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How much do you hate? #1



  • I actually haven't seen a single idea from you but I have seen your thoughts and they are all irrational trash talk. Care to present an educated point?
  • I hate your spam threads.
    JK I love ya!
    I love America.
    explain that graph for me? im not in business/ economics
    Some garbage about raw spending. It explains nothing without context.
    Also I would rather not look at any more garbage posts on America, our presidents, and our economy. It is quite clear none of you have even a remote clue as to what you are talking about. If you want to talk trash talk SK trash because this is pathetic.
    Here is everything you've said in this thread thus-far. Yes, I'll admit I gave little context to my graph but at least I put some content out there. Why don't you explain a little more about what you mean by "raw spending" in that case.
  • Means exactly what I said man, that graph you posted is just the amount of raw spending that exceeded the budget into and created a deficit. It explains that we have been running a deficit with Bush and Obama as well as with almost every president not including clinton. The reason clinton was able to achieve a surplus is because of the 90's boom caused by the creation of the internet and more accessible PC's. Please don't ask me for sources or graphs because I am not going to waste my time searching it out.
  • The CBO projected a further surplus in 2001. That's what the graph's main intention is. Yes I used it to support my stance that Clinton was a good domestic president but the graph also shows how to fuck that up, like losing $3T from tax breaks that were supposed to be very temporary, or creating a new part of the Medicare program without any new revenue or heavy regulation to mitigate that programs costs. I'm still not sure how my point about Clinton not fucking this up (though he did his first 2.5 years with a stalemate congress) is a garbage point? He eventually did come to work with the Republican house once Gingrich was on his 8th divorce or whatever, and he was able to make compromises when necessary. His two biggest failures in my eyes was the further deregulation of Wall Street in 2000 with the Commodities and Futures Deregulations Act and his inability to push through a Federal Health Care plan like Obama - both of which came from having to concede to a Republican congress.
  • The CBO projected a further surplus in 2001. That's what the graph's main intention is. Yes I used it to support my stance that Clinton was a good domestic president but the graph also shows how to fuck that up, like losing $3T from tax breaks that were supposed to be very temporary, or creating a new part of the Medicare program without any new revenue or heavy regulation to mitigate that programs costs. I'm still not sure how my point about Clinton not fucking this up (though he did his first 2.5 years with a stalemate congress) is a garbage point? He eventually did come to work with the Republican house once Gingrich was on his 8th divorce or whatever, and he was able to make compromises when necessary. His two biggest failures in my eyes was the further deregulation of Wall Street in 2000 with the Commodities and Futures Deregulations Act and his inability to push through a Federal Health Care plan like Obama - both of which came from having to concede to a Republican congress.

    So from what you want is the gov't cntrolling everything. Do you want them to wipe your ass also? I am for much smaller Gov't. I cant understand how some ppl truly believe the world will be better when the Gov't takes over everything. Tells ppl what to buy and how much to pay for it. Gov't stiffles growth.
  • Actually, it'd be great to have someone wipe my ass for me. Just like it's nice the EPA checks my water table and if my stove catches fire my municipal fire department can be here in 3 minutes. It's terrific. Oh, and that Commodities and Futures Deregulation Act? It helped birth the "security" type sold rampantly on Wall Street known as Derivatives. Yea, great growth my dick.
  • The CBO projected a further surplus in 2001. That's what the graph's main intention is. Yes I used it to support my stance that Clinton was a good domestic president but the graph also shows how to fuck that up, like losing $3T from tax breaks that were supposed to be very temporary, or creating a new part of the Medicare program without any new revenue or heavy regulation to mitigate that programs costs. I'm still not sure how my point about Clinton not fucking this up (though he did his first 2.5 years with a stalemate congress) is a garbage point? He eventually did come to work with the Republican house once Gingrich was on his 8th divorce or whatever, and he was able to make compromises when necessary. His two biggest failures in my eyes was the further deregulation of Wall Street in 2000 with the Commodities and Futures Deregulations Act and his inability to push through a Federal Health Care plan like Obama - both of which came from having to concede to a Republican congress.

    So from what you want is the gov't cntrolling everything. Do you want them to wipe your ass also? I am for much smaller Gov't. I cant understand how some ppl truly believe the world will be better when the Gov't takes over everything. Tells ppl what to buy and how much to pay for it. Gov't stiffles growth.
    It doesnt have to be an extreme. Does America still suffer from the 'red scare' of turning communist? Some things should be controlled by the gov't, public services, health, policing, education. The US health system is one of the worst in all developed nations, its an entire 'scare' tactic made on people to 'insure' themselves or fear being uninsured when injured. The UK NHS is one of the clear examples of when the gov't controls health, it works. Shame the conservatives (republicans) are wanting to ditch it....
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