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why you so good [she]

edited November 2011 in General
KTing anything that has the potential to be a threat before it gets out of hand and have the power to do so



  • HG is still alive so they failed at that.

    He'll get top 5 offense
  • HG is still alive so they failed at that.

    He'll get top 5 offense
  • If we had been trying to kill a threat we would have had more activity.
  • Dont think PR even tried to kt gmt, nothing happened on their side probably due to their lazy AL and lazy activity (12 sabos). Plus atari's activity was crappy, pretty sure every update on top scores he was still growing, really had no effect at all.

    The reason why I made this goes way more not into what had happened to me, but into what the current players are doing.

    Alliances do take out top players, only when there is legitimate reasons followed by their alliance rules and guidelines. This allows the people who dedicate their time to this game show, as the people who want to try and gain an unfair advantage shouldnt be shown as with those who dedicate much more time. The alliances should uphold to their rules and keep it in a political fashion to have class, and to have honour in their ruling. That has always been the tradition from the past; people ktd for farming, multi-ing, clicking, cheating, bankfarming, using opera log in farming, sharing, rr, etc, as what is contained in the majority of guidelines. These guidelines are the rules these alliances are willing to put their alliance, their people, their alliancemates on the line for.

    What I have seen this round, there really hasnt been any kind of civility of these alliances. They kt for "reasons" that have no basis, the kind people should respect. Making up arbitrary reasons that does not represent anything other than half-lies and idiocy by the same people who have played for so long that should know better. I really don't remember a condition that people have been ktd just for having the potential of being a threat. In war it ofc happens, but to start a war for this? Sure it can happen, thats what SK is about. Though it doesn't represent a real alliance, since it lacks goals, politics, and playing for the better of SK. This shows the corruption of the few choice words the leaders have, controlling the alliance how they want and what they want to do with it. Its more of a corruption and a reason why the "new age ALs" today lack all the respect of the previous alliances. These current alliances lack all the qualities of a real alliance.

    Only real problem that caused this is from the SK community in general not actually communicating with everyone. Not many visit the PFs, most don't prepare alliances with their goals in their messages, or goals of what they want to accomplish for the round. Not many want to AL in this day, and if an alliance is made, most hop on board to provide protection and an inactive war which benefits them. These alliance are created just to be there, and they really shouldn't be. Most just shrug it off like its no big deal, but it really is. When people do join an alliance, some join with their friends and some join just to hide under the name and grow big. This gives the AL power to do what they want, and if they are of the current generation AL, they don't know the complexity of being a real AL, upholding the values or even knowing what alliance rules are. They are allowed to do whatever they want, and the playerbase will suffer from their barbaric activity.

    Since the playerbase is so much smaller, only a couple of alliances are made with the majority of random ALs who just make because. Since most players don't have an aptitude on what alliances could be good or not (Since no recurring alliances anymore, and most of their friends don't really have a go-to alliance). Its all a random chance at what alliance could or could not be good (Unless someone obviously states out they are ALing, and based on their credit people will flock or run away from them). So if the alliance gets lucky and obtains good players, the AL will feel more in power and willing to do more extreme goals, such as doing stunts which they can get away with (AKA taking players out, even saw 1:9 players possibly being kt'd by she just cause they actually did 1 hit on a crap defended kingdom).

    Due to this, we have what we have today, alliances doing whatever they want. She and Nexus is more based on the NW Whore situation on trying to kill off all the possible threats so they can gain #1 NW with ease. This game is backtracking to the days of when SK was without alliances. Soon people will just have 1 sector alliances, creating them to insta war other 1 sector alliances to break, then insta leave their alliances and wait until the next breakthrough. The melee free for all skirmish where every SL is an AL doing their own goals of whatever it may be. Could this be good? Definitely makes the game more idiotic.


    Im all for playing, but atleast play oldschool. Its more fun.

  • TL:DR

    Flazer makes a spot on post in which all the new people that lead alliances wont even read.
  • I could go on and on but i decided i kept it short LOL
  • edited November 2011
    alliance did kt war abusers, when I was AL a couple times we had to do that. it was messy business, even ktd a good friend due to it (he was trying to bug me not to for a long time) but eventually they were ktd.

    and ofc, I just like mentioning she now because they are the epitome of it, by far :-p

    there were also kts of people being on the lt-safelist, people using lt scanners, many different reasons. Now its just because "Im a top player, I dont want to die so you die!" (or top players telling their als they dont want certain player living).

    I remember when I was the only top player of Zodiac (TKREidolon's alliance r13) and we hated each other's guts, but it was a very political mess about it. I was trapped in his alliance (By 2 affinity groups lewl) and he wanted to destroy source, just because their warchief got smashed up by relevence who was in source. (They wanted to declare war on source, which was a much lower rank, AND after source just had a 1 week war with gravity(Won btw :-p))

    They lacked the honour and respect for another alliance just because a crap kingdom in their alliance got hit(Who just massed goons afterwards to try and smash rel back).

