I for one think alliances are currently useless with the way Bcart fills sectors... Too easy to stack 1 alliance and leave the others under manned. Then just causes a uni vs stacked alliance war... Retarded, As its the same every round now.Not to mention single kds stuck out in G3... I mean no one will deliver pizza that far out so your fcked from the get.
Didn't Beans game fill sectors completely before moving to the next? I think that should be applied here in SK if possible.
Also Cart you need to run an inactive script (50-100) kds every like 2 weeks so newbs can catch up and players don't have to multi, which 9:10 turns into abuse of said multis and....FCK!
And finally Bcart, You need to suck up your pride, or kick your laziness or w/e and implement a few of the hundreds of fixes I know you have been given in regards to scanning for multis etc. And for fcks sake man you make like $100 a month of this game, least you can do is run a kd and moderate like you should, I mean you are getting PAID right? You can do more then reset the server man...
also its not even stacking, if you get 4-5 premiums its easy to take SL in the 5 sectors and persuade them to go to the alliance, other ALs just need to do the same
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I get anime too :P But fck public forums ill still play as long as I don't have to chase multis anymore
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^^ Doki
Tried you on aim and in GC.. no luck tho, lemme know if there's anything a non programmer knucklehead can assist with
also fix this!
You can't vote for yourself if there are more than 3 kingdoms in your sector.
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/www/gearsofconquest.com/u1/politics.ini.php on line 40
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/www/gearsofconquest.com/u1/politics.ini.php on line 40