still trying to figure out how you think having a sister alliance is okay.
  • I'm still trying to figure out how you think having a sister alliance is okay.
    if by sister alliance u mean 1 sector with 4 kds that are active then sure ;)
  • edited December 2013
    Yep, that works. Because you really don't plan on it gaining any other sectors... But don't worry, I also think Tyrsis is a retard for allying Phantomz. Bunch of morons ALing this round.
  • Can the mods please edit everything Viva writes please, i feel like i lose braincells every time i read and i don't got that many spare.
  • Can the mods please edit everything Viva writes please, i feel like i lose braincells every time i read and i don't got that many spare.
    I am Rohan, and I approve this message.
  • edited December 2013
    @Tyrsis My sector left Greatness to join what would become WarpGate... we had like, 3 of the biggest hitters and a few hof whores besides haha. Unless you werent the AL, then nvm.

    Every AL is guilty of swapping useless sectors after war ends... dunno why people make a fuss over it. Drop your dead weight, you dont get bonus points for fighting with useless kingdoms.
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