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Save the around before its too late ???

edited July 2014 in General
Please this is serious

This would make the round great

Just stop and think before you abuse me a usual

At this rate the game will come to a stop as the ALS in some alliances don't seem competent and are happy to sit on the fence while arming commences

Look I take my hat of to darubian
He's a good guy I have nothing against him he was in my alliance last round and is a good bloke
I have nothing against forge
Simply better players across the bored

What do I recommend

Make 4 alliances

Split all sectors up and Have all 4 allainces the same Nw ( give or take 1 mill)

Think about this idea guys
It's not as dumb as it sounds and we could fight it out and enjoy it alot more

This idea will get battered down
But atleast I tried again ( the only person who tried to make thins better these days)

If its agreed we an work out the sectors

Some one like Tmonsta would be best for that


  • We talked about this two rounds ago two. I'm never opposed to shaking things up. I've been on both sides of the fence.
  • I don't understand where the other leaders get off telling me to split my Alliance. I played ball like the rest of you. You gave me over 24 hours of a head start.

    You want this round to get better, then pull together and find a leader willing to stand up because so far I'm disappointed.
  • I don't understand where the other leaders get off telling me to split my Alliance. I played ball like the rest of you. You gave me over 24 hours of a head start.

    You want this round to get better, then pull together and find a leader willing to stand up because so far I'm disappointed.

    I signed up late bro

    We both know forge will win very easy

    It's alot of your decision if you want this or not

    It's no fun winning a round with a huge alliance

    U can be AL still but of a more even alliance

    I am recommending this only to make it better and more fun for every one

    Would the premier league be fun if
    Chelsea played Fulham every week??
    No it's fun when Chelsea play man city

    This is something easy to do and most people who enjoy even rounds will like it
    The only people who won't will prows be the turtles

    As for UNi

    Nah it won't happen I've led the coalition before I haven't got that energy my girlfriend is due to give birth soon
    And after me I don't think many people know much at all

    What has happened with rohan says alot
    And reliable just got hit and rage quit

    If u guys wanna farm then that's up to
    I just wanted to offer a solution

    Good work on getting the best sectors quickly
    Very good
    But that's not really my point right now
    It's irrelevent
  • Let's not pretend that forge will last all round, the front runners never do.
  • Most of the UNi are on about just letting them farm to prove a point
  • Viva good idea but we all know it wont happen :/ lol

    SK needs revamping in order to make the game work.... Shrink sectors to 10-15 KDS each... Alliance only take up to 4 Sectors..... etc..
  • Meh, Damdred and I have pulled off this regrouping before. And to start it off after the top two alliances disbanded a super alliance was formed and would have stayed if not for an argument about KTing someone. Which then led to two somewhat similar sized alliances. Not going to work.
  • Give me your best sectors and I'll destroy the forge!
  • That's why I mentioned that you inperticular do the sector split properly
    This can work
    What's the worst that can happen???
    Either way it would be more fun that this round will eventually become

    This is possible to do within a day

    I don't even care if I am AL or not
    I would just like something different
    Something what the community can do easily if they want

  • Yeah, but last time I worked on spreadsheets mixing up large and medium sized KDs and sectors to make it all even and then one or two SLs said no and then the other SLs weren't going to be trapped and it all fell apart. The officers of all the alliances could agree but you will never get every greedy SL to agree.
  • Viva signed up late guys

    kd id #76

    so late
  • Atleast you an try
    Then atleast you've done your bit
    I can convince 10 sectors for you straight away
    You will get no complaints from my lot or any of my ex officers leader grab back
    We all look at the bigger picture

    Obviously your always going to get 1 or 2 turtles moaning and groaning because that's what happens
    But it's for the sake of the round
    Most pro players have common sense

    Like I said I happily hold my hands up at say forge will win easily
    There I've said it

    All I can do Is ask for something different to the constant in even ness

    I am happy for u to do everything and pick sectors etc as leaders

    I think most people would want you to do it also

    Like I said this is doable and 80% want it I believe
  • Viva signed up late guys

    kd id #76

    so late

    Sorry what I meant was I didn't wanna AL but sorta got pushed into it
    My bad forum police
    It's irrelevant still
  • I told you, send me your best sectors and I will lead us all to the promised land.

    Why does no one beliebe?
  • I told you, send me your best sectors and I will lead us all to the promised land.

    Why does no one beliebe?

    Please stop trolling I am trying to be serious
    Give it a rest bro
  • I told you, send me your best sectors and I will lead us all to the promised land.

    Why does no one beliebe?

    Please stop trolling I am trying to be serious
    Give it a rest bro
    But I'm a gooder AL. Not my fault none beliebe me anymore.
  • too late now, i got hit and put my kingdom on deletion...(dont rob me)
  • too late now, i got hit and put my kingdom on deletion...(dont rob me)
    Good luck bro
    See u next round possibly
  • If people all deleted after they got hit, we would have some lonely rounds. Sad.
  • too late now, i got hit and put my kingdom on deletion...(dont rob me)
    Good luck bro
    See u next round possibly
    hope not, trying to quit...
  • too late now, i got hit and put my kingdom on deletion...(dont rob me)
    Good luck bro
    See u next round possibly
    hope not, trying to quit...
    so we've all said for several rounds now
  • I've quit like 4 times in the last 10 years
  • Is every one against this idea???
  • No, you're just the only person stupid enough to run around with your arms flailing about doomsday a week after every round starts.
  • I dont understand people quitting after getting hit. Fuck, man up. Build more defense. Tell them you git me this time. Or go super AT on a misty and grab like your life depended on it. 60-70k goons on misty and if done right... survive and fuck shit up.

    Or be a donkey dick licking two timing piece of anal mustard spewing fool and rage quit.
  • too late now, i got hit and put my kingdom on deletion...(dont rob me)
    Undelete it. I need you and your sector.
  • i dont get it... u guys had fore knowledge that this alliance was going to form, it should have been no shock to anyone since they made a thread last round....

    where you guys went wrong was letting rohan al its never too late
    They let viva AL too. If people would prevent idiots like Viva from making an alliance every round, maybe we'd actually have good rounds for once.

  • Shakes his head at meadows

    Some times I wonder about you
    Really clueless
    If u think I am bad fck me u should see others
  • You really aren't a leader, so you should honestly just stop trying.
  • Ok guys ill give my thoughts

    Universsal reshufflings can potentially work. However they do not at all.

    I've done four or five reshuffles and you will end up with a super alliance somewhere at some point. Hell we aren't even a full week in yet....and we waant a reshuffle? A lot of people are still slow playibg not to die early atm. The top scores won't be the same 2 weeks from now so a ubi reshuffle is pointless and a bad idea especially when you get something worse than what you got now
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