lol Look at what multi man is saying he will do next round and to Empire Assault if we move to that server.
Chat History for the 1:7 chat room.
Date Kingdom Message
February 17, 17:53:48 Gerald Ford (1:7) botman u there?
February 17, 18:03:47 IllyriaForever (1:7) Of course he isn't
February 17, 18:04:08 IllyriaForever (1:7) He is desperatly trying to get More KDs in 1:7...He isn't happy atm
February 17, 18:07:30 Gerald Ford (1:7) hmm, if i activated all 11 of my KD's they'd be wiped out in like 2 days. lol. so hopefully he isn't trying too hard.
February 17, 18:08:42 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) 11 kingdoms lol
February 17, 18:08:48 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) ill put 2000 kingdoms on this server
February 17, 18:12:22 IllyriaForever (1:7) do what you want...You are gonna have to try harder to kill me
February 17, 18:14:00 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) no i wont
February 17, 18:14:01 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) lol
February 17, 18:14:12 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) youll be dead by round end with ease
February 17, 18:14:48 IllyriaForever (1:7) lol you have 10 days to kill me
February 17, 18:15:17 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) youll be dead in 5
February 17, 18:15:17 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) lol
February 17, 18:15:34 IllyriaForever (1:7) Ok we will see
February 17, 18:15:49 IllyriaForever (1:7) btw what do you have against me? or am I just on the list?
February 17, 18:17:44 IllyriaForever (1:7) I can understand you failing to kill MegaLazy but if you fail against me people will LOL at you forever.
February 17, 18:17:52 IllyriaForever (1:7) I am one of the worse players on SK
February 17, 18:18:05 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) I made these kingdoms mid round.
February 17, 18:18:14 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) Ill make them at the start next round.
February 17, 18:18:20 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) then lets see who can survive.
February 17, 18:18:34 IllyriaForever (1:7) yea and 1:7 cleared your multi's in 4 days...all 10 of em
February 17, 18:19:00 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) Lets see u clear them next round.
February 17, 18:19:09 IllyriaForever (1:7) with The presidents and my buddies help you won't be able to hold onto SL long
February 17, 18:19:46 IllyriaForever (1:7) well go buck wild next round...I as much as anyone wanna see this game die
February 17, 18:20:19 IllyriaForever (1:7) We will just all Migrate to EA where there is an active Admin
February 17, 18:20:44 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) then ill ddos ea
February 17, 18:20:50 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) constantly
February 17, 18:21:08 IllyriaForever (1:7) yea but Bean is smart you won't get away with it
February 17, 18:21:19 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) you think bean can afford ddos protection lol?
February 17, 18:21:42 IllyriaForever (1:7) yea
February 17, 18:21:46 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) youre talking big bucks for that
February 17, 18:22:05 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) thousands monthly
February 17, 18:22:22 IllyriaForever (1:7) He prolly already has ddos protection he is a programer
February 17, 18:22:35 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) you have to pay for ddos protection
February 17, 18:22:43 IllyriaForever (1:7) yea I know
February 17, 18:22:43 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) doesnt matter if you are a programmer or not
February 17, 18:23:30 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) 2 GB per Second Protection 3 million per second $500/mon
February 17, 18:23:35 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) smallest package u can get
February 17, 18:23:45 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) u think bean is gonna fork out $500 a month
February 17, 18:23:56 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) lmao
February 17, 18:26:09 IllyriaForever (1:7) lol Im talking to a ddos dude now online 50gb per second only $375/month
February 17, 18:26:53 IllyriaForever (1:7) and that is the LOWEST prices minimum
February 17, 18:26:54 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) you better do a google search then bud
February 17, 18:27:08 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) and if u think bean will fork out $375 a month
February 17, 18:27:14 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) you're smoking crack
February 17, 18:27:23 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) he was going to host EA on a free server
February 17, 18:27:29 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) until sci offered his
February 17, 18:27:35 IllyriaForever (1:7) No seriously Im talking to a dude already gave him your specs to see how much it would cost
February 17, 18:27:40 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) he wont even pay server costs
February 17, 18:30:01 IllyriaForever (1:7) Price is $125.0" for each 4 GBPS protection
February 17, 18:30:05 IllyriaForever (1:7) lol
February 17, 18:30:24 IllyriaForever (1:7) that was the quote the guy gave me
February 17, 18:31:18 IllyriaForever (1:7) granted i wouldn't spend that much money to keep a server from being hit by a dick like you
February 17, 18:32:36 IllyriaForever (1:7) If i would it would just be to get you caught for hacking...the company I talked to has a 87% attacker/conviction rate
February 17, 18:33:23 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) First off I wouldnt be doing the Ddosing
February 17, 18:33:27 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) second
February 17, 18:33:38 I Mm I Ss I Qq I (1:7) ddos is only illegal if you cause $5000 or more in damages
February 17, 18:50:38 Gerald Ford (1:7) lel why not ddos SK then?
February 17, 18:50:44 Gerald Ford (1:7) mr, big and powerful.
February 17, 18:50:56 Gerald Ford (1:7) cus you can't bruh.
February 17, 18:51:00 Gerald Ford (1:7) you can't even bruh
February 17, 18:51:30 Gerald Ford (1:7) you might have a lot of multis, but I'm better than you at it
February 17, 18:51:38 Gerald Ford (1:7) and we both know it.
February 17, 18:52:11 Gerald Ford (1:7) go ahead, try and kill me off. I bet you couldn't even get one.
February 17, 18:58:31 Gerald Ford (1:7) awww, was that your land? your residences? why not try and stop me bad boy?

February 17, 19:10:47 IllyriaForever (1:7) Ddosing I Pure illegal if you use to to attack someone you idiot
February 17, 19:11:09 IllyriaForever (1:7) evening having the ability to Ddos someone is a felony in the USA
February 17, 19:13:56 IllyriaForever (1:7) It's still considered a "cyber attack"
I like to picture him as this 12 year old trying to play SK a decade ago and getting crushed by people who knew what they were doing. Then he spent like 6 years trying to learn how to cheat, failed, paid someone to cheat for him, and now just sits here teetering over his keyboard thinking he is the master of this round which I'm pretty certain only 10 people even give a shit about.
Big kingdom's friends piggyback and also hit smaller kingdom.
Nobody is retailing for the smaller kingdom, possibly because they too aren't big enough.
Smaller kingdom fights back by picking one of the bashers and giving them a run of arsons.
Big kingdom that took the arsons gets smaller kingdom kt'd because they don't have the balls to 1 v 1 a smaller kingdom.
Pretty much. I don't know who is who in-game.
All sorts of bs going on still in alliance politics as well. Some people on here just come across as complete cunts. The only thing that irks me about panda is when he says he's only targeting XLTX but ends up taking out non-LTs as well. At least be honest about it right?
Creating inactives might be good , but it would be nice to let the sectors first fill from regular players.
I find it amusing hitting sectors that threaten "we'll kt you if you hit here". I'm already a kt tell me something new lol