Round 72, the Era of Capitalism has arrived. For this round Star Mines will produce an extra 120 Platinum but will also decrease the maximum population by (%ofPLANETS[Land] that are Star Mines).
[The planet type changes for Round 72 are as follows:]
Round 72 - Scheduled Dates:
Round starts: October 10, 2015 @ 10PM.
Round ends: December 17, 2015 @ 10PM.
I think my favorite part about this game now is waiting to see just how awful the planet types and round bonuses will be.
i can feel his seething hatred for the waters
cuz if ur high pop ur gonna get squashed because u realistically have half the income of everyone else. lol.
in regular games u have a pop farm with a sustained pop income, since residential income usually > starmines.
now because of the progressive growth curve nature of the game, and the inability to compete with other kingdoms if you take a 50% loss of income, either you are growing this pop farm with insane money banks or farms to keep it sustained throughout the early and mid games until late game discrepancies in nw size make up for any loss of bonuses.
you simply won't have a sustainable source of pop. and any attempt at making/sustaining a pop farm of that sort, they'd get rolled out to oblivion.
and if you were to play normally and then transition it into a pop farm. the fact you are using R/R to compete means you suck at this game so you won't make it to the point where you need to transition.
unless your me. but i'm lazy. so.
Someone should beat the NW record this round
If any of the early big hitters play that usually die after a week or 2 they wont be affected. Anyone taking it past that stage would have to lower pop right down and go tanks/tfs, but its stupid trying to build goons after that stage really anyway.
you wont be able to play it like normal, but this round was made for DW
Increase SM output by 120, but decrease population from using SMs. Essentially, you can have 25% star mines and your pop is decreased by 25%/planets, in doing so it nearly cancels out the perk all together.
It would appear Pop F&W is the best way to go this round to gain an edge against the 'perk'.
The small print. %of planets that are star mines. If you're sitting at 25% SMs, it decreases your pop by 25%.
pretty sure the 'wat' was at the way you did your math (pop f&w beeing best this round)
Have fun with your high pop f&w :P
not his fault he wasn't born asian