And me and lynog never used to be friends, just happened after the TB round, before that i actually considered him a enemy cause he was always on top and i was always trying to beat him. Lynog is loud and a ass, but if u get to know him, he will teach u things about this game that will make you a better player.
Creating bank accounts and pop accounts is nothing like taking land from somebody who made you disband 9k sci to avoid loosing land, after just loosing 800 land.
In fact thats closer to creating fresh defenseless rich kingdoms to grab the second they come out of newbie Which for some reason is ok? Get a grip I'm no cheat an neither is half the ppl who attack L E G I T suicides
The only reason this rule was started is because of the cheaters and top kingdoms with ego that can't handle a newbie getting ahead, which is one big reason why SK is dead dead dead you kill off.newbs and incorporate bullshit rules to ensure ur behind the scenes crap get you to the top, this is a game bro so chill out and let legit players play it
There are two types of "farming" land and until you get it right this game will never improve, the only type of farming thats ok isnif its a real player and 100% random luck but I guess luck is not allowed in SK, the game of skill?? Lmao, the only relevant skill to help you get the top today is politics,manipulation
Farming needs to be 100% not allowed at ALL. Okay so ill lay it out to you, why this rule was put in place,m say in 10th place in land, i have 3 land farms i made that have diff ips cause i made them with a proxy, i have them suicide on top players above me, then i grab all of them 3-4 times, move to #1 land in 3 days, even tho im a bad player but i get to #1 because i using farms. Since the IPs dont match, i can say, hey its just blind luck. THATS the reason luck doesnt exist in SK. You get it? This is the way the old top player used to get a 1k land lead 2 days outta newbie, had nothing to do with having so many players, was just easy to hide massive level farming.
secretforce has a very valid point regarding the inactive leaving newbie mode... most people don't know when the next kd comes out of newb mode and just from the fact that like almost 5-10 per day came out is a bit odd, especially the player base doesn't grow at all... so the largest kds now are the ones that did all the tick hitting, which a "new" player doesn't know for sure
The tick hitting is the best thing that ever happened to new players, if there wasnt those inactives coming out, who u think the players would be hitting? The under defended new player who are easy land.
The tick hitting is the best thing that ever happened to new players, if there wasnt those inactives coming out, who u think the players would be hitting? The under defended new player who are easy land.
whatever man ur an idiot if you actually believe what u say is good for sk's player base
newbs dont hit inactives out of newbie, they are gone within the tick the come out, its the pros that aren't allowed to farm anymore that use this to their advantage now, chaotix how many inactives did you and lynog hit last round with over 2mil cash on them?
farming levels the playing ground and creates a more equal and fair game considering we dont have time to create multis or make spreadsheets and tick hit inactives, luck does exist and if i was #10 in land and farmed my way to the top then YES kill me, but if i disband 9k sci so someone fails their suicide and cant hit me, then he suicides again and i happen to online to eat him then piss off, its fair game and you know it
and besides who are you killing a bunch of tops that farmed to the top? or a bunch of newbs that got lucky? fix this farming issue or ppl wont stay around because whether you like it or not suiciders disbanders anti turtles will always exist we just have to be fair and smart about who gets punished for it otherwise a decline will increase until chaotix is playing solo
its not hard to figure who is cheating with their farm land and who gets lucky
There is no spreadsheeting, tracking, creating, or anything involved (though, i do grant you someone makes them, but no single person has an advantage over any other to hitting them first since it is simple to see who is the next KD to leave newbie.
Generally, a new KD leaves newbie within 1-4 ticks of the previous KD. If you try to tick hit any time you happen to be online for a tick, you have a good chance of catching one.
The trick to hitting at tick is to see how long it takes your internet to process a hit, and click on "Attack" accordingly. Myself, i hit about halfway between X:59:59 and X:00:00. My grab goes through at X:00:00 every time unless there is a bit of lag.
I post this in my SFs almost every round, yet people do not take the time to read it and instead pull the "omfg you cheat and have a bot to hit inactives the tick they come out"
Also, I have been top 5 land most of the round (though have recently fell a bit since i wasnt really around this weekend), so you do not need to farm the free land.
How is it fair for someone like me, who, if i hit a suicider even once there are tears and calls for death cause im a cheating sack of shit (which, you can look at my grabs.... i have made a priority of hitting "known names" so as to not be arbitrarily killed off...again...) when another KD can keep up or pass me by getting "lucky" 3-4 times and farm 40% of his land without having to make a military to go with it?
