Ok then guys, in need of some advice.
Iv not played the game in ages and even then i was pretty poor. Iv played the last two weeks of the previous round & now this one.
Just really looking for what people do at the end of a game, and how is the best way to raise networth i guess
try to to take the piss to much.....
the idea is:
slowly stockpile soldiers....
many soldiers..
then try to increase max income
convert Probe factories to SMs
build MAX ASB (build max TF)
convert ASBs to SMs and rax.. (depeding on what is needed)
Stop making hits (TFs are not supported)
max soldiers every hour
max Tanks every hour
keep an eye on Rax Capacity...
Rob every hour.
you get an ration of 600+ by the ned of the round...
i ended up producing something like 600k tanks and 250k tfs in 12 hours. extremely mediocre, but not bad for my first time
seems hard to believe you can stockpile 1 bil on s1 and not get robbed to shit.
Some rounds I've seen you can. Personally though, unless you have a nice lead in land and probes already, I'd be too afraid to try it.
be made fun of for not being able to end game, drop from #8NW to like #16
train 450k tanks (when 14 hours are remaining ... otherwise pop kill
make fun of bitches who called you a noob
I think too many people took what I've done on s2 as the only way to endgame now. I'd never heard of anyone doing it and now everyone seems to talk about it. Should have prefaced it with: "would not do this on s1 (except some rare circumstances you are unlikely to find), but in many cases on s2 can def work."
Also should be noted that in 4 endgames,
-One of mine was soldier disband RR (stock up a ton of soldiers, go RR without more than 2-3k probes, disband soldiers till end) without money save (was +soldier train round)--Did calcs on this and could have withstanded a good number of kidnaps and still paid off, but it's an s2 endgame designed for low land.
-Another more traditional tank heavy rax overflow one.
-And two with this kind of big finish. Working because of the huge lead I had at that point and few/no people with high enough probes to exploit.
Obviously many endgames do not involve saving money
I think the best feelinf on sk is finding someone who is stockpiling cash, though. We used to organize groups to rob rape someone if we found them hoarding cash.
The few rounds I had played s1 I had never gotten above 2500 land without a completely destroyed kingdom. So I talk in theory here.
Nice to run into you again, *I had no idea who you were*
useful infor
so i was not worried about getting robbed
Also as an aside, how many people on s1 noticed that we were stuck in probicide first day of newbie? Had a nice teamm of people personally messaging bcart to stop his foolery. Wonder how many messages it took for him to fix it.