people seem to think time equals respect. But in truth only cheating gains you respect here. Those who do not cheat are noobs.
Only cheating gains you respect THESE DAYS. Before, you'd be KT'd without a second thought. Now, as long as you're creative about how you cheat, you'll be just fine.
Wouldn't surprise me if Lynog is behind the attacks on Genz to pin the blame on me. Or he at least got the cheating bastard to do it.
edit - and stop name dropping Sephiroth every day in here and uni chat like you are right now. Like he matters and going against him makes you important.
Not bringing it up. You turned it into an issue. What's funny is that idiots like you in those days were minor, insignificant sacks of shit that no-one paid any attention to. Now, most of the pro's are gone, and useless people like you, who had no chance whatsoever in previous games, come to the fore and think you are something special. When you're not, because when it actually mattered, no-one gave a fuck about what you were saying. Us more important players tossed useless people like you to the side. People like you carve the steps so giants like us can rise higher and reign in what we do. You die for us. And it will always be like that wherever you go.
Hey sky dragon. I remember you . There was a round years ago where th[Eletists] alliance was going on in the pfs Bout how awesome they would be. You made like 50 multies and pkd the leadership. Without a bot. You did it one by one, wow. I can't believe you still don't have a life. Your track reccord is clear, and no one likes you, why are you here?
Also, I played before v2 and I don't remember you being a top anything. You were an annoying scrub.
people seem to think time equals respect. But in truth only cheating gains you respect here. Those who do not cheat are noobs.
Only cheating gains you respect THESE DAYS. Before, you'd be KT'd without a second thought. Now, as long as you're creative about how you cheat, you'll be just fine.
Wouldn't surprise me if Lynog is behind the attacks on Genz to pin the blame on me. Or he at least got the cheating bastard to do it.
edit - and stop name dropping Sephiroth every day in here and uni chat like you are right now. Like he matters and going against him makes you important.
Not bringing it up. You turned it into an issue. What's funny is that idiots like you in those days were minor, insignificant sacks of shit that no-one paid any attention to. Now, most of the pro's are gone, and useless people like you, who had no chance whatsoever in previous games, come to the fore and think you are something special. When you're not, because when it actually mattered, no-one gave a fuck about what you were saying. Us more important players tossed useless people like you to the side. People like you carve the steps so giants like us can rise higher and reign in what we do. You die for us. And it will always be like that wherever you go.
Jesus christ this smells of virgin, who the fuck cares about skill at sk in games past? You are fucking terrible now and still a douche, end of discussion.
people seem to think time equals respect. But in truth only cheating gains you respect here. Those who do not cheat are noobs.
Only cheating gains you respect THESE DAYS. Before, you'd be KT'd without a second thought. Now, as long as you're creative about how you cheat, you'll be just fine.
Wouldn't surprise me if Lynog is behind the attacks on Genz to pin the blame on me. Or he at least got the cheating bastard to do it.
edit - and stop name dropping Sephiroth every day in here and uni chat like you are right now. Like he matters and going against him makes you important.
Not bringing it up. You turned it into an issue. What's funny is that idiots like you in those days were minor, insignificant sacks of shit that no-one paid any attention to. Now, most of the pro's are gone, and useless people like you, who had no chance whatsoever in previous games, come to the fore and think you are something special. When you're not, because when it actually mattered, no-one gave a fuck about what you were saying. Us more important players tossed useless people like you to the side. People like you carve the steps so giants like us can rise higher and reign in what we do. You die for us. And it will always be like that wherever you go.
Some still harbour your beliefs Sky Dragon. They just arent vocal anymore about it. You have to watch out. The gestapo of cheating will find us and make us disappear. So stop causing a scene and just fight it like the rest of us do. With Covert Action and NSG constantly pointing out multis
Hey sky dragon. I remember you . There was a round years ago where th[Eletists] alliance was going on in the pfs Bout how awesome they would be. You made like 50 multies and pkd the leadership. Without a bot. You did it one by one, wow.