I have next to no probes, so im not bank farming... im not mysti, so not multi inactive farming... its just a regular joe kd.
Honestly, how hard is it to stick to a relative guideline and not hit a fresh suicider more than twice? You get way more land than you normally would, without gaining "an unfair advantage" by taking advantage of the fact that some shmuck just suicided on a top kingdom to fuck with their round? Nobody complains when you hit 6-7-8-9... but lets be honest.... if you see a top 30 land kingdom quit, there is no need to hit him 4x KNOWING that people think it is fucking cheap.
I agree, the game is being ruined by many people. Top people by having naps with each other, middle ranks by farming like hell to keep up (and see next), and bottom feeders who cry foul at anything they do not know how to do in their 6 months of playing the game and doing nothing but bitching an moaning in the AFs.
On top of that are the multis who either A) protect a main KD by killing anyone that hits it (which is super weak by the way, and everyone from the top down sit there and laugh at you for being garbage).... or Kill people arbitrarily who hit them 4 rounds ago and made them cry.
There is no 1 group killing the game, there are a bunch of them from the top down. Stop bitching, play 1 KD to the best of your abilities, and dont make KDs for the sole purpose of ruining someone else.... problem solved
KMercer wrote- How is it fair for someone like me, who, if i hit a suicider even once there are tears and calls for death cause im a cheating sack of shit (which, you can look at my grabs.... i have made a priority of hitting "known names" so as to not be arbitrarily killed off...again...) when another KD can keep up or pass me by getting "lucky" 3-4 times and farm 40% of his land without having to make a military to go with it?
Response that is exactly what needs to change its not fair but its not illegal and its part of the game that whiney bitches need to accept
and who exactly on that list gained 40% land from suiciders? i did not even gain 10% and my situation isn't a typical farming situation i disbanded 9k sci to avoid getting broke for the third time and went to sleep when i woke up he suicided on someone else so i ate his ass up and gained 40% of the land i just lost which was not even 10% of my total land gains
and you put lucky in quotes likes it hard to determine who is cheating and who get lucky...
I wasnt speaking of you specifically, since i have no idea which KD is you, but one of the guys I am positive did this:
at 1500 land, he hit a "legit" suicider 3x for 400 land... then 2 waves later found another "legit" suicider and hit 4x for 600 more... and if im not mistaken hit another suicider twice for like 200-250 land. I dont track it so I havnt done the math but a hefty sum of land for the first week of the round was from suiciders, bringing him from 50th to top 5 without having any offence.
Part of the game would also be me hitting your KD every time I get WLs.... I suppose you would find this acceptable??
Part of the game would be using my contact base to run trains on your KD every time we get WLs... acceptable as well i suppose.
Screw alliances, the top 10 should nap and hit #11 10x, then new #11 10 times... that would be pretty fun....
Nothing in the rules says you cant do it... so why not?
Maybe we should just bash newbies all round with 1WL... that would be fun too... Nothing in the rules prevents you from bashing... stop whining little 600 land KD... my 4500 land kd wants free land
Secret your a idiot, think about it, is it fair that mercer has to sacrifice 20-30% of his potential defence to have offence to hit for 300 land per day, while a farmer can have full defence, send out 100x4 tanks to grab 200,150,100,90. And continue to be unbreakable. Thats why we KT farmers, they gain a advantage without risk, This game is risk vs reward, and if you dont take any risk, (using farms to keep up) then u dont deserve the reward.
yes it is fair because for all the turtle knows he wont get a single suicider all round that his choice to pray for a rage case to suicide after lord mercer just finished hitting... you just have to be smart about who you decide is farming though cheating and not just getting lucky or being "unfair"
do you even bother looking at the situation or just see land gained and say ok kill him?
im not asking for special treatment im asking for fair treatment
farming use to be something that was considered cheating because ppl would have multiple accounts and its near impossible to prove you got lucky with a suicider.. i have never cheated, never once have i made an alt account or played with a friend who had alt accounts
anyways this is my story and im sticking to it, i get it, its not fair but its not cheating either and i will never think once about eating a suicider right up because i dont cheat and never will and anytime i do eat a suicider its 100% legit this is the first time i got free land this round..
April 24, 23:59:56 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Mysti Leader (2:3) and conquered 372 planets.
April 25, 00:41:30 Our kingdom Archelon (1:5) bravely defended against RequiemsGate (2:3) and lost 396 planets.
