gratz bud, even though I already said it lol. might be time for another thread full of baby pics. I haven't posted a pic of my daughter since she was born and she's 3 now lol
Seriously, if you live in NY and want to start a 529 plan for college, let me know I can point you towards the right direction/agencies. Awesome tax deductions.
Nah congrats buddy, hope it all goes well
18 years of debt FCKin yay!
Best wishes
Otherwise goodluck, Mr. and Mrs. Jester!
everyone knows that.
and lynog, he won't play for a year or two.
nsg. I would if I was in ny. live in Montana here.
thaks everyone. no baby yet, but tonight for sure
8 lbs 13 oz.
duno if you have mentioned it but boy or girl?