You must be trolling dank or you really are stupid. Aggressive multis are more of a threat tham a turtle that doesnt even roll actives nevermind multi kill. In a perfect world kesha wouldmt be here, but im perfectly content to kill all multies. His main however has proven to never be an issue, thats all im sayin.
You guys are so full of yourselves. You're the worst kinds of people. You want to yell at everyone else for what they're doing and tell them how to run their show, but you won't do anything to resolve your own issues. Instead you'll bank off them.
Oh I can bring it to the next level. If you think my being here in the pfs has become frequent wait until I'm motivated. I'll spank all your asses don't doubt it. I'll go purchase a bot and you can sit here telling me my main isn't a threat.
My one time attempt at sanity -Tyrsis if your pushing this you are a fuckkng joke. Lux or any other AL that would have followed him is equally a joke. Rank 1 is 500k, would that be a new record on a uni gangbang. -Lux had been asked about anti turtles a day prior and amog was posted as Lux was messaged by Epic as soon as amog made his last hit, was at 2.7k tank def and 11k goons, clearly another pro amog kd -I love the people that demand every round that the Kesha kd should be killed off the bat. What makes that kd any more special then any other multi that has his IP? To my knowledge that kd has never attacked or probed anything, so why should he be killed as a priority over a multi who has actively damaged a kd?
Now let me put in my 2 cents. A day earlier we discussed anti turtling and what should be done. The result was that anti turtling isnt punishable as it is simply a planet strat. If they wanna build low defence then they can expect to be grabbed but still fall under GB rules. We never came to the conclusion, that should they play aggressive, that they are to be KT'd. Upon learning of your KT on Amog, you even came clear Atmosphere that the big reason you are KTing Amog is simply because you guys are still butthurt from his domination last round.
Domination? Ha, I told you amog wanted to roll me cause be knew I was unhappy with how he ran round and id roll him if I saw him.
As for this round "they get what they have coming for them" as well as this champ quote " if they have the comparable defence of someone their size who is open (50% def) then they are go by the same rules as open kds " Do you have gangbang restrictions for open kds? Or am I just really confused when it comes to your definitions
Problem is this he isn't a threat to YOU. He's a threat to anyone that isn't in your little crew and that's the real issue.
Show me who his main has hit. Whats that? You can't? Oh... Sux. I love the irony of you saying we dont need to worry about kesha. Reaaaaally? Ill elaborate if needed but that solidifies your stupidity.
Oh you think it's okay for Kesha to cheat well how about I just hack your account and flip you the bird. Maybe I'll go pay some Chinese kid to program a bot for me for twenty bucks. You posers are 100% fake coming here talking about rules.
Im Chinese. I dont work for twenty bucks though. x100 and I might consider.
It wasn't trolling I asked a simple question and I'm waiting on it to be answered by Epic leadership. You guys really don't need to continue posting. Nobody gives a flying fk about AMOG. I think Kesha is a bigger issue. Sup with Epic is Kesha free land or will you protect him?
Didn't mean to insult the Chinese Lew's but you know what I'm saying. I can go get a freelancer to do this for me and it won't cost that much. If it is okay to use bots and I can keep playing my main then why not. Hell, not my fault if every FC member has 50 automated accounts and we hold open registration.
It wasn't trolling I asked a simple question and I'm waiting on it to be answered by Epic leadership. You guys really don't need to continue posting. Nobody gives a flying fk about AMOG. I think Kesha is a bigger issue. Sup with Epic is Kesha free land or will you protect him?
Didn't mean to insult the Chinese Lew's but you know what I'm saying. I can go get a freelancer to do this for me and it won't cost that much. If it is okay to use bots and I can keep playing my main then why not. Hell, not my fault if every FC member has 50 automated accounts and we hold open registration.
I'm not insulted. I just demand a much higher price than my fellow countrymen, and unlike them, I am very much unreliable.
If you guys think this isn't playing nice then you should have seen what politics were like when there were 40 galaxies. That's the problem with you new kids. We leaders acted as gentlemen when it came to politics. But we were even fiercer. You all hide behind you multies, farms and bots. Its pathetic.
You wonder why all of the great players left. At risk of insulting myself, they wouldn't stoop to this pathetic level you all call politics. Sad really.
It's not that I post a lot either you people don't post enough. I used to get drowned out with birds chirpin. I'd be on page 3 by now in a buried thread with no response.
A day earlier we discussed anti turtling and what should be done. The result was that anti turtling isnt punishable as it is simply a planet strat. If they wanna build low defence then they can expect to be grabbed but still fall under GB rules.
DO NOT come back to SK and try to enforce these shitty bottom feeder alliance rules. Antiturtles DO NOT come under GB protection and I hope if you do try and protect any you get your alliance destroyed.
That being said, on the point of the OP its obvious how the round will go unless people deal with epic :-))
Uni GBs are gay but its better than being farmed all round Not saying its stacked because sk is so small but considering most of the players I know in epic usually try hard to land in their own sector in g2 its lucky they all landed in 1:1 - 1:5 ... hmmm, lets just say "carefully planned"
A day earlier we discussed anti turtling and what should be done. The result was that anti turtling isnt punishable as it is simply a planet strat. If they wanna build low defence then they can expect to be grabbed but still fall under GB rules.
DO NOT come back to SK and try to enforce these shitty bottom feeder alliance rules. Antiturtles DO NOT come under GB protection and I hope if you do try and protect any you get your alliance destroyed.
That being said, on the point of the OP its obvious how the round will go unless people deal with epic :-))
Uni GBs are gay but its better than being farmed all round Not saying its stacked because sk is so small but considering most of the players I know in epic usually try hard to land in their own sector in g2 its lucky they all landed in 1:1 - 1:5 ... hmmm, lets just say "carefully planned"
hey where'd smith wander off to...........
Domination? Ha, I told you amog wanted to roll me cause be knew I was unhappy with how he ran round and id roll him if I saw him.
As for this round "they get what they have coming for them" as well as this champ quote " if they have the comparable defence of someone their size who is open (50% def) then they are go by the same rules as open kds "
Do you have gangbang restrictions for open kds? Or am I just really confused when it comes to your definitions
Didn't mean to insult the Chinese Lew's but you know what I'm saying. I can go get a freelancer to do this for me and it won't cost that much. If it is okay to use bots and I can keep playing my main then why not. Hell, not my fault if every FC member has 50 automated accounts and we hold open registration.
You wonder why all of the great players left. At risk of insulting myself, they wouldn't stoop to this pathetic level you all call politics. Sad really.
That being said, on the point of the OP its obvious how the round will go unless people deal with epic :-))
Uni GBs are gay but its better than being farmed all round
I expected more from you qwj.