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!!ATTN: Seeking asian help!!



  • teach me the ways default. How you want to get ahold of me?

    Right now I've had success doing protoss. I'm getting good at the macro, the chrono boosts and stuff. I just pump out zealots till stalkers then mass stalkers. Meajwhile I get a ton of immortals until colossi then I get some of those and this is usually a win. If I see they are focussing heavy air I grab a few phoenixes then. I'm faster to building this stuff than almost all the people I come across so it's usually an easy win but i know this won't work for long.

    Also worked on hotkeys a lot and got the shift click orders down pretty well too
  • 4gate is hilarious. As of a year or so ago, it was still a reliable strat in platinum 1v1's, but its a tad boring.

    As for rushes... they forego economy in favour of a quick win, so if you can deflect their initial burst, you should be setup to out-macro them.
    Similar to SK where people who go antiturtle out of noob get surpassed by someone who turtled.

    This all applies to lower leagues, but if you make it to the highest leagues you wont be asking for help here anyay ;)
  • i'll have to see how to do it. i've been steady rank 8 for a while
  • Alright I've been watching a lot of how players work after a rush and you're right. They fall behind a lot in macro. If I deflect a quick ling rush i know it's a win.

    I'm having problems with air units though. As protoss, Phoenixs are absolute crap. I've only used them to chase around overlords. If a Terran masses battle cruisers it's always gg. But having a lot of stalked doesn't seem to be a good answer either but it's all I can do usually.
  • I'm with SB on this one default is a cunt who lost.

    Sucks to lose to a white man doesn't it faggot boy?
  • Shouldnt have time to mass cruisers, if you keep pressure on them they wont be able to keep the economy needed to make an army of them. Most of my losses came from players who kept harrassing me, and as such distracted me. They were better at multitasking so they still built a solid zealot/stalker/templar army whilst i was rebuilding workers n shit :(
  • Ok. That game happened where we were both spent in a stalemate but I was much more resource starved and he could just sit around and mass and I couldn't do a thin it felt like. I overlooked the game and there were good opportunitites to hit his satellite centers hard.

    When so you get promoted? I'm rank 4 and rising and winning about 9/10 of my games. My rate is now around 70% and getting better. But the game isn't making me go against other leagues. In fact, all of my games are against people that I'm slightly favored against for the last five. How the hell am I supposed to improve when this happens.
  • Mal I'm honestly a little offended that you want to learn from a known hacker who can't beat me with hacks, and lies on the forums? Want proof? DT never beat me in a 1v1 as he implies, ask him.

    w/e dude, gl improving. Let me know if you actually want to step your game up.
  • Why doesn't someone just post the replay instead of playing the smug shit game?
  • It was posted aawhile ago wasnt it? Default kept looking at shit thru the fog that he couldnt possibly have known was there.
  • meh.

    I'm just basing my preference in tutors on two things:

    1. He's asian.

    2. He's a better at sk than you are.

    Also, Zeality is the shit and has offered lots of good advice here as well.
  • It was posted aawhile ago wasnt it? Default kept looking at shit thru the fog that he couldnt possibly have known was there.
    It was posted here a while ago, as well on teamliquid. Maybe I'll go bring it up again.

    Mal what a joke. He's better at SK than me, so he's better at sc2? Please. I haven't played sc2 in about 3 weeks now, and HotS beta in about 2. Send me anybody you know and I'll still stomp the shit out of them, including default.
  • Mal. You don't need any attention seeking help you little whore.

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