April 25, 02:02:19 Our kingdom Archelon (1:5) bravely defended against JuJubee (1:17) and lost 357 planets.
disbanded 9k sci to avoid getting grabbed again
April 25, 02:58:15 Our kingdom Archelon (1:5) bravely defended against Eddie Calvo (1:17) and was victorious.
after this fail i went to bed when i woke up eddie allready got wls back and suicided on somebody else and was land def...
April 25, 09:06:11 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and conquered 152 planets.
April 25, 09:06:16 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and conquered 130 planets.
April 25, 09:07:16 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and conquered 97 planets.
April 25, 09:10:48 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and failed.
gained 40% of the land i just lost which is not even 10% of my total land gains
yes it is fair because for all the turtle knows he wont get a single suicider all round that his choice to pray for a rage case to suicide after lord mercer just finished hitting...
^You said that, so please explain WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER GO FULL TURTLE? Its doomed to lose, they do it because they KNOW THEY WILL GET SUICIDERS cause they make them to suicide on the better players above them and try to knock them down.
you go full turtle exploring 24/7 building nothing but def until late in the round and mass tf when no one can break you, ive done this before, as long as there isn't a ton of cheating farmers you can stay in top 20 building zero offence hitting inactives and exploring till late round and also its mystical so maybe ur gunna misticide with all the tanks you have... once in a while
i also play this way because ive been kted in war every round i ever played since round 22
yes it is fair because for all the turtle knows he wont get a single suicider all round that his choice to pray for a rage case to suicide after lord mercer just finished hitting...
^You said that, so please explain WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER GO FULL TURTLE? Its doomed to lose, they do it because they KNOW THEY WILL GET SUICIDERS cause they make them to suicide on the better players above them and try to knock them down.
is that what i did? did you even read my previous post? lol
so your saying i suicide on myself loosing 600 tanks and 600 LD after disbanding 9k sci so i could gain like 350 land, does that sound beneficial to you? lmao
Forces from Eddie Calvo (1:17) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition. Our military has lost: 546 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 492 laser dragoons, and 498 tanks.
Your cant hope to compete going full turtle and only exploring, atm, your would be around 3k land maybe 3500, already 1/2 the land of the tops, that means those KD's regardless of your defence can roll you. So full turtle explore mode doesnt work, there has to be free land along the way to keep up with the tops, or they will just hit u down. I personally look for full turtles to hit, cause theres nothing they can do about it, and its retal free.
maybe you should try it? i was well into the top 15 nw and top 5 for land not hitting a single active kd and that was before i took eddies land and never getting the first hit on fresh inactives
notice you dont ackknowledge what im saying when i say truth or something that makes sense you just change it to something else,troll??? apparently im not getting kted for farming so im done on the pfs this round lol hopefully you can all see my situation and re evaluate future farming situations
Farming needs to be 100% not allowed at ALL. Okay so ill lay it out to you, why this rule was put in place,m say in 10th place in land, i have 3 land farms i made that have diff ips cause i made them with a proxy, i have them suicide on top players above me, then i grab all of them 3-4 times, move to #1 land in 3 days, even tho im a bad player but i get to #1 because i using farms. Since the IPs dont match, i can say, hey its just blind luck. THATS the reason luck doesnt exist in SK. You get it? This is the way the old top player used to get a 1k land lead 2 days outta newbie, had nothing to do with having so many players, was just easy to hide massive level farming.
lol "the old top players" never do that crap, at least not the real top players that I know of. these are just some noob that want a big lead at the start thinking that translates to top kd. most of the time they cant sustain the gameplay in the long run.
real top players never need to farm free lands at the start, in fact they wouldn't even want to. that attracts attention, it puts you right up there at the top lander within 3 days out of newbie. if you ask me, it's the stupidest thing to do if you intend to be #1 come mid game. you end up having a load of multis suiciding on you.
in fact real top players start pretty low nw, and high probes. you will barely notice the kd until he comes out in a holy shit mode and start grabbing other top kds. they are tiny in size. if they are really good, they don't even need a single free land. and you certainly don't even need to be tick hitting perfectly.
And me and lynog never used to be friends, just happened after the TB round, before that i actually considered him a enemy cause he was always on top and i was always trying to beat him. Lynog is loud and a ass, but if u get to know him, he will teach u things about this game that will make you a better player.
lynog is definitely a good player. but you will find that's mostly the case with every old school player - they are all willing to share their knowledge to make you better in game. claiming #1 in today's sk doesn't amount to much these days
And me and lynog never used to be friends, just happened after the TB round, before that i actually considered him a enemy cause he was always on top and i was always trying to beat him. Lynog is loud and a ass, but if u get to know him, he will teach u things about this game that will make you a better player.
lynog is definitely a good player. but you will find that's mostly the case with every old school player - they are all willing to share their knowledge to make you better in game. claiming #1 in today's sk doesn't amount to much these days
What a lot of people don't know about lynog is that bes actually a really nice dude. He just doesn't like stupid people. And we got a lot of them in SK so he comes off like a ass all the time. Not to mention everyone calls him a cheater. But if you dig down and see who all calling him that almost all are people who cheated and still cheat to this day but still can't compete.
