here is the extension for chrome - terra research fixed
- post som/sok from probe history to Alliance Forums (WIP)
- show prize for explore/military units/buildings (WIP)
- store login/password to my server, so if you somehow forget your details, you can just ask me

- load statline of kingdoms in probe history (sok and som) and some other details

check it out!
more little features coming.
i've used the same bsg and password for the last 7 years... hope i dont forget it or there might be something wrong with me
November 14, 10:29:49 example som (x:x) Spy on Military 7 7 The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:
Home Leader War Leader #1 War Leader #2 War Leader #3 War Leader #4
Soldiers 357 0 0 0 0
Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Dragoons 80 6,147 6,147 6,148 0
Fighters 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Dragoons 34,007 0 0 0 0
Tanks 11,687 0 0 0 0
Military Statistics
Total Military: 40,909
Potential Offense: 10,290 - 22,016
Current Defense: 30,619 (33,681 w/ Max Shields)
Defense Rating: 74.85% (0-34% = Suicide, 35-70% = Fair Grab)
All numbers displayed are in Tanks Worth at the time of the SOM
and do not take into account the SOM's accuracy, sector state, planet types, research or shields
Kingdom Information:
example kd (X:10,Y:9) Desert Wasteland 3,552 896,467 1,771
still work in progress, should be avaible for everybody in few days.
ZOMG nobody knows its Macken 1:16 now!
eta @ 10 ticks
click to open in full size
still work in progress