Chicken Island is the multi leader or part of the group using them. I have been in mobi for the past 2 days thanks to the multi who taken over my sector. About 8mins before this attack happened i was placed into growth for the bonus units killed.
March 23, 00:57:13 Our kingdom Hocus Pocus (1:2) bravely defended against Chicken Island (1:15) and lost 2,241 planets.
I have had to convert to powerless build thanks to "random" sabo's. So basically my round is over, cause this douche will just keep hitting me, like he did to bean. So ODB u have won congratz, ur top kds have secured there win via multies. Bean touched a couple of your tops and suddenly Chicken suicideing on him daily, i havent touched them in a few days, but i was a threat to the tops in your alliance and suddenly this guy is here hitting and breaking me.
Wasn't aware you were changed from mobi to growth. I didn't need it though.
Guess the multi guy ruining your sector just wants you dead
You probably have to make a new thread again when you login soon, and blame it on me, like you did all game.
Next time, please have a little humility and don't be a bully just because you can, while riding on a few people's dick, while others play alone or with few friends.
also, without chicken, ODB would have fallen flat on their asses
@ Mages, Zao @ co. guilty or not if you wanna condone this greasey shit, justified by survival or not... You'd better up your game cause next round we're gonna school you chumps right outa the gate. Run and hide bitches, run and hide!
My dick. You all's mouths. Take it out please. Talk is all you can do for a few weeks and I ain't even listening LOL sorry bout ur kds bros.
Mages, look what we did. Singlehandedly reviving SK by being some supernoobs on top. Woohoo. They hate to see a homie do good.
The only person here that gets sympathy and understanding is Nemo. I've always felt he got dealt a shitty hand. But this shit happened with the multibots last round. And eventually people got tired of wasting an entire round concentrated on multis and killing them. And no one wants to stop playing the fucking game just because of multis.
Maybe next time there is any multi, we can all NAP and just play pretty pretty kingdoms instead.
The reason why bean and terrible got kt'ed is because they were being dicks to a lot of people. Chaotic you were going to be a dick, like you mentioned yourself
I have no pity and can the whiners go sit in a corner and whine there
Now you need to throw in a witty remark, Ara :P (I guess the whiners comment will do
Lynog, this guy has been a prick to chicken all game. Understandably he's been screwed by the multi messing up his sector state. I do sympathise for him, for most part of the game. But man, for whatever unknown reason he's got a boner for me/or the word chicken.
Well as for your threats, you can keep Mages & co out of it. It's just a game, don't take it too personal there mate. It's 2months a round, not the end of the world.
But if you do insist to prove whatever point you want, come get me. I didn't get school'd from your delete/vacation when being kt'd.
Hence I do feel a little regret now messing you up before I call it a day. It was only meant your good mate bean. Oh well it's too late now to say anything
Sorry mate, i'm just a noob who'll get rolled out of whorebie
Last I checked, the game is dead and filled with 3/4 multies and noobs with me with dicknity
March 10, 05:56:56 Our brave kingdom Disaster Relief (1:13) attacked Chicken Island (1:15) and conquered 1,056 planets.
^^ Before I went RR ^^
You might as well frame it on your wall bro
just ddos the server whenever you feel insecure mate
or hit delete button whenever the odds are against you.