After letting him know people will be gunning for his alliance next round I received this, which he then denied instantly.
November 24, 14:29:47 vivalala (1:6) we shall see but if ppl have vendettas against me then its truely pathetic
November 24, 14:33:14 Aftershock (1:5) did you just pm me saying you will create a 200 kd bot army next round hahah?
November 24, 14:33:16 Aftershock (1:5) wow
November 24, 14:33:46 vivalala (1:6) stop lieing.
November 24, 14:33:59 Aftershock (1:5) myself and a certain ?????? will create a 200 b?? army next round
November 24, 14:34:04 Aftershock (1:5) if it kicks off from square one
November 24, 14:34:12 Aftershock (1:5) what does that mean?
November 24, 14:35:32 vivalala (1:6) dunno you tell me. clutching ag straws again
November 24, 14:36:13 vivalala (1:6) you have problem s with lieing
November 24, 14:37:45 Aftershock (1:5) take your act to someone who cares mate
November 24, 14:37:47 Aftershock (1:5) you are boring me
November 24, 14:38:06 vivalala (1:6) stop lieing plzz
November 24, 14:38:38 Aftershock (1:5) *yawn
Anyone who follows this guy is an idiot. Just putting this here for the ALs to see, this guy denied using the bots.
u threatened me. that simply means nothing
if that was taken to court as a letter they would laugh at you
stop stirring trouble
what's wrong with that ???
2 big alliances
basically your threatening me for next round. its pathetic mate
very low
each rounds different
I won't ever create bots
.I swear down.
I will be the first to kill them
it's amazing how they spread roumers they need to grow up asap
not a fair comment
I would not even no how to even make them. I am not geeky enough. I am rubbish on computers
and there person who controlled the bots this round should come out. it's not my place to shout his name about. I want no links to it
and again Bcart is to blame
just like towing qwj up.
I enjoy being kt'd because atleast i can buy time for someone else in alliance but vivas bragging and denial of facts has left a bad taste in my mouth and i can't change my opinion of him. If you ask monkey I am sitll cordial with him and friendly, and I give you a hard time dank because I disagree with the KT on pie when he didn't even want to be AL or have pass.
agreed k2
lynog is to blame but ppl are scared of him
so try and frame me
which kingdom where you mate ??? sorry
it's just banter
it's a game remember ppl not real life
lol people say I kill the game. I bring the thing to life
it's like a bloody grave yard half the time
lol and you did accuse him of being 2ndC or some rubish I believe, pie tried to stop people from hitting but its just impossible to do with that many kingdoms when you have 5 alliances with war status.
I second that valid statement