    Lets just say it ended up being fadetoblack defending source, I eventually got to convince the affinity dudes to love source and I fought hard for my real alliance, me prosnow and polar smashed up tkreidolon by ourselves to death.

    Fadetoblack's alliance that round was a bit of a wh0re alliance, but it did honour the alliance respect for each other, compared to the ones with noob ALs who don't know crap all.
  • edited November 2011
    Once again...we have not declared on anyone. This is a war game, and people continue to complain when they attack some1 bigger and lose. Or when they declare on top alliance thinking its gonna be 2v1 but some1 else steps in to even it up, and they get asses handed to them. So they come on the pf's and cry about it.
  • Okay we'll just let you kt our players, we won't put up any resistance.

    Hey scrub maybe you might be have some reputation if you cut off your arm at a bank, maybe then people might give a care about you, then maybe you can try to rob the bank with your cut off arm, then flail it at the police so they can show some dirt on your worthless existence.

    Maybe once they shoot you, you will have proven yourself to be worth as much as the dead scum with no arm, because only then, its worth more than whatever you can ever be.

    I will always be and will be known better than you. You are a crap shit player who no reputation, credit, or skill. No one bothers themselves with from your studitiy that knows no bounds. You aren't worth anyone's time, so go get yourself shot scumbag. You are worse than kareem's scum in the mildew on the side of the barrel.

    You are the meaning of what a failure in life is.
  • Okay we'll just let you kt our players, we won't put up any resistance.

    Hey scrub maybe you might be have some reputation if you cut off your arm at a bank, maybe then people might give a care about you, then maybe you can try to rob the bank with your cut off arm, then flail it at the police so they can show some dirt on your worthless existence.

    Maybe once they shoot you, you will have proven yourself to be worth as much as the dead scum with no arm, because only then, its worth more than whatever you can ever be.

    I will always be and will be known better than you. You are a crap shit player who no reputation, credit, or skill. No one bothers themselves with from your studitiy that knows no bounds. You aren't worth anyone's time, so go get yourself shot scumbag. You are worse than kareem's scum in the mildew on the side of the barrel.

    You are the meaning of what a failure in life is.
    +1 plus what you have been saying in this thread.
  • No rep yet im still playing :D while your dead. Enjoy your month off.
  • You aren't dead because you're not a threat. Enjoy your futility.
  • There is a reason why no one bothers with you.
  • You aren't dead because you're not a threat. Enjoy your futility.
  • Well, I haven't played in a long time. But I agree with Flazer... Alliances nowadays lacks civility... they KT because they can and because they are big and they show that they can do whatever they want. Case point is this message posted in the AFs.

    Finding Nemo (1:11)


    Subject: Just got youself posted.. Sent on November 19, 17:05:16
    We was content to let you guys go. Now you will be posted as free land and any1 who wants can hit you as much as they want.

    Oh i hit someone back for grabbing my sector mate thats why i got the message

    So big KDs KT smaller KDs because they were able to do a fair grab. @_@

  • edited November 2011
    As far as i know about that situation, we was planning on focusing on 1:9 for war abuse and not messing with you guys, but then u go and start war abusing on so now you will be posted as free land to be taken by anyone.

    oh and u got that msg because ur sector mate had 1k tanks 6k lts and 34k soldiers, he disbanned and u still retalled a hit.
  • Its ok. Im just pointing out the difference of the OLD and NEW alliances. Im talking about civility. that messaged just shows how big KDs nowadays are treating smaller KDs. Reason is because is they can and no one to touch them.

    Its what we call power tripping. :)
  • Who is this Chaoticx guy? Leader of she? I've never heard of him before.

    Serious question.

    - Natso
  • Who is this Chaoticx guy? Leader of she? I've never heard of him before.

    Serious question.

    - Natso
    Nobody knows, or cares.
  • edited November 2011

    Its power tripping. :)
  • edited November 2011
    November 16, 16:20:20 Our kingdom MMyuki (1:9) bravely defended against Zveris King of War (1:4) and lost 250 planets.
    November 18, 10:54:59 Our brave kingdom Yuengling Lager (1:9) attacked Zveris King of War (1:4) and conquered 254 planets.

    November 17, 13:31:11 Our brave kingdom Yuengling Lager (1:9) attacked Rooibos Tea (1:15) and conquered 202 planets.

    November 15, 08:46:20 Our kingdom Unstable (1:9) bravely defended against BassLine (1:11) and lost 148 planets.
    November 18, 19:05:50 Our brave kingdom Yuengling Lager (1:9) attacked BassLine (1:11) and conquered 199 planets.