Funny how they whined and bitched when they were taken out. But they were small fry compared to some of the others we have done in.
Most AL's in later games sucked. Think only MindStorm et al were worth it in Mafia and later alliances and weren't noobs and douchebags like who most other alliances were led by. Fuck, the fun we had together was awesome. Made a habit of making sure I was in his alliance. The rest were and have always been wannabes.
Some still harbour your beliefs Sky Dragon. They just arent vocal anymore about it. You have to watch out. The gestapo of cheating will find us and make us disappear. So stop causing a scene and just fight it like the rest of us do. With Covert Action and NSG constantly pointing out multis
Anyone notice his big rant about how I was a nobody player etc... Yet I was on his aim list and he wasnt important enough for me to bother using the 4 seconds to ever add him to mine ;-)
Oh look, he mentions Mafia and its leadership yet I was one of the original 6 or 7 people who created it with Mindstorm, makaveli, assassin, manco, fasho etc while you was just one of the riff raff at the bottom who did the bitch work.
That is probably why I was on your list, probably gave you an order one time like a bitch then forgot you even existed.
Stop lying about mind making sure you was in his alliances hahaha
what you are taking here about idiot? when you dream please close your milky eyes.
Surprisingly, lol.
On a side note, LT were clowns with their persistent multi accounts. Wish your SK kingdom could nuke a real place because I'd love to nuke the fuck out of Lithuania.
50 cost you like a week or 2 nolife? and you still have something to say about liths? wahaha:D
Hey sky dragon. I remember you . There was a round years ago where th[Eletists] alliance was going on in the pfs Bout how awesome they would be. You made like 50 multies and pkd the leadership. Without a bot. You did it one by one, wow.
Funny how they whined and bitched when they were taken out. But they were small fry compared to some of the others we have done in.
Most AL's in later games sucked. Think only MindStorm et al were worth it in Mafia and later alliances and weren't noobs and douchebags like who most other alliances were led by. Fuck, the fun we had together was awesome. Made a habit of making sure I was in his alliance. The rest were and have always been wannabes.
Some still harbour your beliefs Sky Dragon. They just arent vocal anymore about it. You have to watch out. The gestapo of cheating will find us and make us disappear. So stop causing a scene and just fight it like the rest of us do. With Covert Action and NSG constantly pointing out multis
Stop lying about mind making sure you was in his alliances hahaha
Whatever man, there was a lot of shit done in the background that you're obviously not aware of. You really can't have been that important if you weren't aware of it. No, I'm not going to elaborate because I have no desire to tarnish his reputation or place suspicions on me involving a lot of crazy shit.
50 cost you like a week or 2 nolife? and you still have something to say about liths? wahaha:D
Yup, Lithuanians are disgusting creatures and should be wiped from the face of the Earth. At the very least, that "nation" should be nuked.
Did someone just name MindStorm as a great leader, because playing during the click bug and then leaving when it ended pretty much summed up his legacy. He came at me once and I beat the crap out of him. His retaliation was to KT me while I was his WG in his own alliance while they cheated their ass off. I hope this causes him to come back cuz I owe him one. Best stay where he belongs and off this game.
Punk ass couldn't even beat me when I was playing legit. Anyways, Bedrock was the best AL. He would admit to his mistakes and he ran a really fun alliance that wasn't completely one sided using scripts and clicking. MindStorm was just a badger avatar and regardless of what you were just thinking until you read this sentence... you know that is right.
Yeah they are really old and he does not play but if you want to talk about great leadership look no further. Bedrock was extremely entertaining and wasn't afraid to go against the grain. To me he was the best SK AL. It's also relevant to how this game turned into a great big poop stain.
