Guys.. i've spent most my life as a full time asshole, pot smoker, and sk player.. havent really done a whole lot with my life thus far. About two years ago I went through a serious.. rough spot. It was one of the things that brought me back to sk for the past 4 rounds or so. In short, a really bad breakup, an armed robbery, a car accident, and culminating with a DUI last july.. I had no where else to go honestly.. i didnt have friends when I moved back to Indiana from Illinois, so i didnt really have anyone to talk to, vent to, or cry to, for lack of better words. And i found all of these things here, friendship, and support. So for that, I would like to thank all of you. Today at work i recieved a Christmas bonus.. my first ever, and my office got me a birthday cake (first ever from work standpoint) and i'm feeling really accomplished. I know for certain we all have our differences, but you would be surpised what a little, fantasy football banter, and slamming
@Bcartfall can do for a person's soul. So, i hope you all have a tremendous holiday season, Christmas, or whatever it is that you celebrate, enjoy it. And enjoy this game would ya, i know we all bitch from time to time... but its cool that so many of us can come here to connect with old friends and enemies. So for the first time in about three years, i get to say, honestly, that i feel happy. And i owe, in part, some of the credit to you guys. SO MERRY CHRISTMAS you motor boating sons of bitches! I wont be leaving sappy bs like this on here ever again, so take it for what its worth

Rick M.
Me when your free
On behalf of the skpfs we sincerely hate you with a burning passion.
Thanks for the kind words and keep your chin up. We love you, no homo.
Merry Christmas.
You know where to find dear old Ashy!
Also, merry Christmas
Mother fucker beat me to it.
I loled so hard when I read this.
Merry Christmas all!!
Nailed it! Haha
Did some seriously next level soul searching
During all of that junk I talked about
Lmao. Bravo.