    November 11, 04:39:21 Our kingdom Tof (1:9) bravely defended against KSevas (1:17) and lost 130 planets.
    November 19, 10:15:25 Our brave kingdom Yuengling Lager (1:9) attacked KSevas (1:17) and conquered 205 planets.

    November 19, 05:34:29 Our brave kingdom Dirt Devil (1:9) attacked Firewater (1:3) and conquered 320 planets.
    November 19, 06:01:30 Our brave kingdom Old Spice (1:9) attacked Firewater (1:3) and conquered 290 planets.
    November 19, 13:37:10 Our brave kingdom One Piece (1:9) attacked Firewater (1:3) and conquered 276 planets.

    Pre Hits, Firewater was around a 175 ratio

    November 19, 05:32:10 Firewater (1:3) Spy on Military The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:

    Home Leader War Leader #1 War Leader #2 War Leader #3 War Leader #4
    Soldiers 4,113 0 0 0 0
    Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
    Dragoons 0 0 0 0 0
    Fighters 0 0 0 0 0
    Laser Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
    Laser Dragoons 12,160 0 0 0 0
    Tanks 4,306 9 0 0 0
    Tactical Fighters 4,061 1,905

    So out of all that... there was 4 hits made on your alliance that weren't retals.

    3 were hits on a hugely underdefended kd

    1 was on a regular kd

    And you can't call it "war abuse" Just because your alliance is at war doesn't mean no one else can touch you. I always thought "war abuse" was when you attack a kd your alliance is at war with to gain bonuses rather than helping your alliance kt's. I never knew you could be "war abused" by a sector/alliance that has no relation with you whatsoever.

    Is the new rule next round... 1 robbing=1retal, 2 robbings=kt?

    On that note, does that mean that 1:9 is able to kt Zveris 1:4 and BassLine 1:11 because they "war abused" them?
  • Can someone update me on who chaotix is and what she is. I'm very confused. I'm in the alliance and they posted a kt for a kd in an alliance that She declared peace on. I know AL's do the wg thing themselves nowadays or something but this isn't the only crazy thing I've seen this round.
  • edited November 2011
    I find it weird people consider war abuse in war, not inactive war, but actual war.

    They complain about being "war abused" etc etc etc. I try to tell them (in Nexus) that you cant war abuse in an actual war, it just makes no sense.

    They all call me a troll and just ignore me :-p

    Well another problem with players nowadays, everyone believes they are right, and the moment when a devil`s advocate shows up, they go ignore mode, learn nothing of what the game is about, and try to cuss at you for trying to prove them wrong :-p

    Its what sk boils too, people need to loosen up, suck in their damn egos and accept the fact that there is always room for learning and doing better.

    If you have played for 10 years, then if you grasp the understanding of understanding, you would be a top player. If you haven`t, you are either too lazy or just a failure caused by your own faults.
  • edited November 2011
    Im just a random in she, but Yueling we have that info in our forums as well, all but like 2 of those are during war.(ur not showing all the random ones of course, but thats to be expected). You cant save stuff from the 11th and then retal them on the 18th and say its all good.
  • Can someone update me on who chaotix is and what she is. I'm very confused. I'm in the alliance and they posted a kt for a kd in an alliance that She declared peace on. I know AL's do the wg thing themselves nowadays or something but this isn't the only crazy thing I've seen this round.
    They took away my mod powers now that war is over :(

  • Oh also you guys in control of alliances this round continue doing whatever it is you want to do. Just remember there will be consequences if you overstep your boundaries.
  • edited November 2011
    I consequenced your mod powers away from you!
  • There is more to the game then land and NW guys.

    It's about playing the people - making hits on the right people that won't kick up a stink, being liked by the stronger alliance etc

    You play the game by pissing off people then you better have the same amount of people on your side ready to fight.

    It's always been like this so don't kick up a stink now.

  • And you can't call it "war abuse" Just because your alliance is at war doesn't mean no one else can touch you. I always thought "war abuse" was when you attack a kd your alliance is at war with to gain bonuses rather than helping your alliance kt's. I never knew you could be "war abused" by a sector/alliance that has no relation with you whatsoever.

    Is the new rule next round... 1 robbing=1retal, 2 robbings=kt?

    On that note, does that mean that 1:9 is able to kt Zveris 1:4 and BassLine 1:11 because they "war abused" them?

    Any AL who thinks that because they are at war they have a right to be immune from neutral alliances is a retard and a shit player who doesnt know enough about SK to be leading. War abuse is as you described (even that is stupid because its war, anything should go)

    Lead a proper alliance and stay around one round flazer, I know a few of us would be interested in joining to smash these recent noob ALs up.

  • oh fuck off qwj

    you've never smashed anyone up except your wife after a few too many drinks.
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