Did someone just name MindStorm as a great leader, because playing during the click bug and then leaving when it ended pretty much summed up his legacy. He came at me once and I beat the crap out of him. His retaliation was to KT me while I was his WG in his own alliance while they cheated their ass off. I hope this causes him to come back cuz I owe him one. Best stay where he belongs and off this game.
Punk ass couldn't even beat me when I was playing legit. Anyways, Bedrock was the best AL. He would admit to his mistakes and he ran a really fun alliance that wasn't completely one sided using scripts and clicking. MindStorm was just a badger avatar and regardless of what you were just thinking until you read this sentence... you know that is right.
Bedrock alliances? You mean TankWolf/Fade/etc alliances. Didn't Bedrock just go inactive after a few weeks :P
Every time he went inactive things started to fall apart. Once he would return it would set the ship back on course. That is the sign of a good leader right there.
And skydragon, I mentioned makaveli because he was in every mafia alliance with me, helped form it and still doesnt know who you are. So stop telling lies, you was and are a nobody.
And skydragon, I mentioned makaveli because he was in every mafia alliance with me, helped form it and still doesnt know who you are. So stop telling lies, you was and are a nobody.
And skydragon, I mentioned makaveli because he was in every mafia alliance with me, helped form it and still doesnt know who you are. So stop telling lies, you was and are a nobody.
To be honest, I don't give a shit about Makaveli or you. Why do you keep bringing him up? For fucks sake, lol.
I mean, what is it? Am I talking in a language other than English or are you illiterate as well as being dumb, retarded and an all out fucking imbecile? :-W
This just explains why you were picked last in gym class, ladies.
Wouldn't surprise me if Lynog is behind the attacks on Genz to pin the blame on me. Or he at least got the cheating bastard to do it. Not bringing it up. You turned it into an issue. What's funny is that idiots like you in those days were minor, insignificant sacks of shit that no-one paid any attention to. Now, most of the pro's are gone, and useless people like you, who had no chance whatsoever in previous games, come to the fore and think you are something special. When you're not, because when it actually mattered, no-one gave a fuck about what you were saying. Us more important players tossed useless people like you to the side. People like you carve the steps so giants like us can rise higher and reign in what we do. You die for us. And it will always be like that wherever you go.
Your track reccord is clear, and no one likes you, why are you here?
Also, I played before v2 and I don't remember you being a top anything. You were an annoying scrub.
Jesus christ this smells of virgin, who the fuck cares about skill at sk in games past? You are fucking terrible now and still a douche, end of discussion.
Most AL's in later games sucked. Think only MindStorm et al were worth it in Mafia and later alliances and weren't noobs and douchebags like who most other alliances were led by. Fuck, the fun we had together was awesome. Made a habit of making sure I was in his alliance. The rest were and have always been wannabes. I concur.
Oh look, he mentions Mafia and its leadership yet I was one of the original 6 or 7 people who created it with Mindstorm, makaveli, assassin, manco, fasho etc while you was just one of the riff raff at the bottom who did the bitch work.
That is probably why I was on your list, probably gave you an order one time like a bitch then forgot you even existed.
Stop lying about mind making sure you was in his alliances hahaha
Poor guy
And by the way, I don't "multi". Loser. Loving the image. =D>
Makaveli who helped start it and ALed Mafia more than ANYBODY is my RL mate and doesnt even know you.
What is it with SK and attracting idiots to this game that can't seem to read anything properly.
Punk ass couldn't even beat me when I was playing legit. Anyways, Bedrock was the best AL. He would admit to his mistakes and he ran a really fun alliance that wasn't completely one sided using scripts and clicking. MindStorm was just a badger avatar and regardless of what you were just thinking until you read this sentence... you know that is right.
And skydragon, I mentioned makaveli because he was in every mafia alliance with me, helped form it and still doesnt know who you are. So stop telling lies, you was and are a nobody.
I mean, what is it? Am I talking in a language other than English or are you illiterate as well as being dumb, retarded and an all out fucking imbecile? :-W
You just keep pretending you dont know what I am talking about though