list bots hear. so we can think about killing them off asap .I notice kesha bots in g 2 . mm one even has my Name lol.
I don't really care who it is as we just go round in circles all the time
just thought it would be good to get them listed from square one.
there you go, listed!
Viva, Just have Dank The legendary,show you how he fights bots with bots like a boss
Problem solved.
I put this thread he so people can list them hear ( if some on can then please do so )
I will kill them the first opportunity I have.
Your a horrible friend.
I'm playing this game.
Nope I will never back stab dank as a person
I like him a lot .
he has not been linked with the bots. he may talk about it but he has not been linked. so he's not guilty
I blame. lynog .
"Stop sucking cock,meth head"
Just for a change of pace yea?
but lynog your obviously again protecting the bots. which is wrong so your obviously the bot user
Yeah Kesha never heard of me only known him 12 years.
Don't try to BS ppl and act like if Kesha had agreed to your bribe you wouldn't be using em.
agreed. and he does not attend pre arranged fights what he organised