In fact thats closer to creating fresh defenseless rich kingdoms to grab the second they come out of newbie
Which for some reason is ok? Get a grip I'm no cheat an neither is half the ppl who attack L E G I T suicides
newbs dont hit inactives out of newbie, they are gone within the tick the come out, its the pros that aren't allowed to farm anymore that use this to their advantage now, chaotix how many inactives did you and lynog hit last round with over 2mil cash on them?
farming levels the playing ground and creates a more equal and fair game considering we dont have time to create multis or make spreadsheets and tick hit inactives, luck does exist and if i was #10 in land and farmed my way to the top then YES kill me, but if i disband 9k sci so someone fails their suicide and cant hit me, then he suicides again and i happen to online to eat him then piss off, its fair game and you know it
its not hard to figure who is cheating with their farm land and who gets lucky
Tickhitting 101
If you right click any kingdom, and open in new tab.... it comes up with a link
The ID numbers go in order of when the kingdoms are created.
The first kingdom to sign up =1, then =2, then =3 and so on and so forth
As of this second on SK (took me 30 secs to look), Kingdom =849 is dead, kingdom 850 no longer exists.
The next kingdom to leave newbie mode is now:
copy and paste that, and you will see the kingdom. Change that link to, and you will have the following KD to leave newbie. This follows to 853, 854, and 855.
There is no spreadsheeting, tracking, creating, or anything involved (though, i do grant you someone makes them, but no single person has an advantage over any other to hitting them first since it is simple to see who is the next KD to leave newbie.
Generally, a new KD leaves newbie within 1-4 ticks of the previous KD. If you try to tick hit any time you happen to be online for a tick, you have a good chance of catching one.
The trick to hitting at tick is to see how long it takes your internet to process a hit, and click on "Attack" accordingly. Myself, i hit about halfway between X:59:59 and X:00:00. My grab goes through at X:00:00 every time unless there is a bit of lag.
I post this in my SFs almost every round, yet people do not take the time to read it and instead pull the "omfg you cheat and have a bot to hit inactives the tick they come out"
Also, I have been top 5 land most of the round (though have recently fell a bit since i wasnt really around this weekend), so you do not need to farm the free land.
How is it fair for someone like me, who, if i hit a suicider even once there are tears and calls for death cause im a cheating sack of shit (which, you can look at my grabs.... i have made a priority of hitting "known names" so as to not be arbitrarily killed off...again...) when another KD can keep up or pass me by getting "lucky" 3-4 times and farm 40% of his land without having to make a military to go with it?
I have next to no probes, so im not bank farming... im not mysti, so not multi inactive farming... its just a regular joe kd.
Honestly, how hard is it to stick to a relative guideline and not hit a fresh suicider more than twice? You get way more land than you normally would, without gaining "an unfair advantage" by taking advantage of the fact that some shmuck just suicided on a top kingdom to fuck with their round? Nobody complains when you hit 6-7-8-9... but lets be honest.... if you see a top 30 land kingdom quit, there is no need to hit him 4x KNOWING that people think it is fucking cheap.
I agree, the game is being ruined by many people. Top people by having naps with each other, middle ranks by farming like hell to keep up (and see next), and bottom feeders who cry foul at anything they do not know how to do in their 6 months of playing the game and doing nothing but bitching an moaning in the AFs.
On top of that are the multis who either A) protect a main KD by killing anyone that hits it (which is super weak by the way, and everyone from the top down sit there and laugh at you for being garbage).... or
There is no 1 group killing the game, there are a bunch of them from the top down. Stop bitching, play 1 KD to the best of your abilities, and dont make KDs for the sole purpose of ruining someone else.... problem solved
/end rant
Sorry bout the length (story of my life... lol)
How is it fair for someone like me, who, if i hit a suicider even once there are tears and calls for death cause im a cheating sack of shit (which, you can look at my grabs.... i have made a priority of hitting "known names" so as to not be arbitrarily killed off...again...) when another KD can keep up or pass me by getting "lucky" 3-4 times and farm 40% of his land without having to make a military to go with it?
