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AMOG quit being a thundercunt



  • holy fuck faithless nobody gives a shit about any of the crap you say

    fuck off back to sex register chat so you can rot off with all the other scrubs
  • PiePie
    edited March 2012
    What's funny to me is all these people that use the tools that kesha's bot provide are the same ones complaining about the bots and hitting them.. then they turn around and cry foul when those bots hit back.

    Now do you want the tools or do you want the bots gone? You can't have both
  • assuming that the same tools cant be replicated in excel spreadsheets or private tools....

    good to see youre siding with kesha though - shows your true colours
  • What's funny to me is all these people that use the tools that kesha's bot provide are the same ones complaining about the bots and hitting them.. then they turn around and cry foul when those bots hit back.

    Now do you want the tools or do you want the bots gone? You can't have both
    as qwj would say, lies make baby jesus cry. i dont see anyone whos admitted using keshas tools in here crying. not one single person. if you tell yourself your telling the truth enough times does it then become real in your own head? just sayin
  • I do not use his tools and nor do any of the players who are currently upset with kesha, in fact those that do use his tools are the ones that cheat most of the time anyway.
  • Holy crap.. someone provided the link to it.. SK.moo? Idk I don't use them so idfc about them. I didn't even know about the dam thing until that link was posted. I could care less about kesha or what he does.
  • i provided the link, im also not playing and i certainly havnt cried about anything. you should check out your posts for any truth first brah. make yourself look like a little fibber
  • you are an idiot neg, shut up
  • negneg
    edited March 2012
    shut up nigger or you will be ded
  • neg why you so bad at sk
  • implying that staying in growth for 99% of the current game makes you good

  • You provided the link, many justified the use.. w/e its neither here nor there..
  • What's funny to me is all these people that use the tools that kesha's bot provide are the same ones complaining about the bots and hitting them.. then they turn around and cry foul when those bots hit back.

    Now do you want the tools or do you want the bots gone? You can't have both
    as qwj would say, lies make baby jesus cry. i dont see anyone whos admitted using keshas tools in here crying. not one single person. if you tell yourself your telling the truth enough times does it then become real in your own head? just sayin
    But baby jesus' tears taste delicious
  • edited March 2012
    (btw, fuck you Sci)
    As I explained to someone on aim I never thought you would have made the deal, though it was all anyone was talking about and your pf account, aim account and kingdom were all logged in yet no response. Mainly calling you a thundercunt for not responding all day :P
  • edited March 2012
    Reading these posts makes baby jesus cry indeed. Claims like "were hiting more multies than you!!" are unsupportable thus have no place here. Keshas tools are a timesaver, they give the same results as a shitty SS would without any effort. You could in fact have the scanner without the multirapes so yet again I say you people are dumb as fuck.

    Good day.
  • edited March 2012
    I don't necessarily believe you have direct ties to kesha but I know there are those in your alliance, like lovsan, who do and I want them dead.
    Keshas tools are a timesaver, they give the same results as a shitty SS would without any effort.
    Seriously, omfg lol.

    If you two are just joking it's funny as hell. In the event that you are not... I guess you deserve whatever you get. I'm really starting to envy Kesha. If I could read people posting what I wanted them to post, out of fear while drinking a cup of morning coffee, that would really start my day on the right foot. I can't wait to read the next reason someone feels it's ok to have 300 multis on a server. Bravo Kesha, bravo!!!
  • Lol read it again nutjob ;) the scanner doesnt require multis, i defo dont support that, as I said. Anyone can SS, seeka just takes out the manual work. Id rather them both gone tbh, but ill sure as hell use it if i have a couple spare minutes.

    Crying about it wont make it go away, either use it or dont, itll still be there.
  • Beanlands sktools had the tools without the multi army so saying its either both or none is nonsense.
  • edited March 2012
    holy fuck faithless nobody gives a shit about any of the crap you say

    fuck off back to sex register chat so you can rot off with all the other scrubs
    I don't know faithless. but coming from Neg... rich.
    I do not use his tools and nor do any of the players who are currently upset with kesha, in fact those that do use his tools are the ones that cheat most of the time anyway.
  • Sorry if I'm ignorant for not knowing about Kesha's tools or tools based off of Kesha's multis but I think a lot of people agree: it's not cool for someone to multi-bot just to provide time-saving tools.
  • edited March 2012
    you could use the multi bot to scan with 60nw kingdoms right? quit using this lame strawman arrangement. He built many >1m nw kingdoms to rape whoever he gets mad at, and get max robs. that is all don't defend it
  • Reading these posts makes baby jesus cry indeed. Claims like "were hiting more multies than you!!" are unsupportable thus have no place here. Keshas tools are a timesaver, they give the same results as a shitty SS would without any effort. You could in fact have the scanner without the multirapes so yet again I say you people are dumb as fuck.

    Good day.

    Why not just use beanland's?
  • I thought beanlands was down? At any rate i didnt even know what SSing was when beanland hosted that scanner, i did a halfass job by hand last rd and this round i played with seeka to get a feel for it. Its definitely not a requirement to build a good kd, tho it does save time.

  • I thought beanlands was down? At any rate i didnt even know what SSing was when beanland hosted that scanner, i did a halfass job by hand last rd and this round i played with seeka to get a feel for it. Its definitely not a requirement to build a good kd, tho it does save time.

    No, it's up. just change the ff version. I made a topic describing how to do it.

  • you could use the multi bot to scan with 60nw kingdoms right? quit using this lame strawman arrangement. He built many >1m nw kingdoms to rape whoever he gets mad at, and get max robs. that is all don't defend it
    Yeh, but they would keep dying from grabs, so he makes them auto build on his bot with def....thats my guess for the reason anyway.
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