Dear Anti-Turtles,
Hello Anti-Turtles! It has come to my attention that many of you are feeling depressed and even having thoughts of suicide. You feel like no one likes you and that no matter what you do everyone is out to get you. Well I have some great news for you!
I have been getting the distinct feeling that the more you cry the more you think things will get better. You are wrong. In fact, the more you cry the more players like myself will be inclined to grab you. If you do no build defense, we will grab you and keep grabbing you until you are dead.
This is just a friendly reminder from one of your fellow star explorers to please shut the fuck up and build defense or die.
Home Leader War Leader #1 War Leader #2 War Leader #3 War Leader #4
Soldiers 139 0 0 0 0
Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Dragoons 10,645 9,531 7,605 0 0
Fighters 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Dragoons 9,561 0 0 0 0
Tanks 7,998 0 0 0 0
Prime example.
Planets: 4,870
Networth: 1,219,590
Honor: 3,229
Platinum: 90,664
Power: 656,000
Population: 67,987
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Desert Wasteland
Soldiers: 10
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 57,845
Fighters: 0
Laser Troopers: 0
Laser Dragoons: 25,787
Tanks: 11,786
Scientists: Unknown
Probes: Unknown
No random bonuses
No sector states
No sector enhancements
and all planet types are back to their original
Basically a copy of v1 & v1.1
this would really seperate the scrubs from the pros
I couldn't agree more with what Neg just posted. I've asked for a very long time for v1 to run on server 2. People try to argue that and say no v1 had bugs, BCart doesn't have the time to redo it, etc.
That was dw when I started playing...
What was v1 like?
So.. The dws that have more offense than defense have made a bet that they can grab more than they can be grabbed or the fear of being grabbed will deter most from grabbing them. Therefore if they choose this tactic, they choose the consequences.. Whatever that may be..
DW was always a good late game planet type and these days it's good in the early game as well.
so many people just got caught up in the hype this round that they could break anyone they wanted.
probably 50% - 70% of the DW population were eventually sent back to reality :P
none of this goon shit