that is exactly what needs to change its not fair but its not illegal and its part of the game that whiney bitches need to accept
and who exactly on that list gained 40% land from suiciders? i did not even gain 10% and my situation isn't a typical farming situation i disbanded 9k sci to avoid getting broke for the third time and went to sleep when i woke up he suicided on someone else so i ate his ass up and gained 40% of the land i just lost which was not even 10% of my total land gains
and you put lucky in quotes likes it hard to determine who is cheating and who get lucky...
at 1500 land, he hit a "legit" suicider 3x for 400 land... then 2 waves later found another "legit" suicider and hit 4x for 600 more... and if im not mistaken hit another suicider twice for like 200-250 land. I dont track it so I havnt done the math but a hefty sum of land for the first week of the round was from suiciders, bringing him from 50th to top 5 without having any offence.
Part of the game would also be me hitting your KD every time I get WLs.... I suppose you would find this acceptable??
Part of the game would be using my contact base to run trains on your KD every time we get WLs... acceptable as well i suppose.
Screw alliances, the top 10 should nap and hit #11 10x, then new #11 10 times... that would be pretty fun....
Nothing in the rules says you cant do it... so why not?
Maybe we should just bash newbies all round with 1WL... that would be fun too... Nothing in the rules prevents you from bashing... stop whining little 600 land KD... my 4500 land kd wants free land
you just have to be smart about who you decide is farming though cheating and not just getting lucky or being "unfair"
do you even bother looking at the situation or just see land gained and say ok kill him?
im not asking for special treatment im asking for fair treatment
farming use to be something that was considered cheating because ppl would have multiple accounts and its near impossible to prove you got lucky with a suicider.. i have never cheated, never once have i made an alt account or played with a friend who had alt accounts
anyways this is my story and im sticking to it, i get it, its not fair but its not cheating either and i will never think once about eating a suicider right up because i dont cheat and never will and anytime i do eat a suicider its 100% legit this is the first time i got free land this round..
April 24, 23:59:56 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Mysti Leader (2:3) and conquered 372 planets.
April 25, 00:41:30 Our kingdom Archelon (1:5) bravely defended against RequiemsGate (2:3) and lost 396 planets.
April 25, 02:02:19 Our kingdom Archelon (1:5) bravely defended against JuJubee (1:17) and lost 357 planets.
disbanded 9k sci to avoid getting grabbed again
April 25, 02:58:15 Our kingdom Archelon (1:5) bravely defended against Eddie Calvo (1:17) and was victorious.
after this fail i went to bed when i woke up eddie allready got wls back and suicided on somebody else and was land def...
April 25, 09:06:11 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and conquered 152 planets.
April 25, 09:06:16 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and conquered 130 planets.
April 25, 09:07:16 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and conquered 97 planets.
April 25, 09:10:48 Our brave kingdom Archelon (1:5) attacked Eddie Calvo (1:17) and failed.
gained 40% of the land i just lost which is not even 10% of my total land gains
^You said that, so please explain WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER GO FULL TURTLE? Its doomed to lose, they do it because they KNOW THEY WILL GET SUICIDERS cause they make them to suicide on the better players above them and try to knock them down.
i also play this way because ive been kted in war every round i ever played since round 22
so your saying i suicide on myself loosing 600 tanks and 600 LD after disbanding 9k sci so i could gain like 350 land, does that sound beneficial to you? lmao
Forces from Eddie Calvo (1:17) have invaded our kingdom. Our defenses were brave and they were successful holding back the opposition.
Our military has lost: 546 soldiers, 0 laser troopers, 492 laser dragoons, and 498 tanks.
notice you dont ackknowledge what im saying when i say truth or something that makes sense you just change it to something else,troll??? apparently im not getting kted for farming so im done on the pfs this round lol hopefully you can all see my situation and re evaluate future farming situations
real top players never need to farm free lands at the start, in fact they wouldn't even want to. that attracts attention, it puts you right up there at the top lander within 3 days out of newbie. if you ask me, it's the stupidest thing to do if you intend to be #1 come mid game. you end up having a load of multis suiciding on you.
in fact real top players start pretty low nw, and high probes. you will barely notice the kd until he comes out in a holy shit mode and start grabbing other top kds. they are tiny in size. if they are really good, they don't even need a single free land. and you certainly don't even need to be tick hitting perfectly.
05:07:04 Pepsi Cola (1:18) - eat me now
05:07:18 Pepsi Cola (1:18) - i already told all my friend to kill me