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Uni Wins



  • pospos
    edited November 2012
    u must be new here kayx

    tyrsis is allowed to go around and accuse anyone of cheating without proof infact its expected
  • Yeah of course, just cause someone has cheated a dozen times doesnt mean you have any reason to say they are suspicious.
  • Kayx dont take zeal seriously he is just some forum nerd
  • I really suck st FPS.
    Get owned hard in Counter Strike.
    CS is a brutal, unforgiving game, which is why it's so addictive because you're constantly trying to get better.Only girls play CoD though.
  • Ok adam let me spell it out for you.... logical argument means an argument that makes sense.... obviously my gripe is that none of the arguments make sense....

    it just seems to me that there is a grasping of straws trying to legitimize a reignition of hostilities (and this swings both ways)... whoever wants to fight quit being a bunch of whiney b1tches crying "so and so cheated" or "they hit me controle your disolved alliance" and such bullshit..

    this is a war game you don't need a reason to fight. But if your going to come up with one do better than "oh they must have cheated bc some suspected past bs".

    Because it sounds to me your all looking for excuses as to why your perfect little kds couldn't take the heat. get over yourselves and quit crying foul just cause u think no one can legitimatly touch your awesomeness... you don't need an excuse to loose a war sometimes its how the dice roll and sometimes its hell to fend off the entire uni.
  • You tell em Kayx. The 6000+ buildings that were sabo'd and arson'd from 1:5 by kingdoms with matching IPs were just an office of co-workers.
  • You tell em Kayx. The 6000+ buildings that were sabo'd and arson'd from 1:5 by kingdoms with matching IPs were just an office of co-workers.
    Which thread is that in? We'd literally need an office building to hardcopy index this round at this point. Time to start referencing folks.
  • pospos
    edited November 2012
    You tell em Kayx. The 6000+ buildings that were sabo'd and arson'd from 1:5 by kingdoms with matching IPs were just an office of co-workers.
    ill tell mrjafool to use that one next time

    who keep in mind is still alive and was a proven warpgate cheater
  • Why didnt you guys KT him? Or were we supposed to do it while you were killing us?
  • You tell em Kayx. The 6000+ buildings that were sabo'd and arson'd from 1:5 by kingdoms with matching IPs were just an office of co-workers.
    OH MY GOD SOMEONE CHEATED.... lets kill 1:14

    Really wtf zeal... you are a smart guy and i get the impression your a straight edge player like me and i get ur suspicious....

    but rly saying my whole.sector has to die bc a couple dudes.cheated in some past game and there happenes to be a multi in the verse.... come on.
  • Oh what? I never said 1:14 had to die haha, im saying I dont think Moonlight and Lovsan are innocent. Hell, I even said K2 should live :p
  • edited November 2012
    Dank is one of the few legit players around
    Coming from an annoying orange i cant help but read that as sarcasm
    Two options I am either the best cheater as I am never busted or... I am actually legit.
  • just letting you guys know, every round lovsan and or moonlight play, every single round, they say they dont cheat, then pops in a sector full of multies they own every single time
  • Btw when a war ends, random grabs will happen. Not my fault you botched concentrated on offense only instead of defense, you had to know the war would end. Please stop crying to pos so that he will stop crying in uni. There's been a couple random grabs in my sector and if anyone cried to me. I would tell them to build defense.
  • edited November 2012
    just letting you guys know, every round lovsan and or moonlight play, every single round, they say they dont cheat, then pops in a sector full of multies they own every single time
    It depends if we apply logic or universal rules. The enemy didn't play by either. So let's default to Scouse LT logic. Oh it is a bot. Give those kingdoms immunity do not try to stop them they'll just kill everyone in response. In fact we should praise Kesha for not being a nuisance himself. Is you mad bro cuz caring is stupid we will just laugh and taunt you. Thank you for a fair and balanced round Kesha sir.
  • Sooooo Uni hasn't won yet because the war is still going because we made some hits? Or is the Uni just being a massive cunts for no reason? Or was it that pos is having a big cry because he got hit and got on his knees to blow Viva for war again?

    Just so I'm clear on how retarded the coalition is....
  • One of the former WG KDs made a hit shortly after a ceasefire was called. Then war was declared on three sectors. Sounds like the retardation wasn't discriminatory towards one side.
  • hits were flying from all sides lets not make it sound like wg was the only people hitting.

    To be fair this is the real reasoning,

    1. Shazam (1:12) hit pos (1:12 was allianceless at the time)
    2. Debatable snap in 1:10 hit kitten at 8:45 sk time, ceasefire was either called shortly before or shortly after on the forums hard to tell if word had reached anyone at that point.
    3. POS blamed shazam and said that he is ause for the new war, so they declare on Tyrisis and say hes to blame for not putting naps up (he had infact napped the puppy sector as to avoid hits, idk if he napped os or not)
    4. Tyrsis did not want his alliance to be farmed (since 2 alliances declared on 2 sectors its not hard to see farming was going to ensue) and disbanded
    5. War restarted because of these events
  • edited November 2012
    7 minutes after we exchanged messages, viva and myself, one of the KD's in one of our sectors made a hit. 3 minutes later his SL messaged to stop all hits. I don't know what fantasy world you guys live in but have 5 independent sectors with slow communication lines has a lag effect.

    Ever heard of the battle of New Orleans? Andrew Jackson fought the last battle against the British after a ceasefire had been called because of slow communication.
  • So basic Uni are the bad guys abusing there power.
    Just remember pos your nothing without everyone else's help so just think about how you would get raped if it weren't for them. So if I were you I'd get off your high horse before your left out to dry. Know your place
  • I'll try to shed two tears for you guys.

    Now you can recontinue the war and actually win it, dumbasses.
  • will smith 1.11

    Dead dead dead
  • bumping this up so u faggots dont forget it
  • edited November 2012
    100 useless posts for this thread! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

    Important below
  • Fuckoff with the link
  • Id rather gears succeeded than SK continue as a botland. I just dont see it happening though
  • Spamming the link in every topic like a retard isnt going to help :-|
  • Yea stop spamming that link we want to be able to use our multis on people on sk!
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