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Kicking DarkFort when he is down.



  • Yeh DF was pretty top 20 when he started protecting me...perhaps I should get another top 20 protector. PROTECT ME JEBUS!
  • Well if you looked in our alliance forum u would see Keshas bots which other players made raping him. I undestand yer such a dweeb that u believe and support him though. Its no surprise youre an idiot.
  • hey dank not only did I hit that link and get 350 plus new news from multies but I have 2 more land then you ;p
  • 1500 land, are you shitting me?


    It is literally impossible to not be at the top that early.
  • 1500 land, are you shitting me?


    It is literally impossible to not be at the top that early.
    Nothing is literally impossible.
  • 1500 land, are you shitting me?


    It is literally impossible to not be at the top that early.
    Nothing is literally impossible.
    Therefore achieving the literally impossible is literally impossible.
  • 1500 land, are you shitting me?


    It is literally impossible to not be at the top that early.
    Nothing is literally impossible.
    Therefore achieving the literally impossible is literally impossible.
    Yet the impossibility of being literally impossible, is literally impossible.
  • edited May 2012
    hey dank not only did I hit that link and get 350 plus new news from multies but I have 2 more land then you ;p
    You were building a good kingdom I was just watching not interfering. I went on vacation 3 days in the woods with no wifi. When I got back some dork in my sector suicided his kingdom on me for 2 days straight. I tried to rebound but then I uncovered the Lynog conspiracy. I was hoping for a good competition with you now that I finally have a smart phone. Maybe next round.
  • hey dank not only did I hit that link and get 350 plus new news from multies but I have 2 more land then you ;p
    You were building a good kingdom I was just watching not interfering. I went on vacation 3 days in the woods with no wifi. When I got back some dork in my sector suicided his kingdom on me for 2 days straight. I tried to rebound but then I uncovered the Lynog conspiracy. I was hoping for a good competition with you now that I finally have a smart phone. Maybe next round.
    Competing with someone on your level, good idea
  • edited May 2012
    I prefer to compete with people that arent cheating. If he was I didnt notice. I know its hard for you to relate but I dont care about score that much. I hate wondering if Ill get broken I like to get that over with. My worst rounds are dealing with that and finishing unbroken. Have you ever been boning a hot chick or at a great party and thought about your starkingdom? It's retarded. Two months of agony and stress. I like to kill the people that invest alot of time and get all anal about their score. Ive been in their shoes I know how it feels and its not a good feeling to be all uptight about something so trivial. Im larger than you Lynog and Hus combined at the moment. It doesnt matter but try to think about the game from different perspectives. If you dont even play when you cant be on top youre missing out on a lot that the game has to offer. You cant even relate to the smaller guys that get bashed. I like playing small accounts and wrecking someone that bashes. Its just awesome when you tell them who you are and there is that moment when they know theyre screwed and their posture changes. Kind of like when I made that Lynog multi thread and sat back to watch the inevitable fireworks. I knew Id get rolled when I hit submit. He had already threatened me over posts I just smiled. You guys would love to remove things like player made rules but we still have vets that respect them and it makes the game fun for everyone. Here is another example you guys sign up and hide from everybody. You won't tell people who you are, you want to run the sector, and you try to dictate everything. People f'ing hate me but you know what I sign up, let them hit me, and they get over it. The next round I'll play two straight months and not even take a hit. Play it your way and have fun but define the game or a players worth under your terms of being a top 10 player.
  • edited May 2012
    Its ok if you dont read it but it seems to be a big deal to him. Its a response to him and his friends so that they might relate. Ive played this game for 13 years I cant waste all of my time caring about my kingdom. Those types come and go the true vets can have fun on any kingdom. I remember Tidus wouldnt play unless he could assure he had nowhere to be for 3 entire months. Thats nuts.
  • I remember Tidus wouldnt play unless he could assure he had nowhere to be for 3 entire months. Thats nuts.
    If you're going to build a kingdom, might as well do it right lol
  • edited May 2012
    What you are upset about is your friends getting raped and my airing your dirty laundry. The only retaliation you have is this weak argument. Maybe if you didnt step to me people would play your ripoff and not know that youre just a cheater. This is how I see you. Hi my names bean Im destroying this game but if you come to my clone Ill stop ripping you off if you allow me to be your dictator.
  • What you are upset about is your friends getting raped and my airing your dirty laundry. The only retaliation you have is this weak argument. Maybe if you didnt step to me people would play your ripoff and not know that youre just a cheater. This is how I see you. Hi my names bean Im destroying this game but if you come to my clone Ill stop ripping you off if you allow me to be your dictator.
    What upsets me is retards like you that loosely throw around names and accusations. You have absolutely nothing on me except the bullshit you fabricate.
  • edited May 2012
    You are saying you dont have bots on the server or youre just blatantly lying again? A trick question right of course you do. Go do what your crew does best and hide. Without your crew of posers posting with you Id recommend not talking.
  • You are saying you dont have bots on the server or youre just blatantly lying again? A trick question right of course you do. Go do what your crew does best and hide. Without your crew of posers posting with you Id recommend not talking.
    You're such a fucking idiot, but that's alright just keep with the bullshit.
  • Pretty sure Dank says it to get a rise out of you, his proof consists of your pf posts being sporadic but timed with bot occurences on SK... The catch is his method only applies 50% of the time, not too foolproof hahaha

    On a side note, I do believe Dank is the man to talk to if you need a discount on tinfoil
  • edited May 2012
    He cant answer cuz Im right and u should stop talking for him. The guy never answers that question he may be contractually bound not to. Some seo companies prevent it. He does have bots here.
  • You are far from right Dank, get over yourself. Sometimes your bullshit just doesn't deserve a response, so I don't bother writing one.
  • edited May 2012
    Im sorry was that an answer? Do you have bots on the server? Do you understand English?
  • Nobody but Bean can answer for sure, and he says no, so really what more is there to say.

    Fact is he shares his knowledge and created a tool that helped and is still helping a great many player. So thats lends a little credibility to his name and a little less to your argument. Why destroy something youve invested time and energy into?

    Im a fan of logic and trolling, you are doing a bad job at both :p
  • edited May 2012
    He didnt say no again you show up to speak for him are you mental? If you dont understand English and how things can be open to interpretation please stop responding for a minute.
  • shut up dank stop smoking meth
  • Hahaha, why will the word "no" satisfy you? Im speaking about you being one of the dumbest people left on SK, not about him saying a two letter word.
  • edited May 2012
    You guys are pathetic you are whats wrong. People need to kt you until you leave. I have shown them the rabbit hole its up for them to choose.
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