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How many accounts do you own bro? Or how many are you sharing?
6 different KD's within 10 minutes
February 26, 06:20:27 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 06:20:29 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 06:20:36 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 06:20:40 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 06:20:42 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
February 26, 06:46:56 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
February 26, 06:47:16 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
February 26, 11:04:52 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 11:04:54 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 11:04:56 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 11:04:58 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 11:05:00 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lego Land (1:2)
February 26, 11:40:21 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Alibec (1:18)
February 26, 12:28:54 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
February 26, 12:31:13 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lonely Mountain (1:9)
February 26, 12:31:15 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lonely Mountain (1:9)
February 26, 12:31:17 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lonely Mountain (1:9)
February 26, 12:31:19 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Lonely Mountain (1:9)
February 26, 12:39:34 Forces from Alibec (1:18) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition.
Our military has lost: 190 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 3,193 laser dragoons, and 1,262 tanks.
February 26, 12:40:02 Forces from Lonely Mountain (1:9) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition.
Our military has lost: 191 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 3,290 laser dragoons, and 1,362 tanks.
February 26, 12:41:45 Forces from TealC (1:18) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition.
Our military has lost: 81 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 1,972 laser dragoons, and 717 tanks.
February 26, 12:42:10 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
February 26, 12:46:29 Forces from Bragging Rights (1:17) have invaded our kingdom. Although our defenses were brave, we regret to inform you that they were unsuccessful in holding back the opposition.
We have lost 1,171 planets, 20 platinum, 6,843 civilians, 157,200 energy, and 254 honor.
Our military has lost: 406 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 8,584 laser dragoons, and 3,061 tanks.
February 26, 12:47:47 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was TealC (1:18)
February 26, 12:47:50 Our tactical defense systems report that several Power Plants were destroyed by remote probes. 0 Nuclear Power Plants and 35 Fusion Power Plants were destroyed.
February 26, 12:52:32 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was Vandals (1:13)
February 26, 12:52:36 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
February 26, 12:53:35 Forces from the little asshole (1:17) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition.
Our military has lost: 62 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 1,175 laser dragoons, and 381 tanks.
February 26, 12:54:23 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was the little asshole (1:17)
February 26, 12:54:27 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was the little asshole (1:17)
February 26, 12:54:30 Our tactical defense systems report that several Power Plants were destroyed by remote probes. 0 Nuclear Power Plants and 33 Fusion Power Plants were destroyed.
February 26, 12:54:33 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was the little asshole (1:17)
February 26, 12:54:36 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was the little asshole (1:17)
TMONSTA delete this thread it's pointless
It's just a few probings
Nah Dole knows when youre trying to hide shit Daniel. Lil DW shitbag multies have been cleaning up after u all rd
Damn cheaters
Ruining such a solid built game!
i haven't played this in who knows how long, and viva is STILL cheating and getting smashed anyway.
some things never change
Hey, no skill still means no skill. You can cheat all day long but if you suck.. you still suck.
Hahahaha god I miss you Jess!
These two must be roommates eh? Everything within minutes of each other.
February 26, 12:41:45 Forces from TealC (1:18) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition.
Our military has lost: 81 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 1,972 laser dragoons, and 717 tanks.
February 26, 12:46:29 Forces from Bragging Rights (1:17) have invaded our kingdom. Although our defenses were brave, we regret to inform you that they were unsuccessful in holding back the opposition.
February 27, 01:12:29 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
February 27, 01:12:48 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was TealC (1:18)
February 27, 01:12:51 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was TealC (1:18)
February 27, 01:12:54 Our tactical defense systems report that several Power Plants were destroyed by remote probes. 0 Nuclear Power Plants and 26 Fusion Power Plants were destroyed.
February 27, 01:12:57 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was TealC (1:18)
February 27, 01:13:19 Forces from TealC (1:18) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition.
Our military has lost: 84 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 2,118 laser dragoons, and 463 tanks.
February 27, 01:15:15 Forces from Bragging Rights (1:17) have invaded our kingdom. Although our defenses were brave, we regret to inform you that they were unsuccessful in holding back the opposition.
Must be a 3rd roommate too.
Bragging Rights (1:17)
IPvSK2: 731-83-85-EF - February 27, 07:43:03
the little asshole (1:17)
IPvSK2: 774-FA-61-1C - February 27, 07:44:21
Seriously you have to cheat when it's like 25 ppl playing? Fucking sad Lil cunt
These are all the kds used on me when we were killing xrox.
Wow cheaters.
Cheeeeeateeeers ... lel.
Baricade you should know they aren't multi's you know half of ro players
I'm friends with Inger and Rocha and then another that isn't one of those kds.
Sure, I could name a bunch. Doesn't mean I know them. Odd round helped and another fought.
You got little over a greasiness this round barry
I have no idea what you are trying to say...
Right if there is so many legit RO players on a comeback why the fuck haven't they tagged up? Afraid they'd get stomped on like Ole Dobrota did? Seriously that dude builds like hazza lol
They only turned up when Roi was pretty much on his last legs and viva was long dead. Only claiming free land from kds with no defense. Viva said there are 11 of them, so count them. I know there was one kd called Hell that was trying to kidnap Riley and he wasn't in the xrox list.
Hazza builds? LOL
So how many multi did RO make this round every time I turn around there's another one stealing sl from me or failing on me lmao. Do you guys really have that much time
We have zero multi
Tat is the truth this round a lot more RO signed up than usual but many players never tried apart from maybe
Myself , roi, inger, Marci, kelvin and Glen
Debrota, cumi and rami stopped logging on so much wen server went down.
My other friends like turbo and mr boom where dws in 1.2 but they are NOT Romanian
So essentially you need 11 players to win a server of 20-30, and use shady tactics like getting them to jump Vandals while you planned to jump me?
Sped... get over it. It's a game, a war game, not .... Sims.
I won't bother explaining that we don't have multies... you and the rest can believe what you want.
Hey I mean someone created a kd in my sector way after round started to try and take sl off me and it's from RO other than that it's been pretty fun with fails and grabs and craziness ^_^
I still want to know what a little over a greasiness means...
It's funny how I get suicided on by 3 multi's then get hit by 2 RO fags. Next round I will join whoever is against them. I was Shmoney Dance 1:20
Yeeeees ...i was waiting in the line to get a coffee and all of the sudden 3 multies cut in front off me.
It happens. I just call them Chinese.
Well Marci your cunt UA member Viva gets busted cheating every rd so yeah ya know... Maybe recruit better mates
Greg dead again
You being nothing too the table son