The bot owners ip address is If you do a simple ip lookup you will see it’s location is coming up as Sabah Malaysia. So there you have it, xMYx is running the bot.
Looks like you've got the attention of someone else there Idiot. I was Totally not RR, and I slept fine and still built a better KD then you and your buddies.
I logged in yesterday for the first time all round, so no I didn’t check out the bot kingdoms. Just wanted put The bot owner argument to rest and confirm who it is.
@Robtomo you should come back next round. It not fun without your bots. Everyone miss you. You are the best bot owner in SK by feeding them with your bots. But this round is different. The bunch of asshole keep feeding my bots with their land.
More like you're a fucking pussy protecting your shitty ass turtle friends. You're a cunt, nothing more and nothing less. I hope some little Thai boylady gives you aids
I'd be mad too if I got fucked every round.. I get it. Bot or not you're still garbage at building and to be honest you're kinda shit at botting as well.. learn to cheat better please
He was playing as itz a baby kayuza and some other shit can kd last round.. after he got smacked up with his boys they went vacation mode and started making multis/bot kds. Remember the thread I had about xMYx being shit? He denied being involved with xMYx but talked it up about how is UA would get the land back etc etc after I rolled him out clean..
Also the same kid that was dkinghitler I'm pretty sure.. who was trashed a few rounds ago..they talk the same way and both bragged about their shit bot
Hey, you didn't rolled me out clean dude. I'm the only one who rolled you again and again. One more time I'm going to tell you that I'm not related to xMYx but I will tag them up for next round not this round. So be prepare to get killed and rolled again next round.
Oh the tears of the little bitch were worth it. But seriously lol you win civic. We off to play one of the clones where we can chill n compete against each other with out your butthurt. Enjoy; )
Definition of losing: Getting fucked so bad that a whole UA goes into vacation mode and resorts to using bots to try to be relevant in a shitty texted based game played by most when they were in grade school 10+ years ago...
Civic... er... SK Police?
Why am I dead & targeted? [Derp King 1.3]
Only reason there could be:
You are sooo retarded & spineless you can't even beat a average, part-time player without your bots.
Seriously you baby... I have to wonder if you cry yourself to sleep every night, knowing what a useless piece of sad shit you are... Or are you oblivious to your reality?
You say United isn’t your buddy yet you botted the crap out of people after he got dead for being your boy toy. You are a garbage player, garbage builder, garbage bot owner, and a garbage person. Congrats GarbageBoy you sir are garbage.
The bot owners ip address is If you do a simple ip lookup you will see it’s location is coming up as Sabah Malaysia. So there you have it, xMYx is running the bot.
You can't probe Totally not RR (1:13) because they are dead.
Rest In Pieces for whoever own this Garbage Kingdom. You may sleep early from now on.
Civic 1 : Greg/RiCo/Sped/Dae 0
Looks like you've got the attention of someone else there Idiot. I was Totally not RR, and I slept fine and still built a better KD then you and your buddies.
Lol.. you the only big guy ya?
@Robtomo some of my bots name already indicate that I am from Malaysia. Are you guys really that dumb? Btw, I’m not from xMYx. So get the fact.
now why would I give you information like that
I logged in yesterday for the first time all round, so no I didn’t check out the bot kingdoms. Just wanted put The bot owner argument to rest and confirm who it is.
@Robtomo you should come back next round. It not fun without your bots. Everyone miss you. You are the best bot owner in SK by feeding them with your bots. But this round is different. The bunch of asshole keep feeding my bots with their land.
More like you're a fucking pussy protecting your shitty ass turtle friends. You're a cunt, nothing more and nothing less. I hope some little Thai boylady gives you aids
I'd be mad too if I got fucked every round.. I get it. Bot or not you're still garbage at building and to be honest you're kinda shit at botting as well.. learn to cheat better please
you know who it is?
He was playing as itz a baby kayuza and some other shit can kd last round.. after he got smacked up with his boys they went vacation mode and started making multis/bot kds. Remember the thread I had about xMYx being shit? He denied being involved with xMYx but talked it up about how is UA would get the land back etc etc after I rolled him out clean..
Also the same kid that was dkinghitler I'm pretty sure.. who was trashed a few rounds ago..they talk the same way and both bragged about their shit bot
Hey, you didn't rolled me out clean dude. I'm the only one who rolled you again and again. One more time I'm going to tell you that I'm not related to xMYx but I will tag them up for next round not this round. So be prepare to get killed and rolled again next round.
Nobody is going to play anymore.
@Barricade those jerk will keep on playing. I will coming back every round until they quit.
what is the point?
Hahahah Hikaru is a baby backed bitch! So so sad
@Barricade i don't know. Maybe i have too much free time. Even if i dont play anymore. I will pass the bots to Itz a Baby and Arkod.
Oh the tears of the little bitch were worth it. But seriously lol you win civic. We off to play one of the clones where we can chill n compete against each other with out your butthurt. Enjoy; )
Another Fucktard is down.
December 1, 22:25:58 Our kingdom BreakingBad (1:17) was killed. Nothing remains of their 1,663,945 networth.
@dae enjoy your cloned SK and please don't come back.
nobody cares bro this game is basically an interactive forum game like werewolf at this point
hahaha needle dick
this way you can finally finish 1st. Something you cant do. Even with your bots
We will
ill take u down next round hikarux, see ya!
Definition of losing: Getting fucked so bad that a whole UA goes into vacation mode and resorts to using bots to try to be relevant in a shitty texted based game played by most when they were in grade school 10+ years ago...
Civic... er... SK Police?
Why am I dead & targeted? [Derp King 1.3]
Only reason there could be:
You are sooo retarded & spineless you can't even beat a average, part-time player without your bots.
Seriously you baby... I have to wonder if you cry yourself to sleep every night, knowing what a useless piece of sad shit you are... Or are you oblivious to your reality?
@cumgitsum i did not kill you. My WL’s is out for Rathkin. I have no spare wl on you. Why would any bad things all related to me?
Obvious answer is you're a cunt who gets his jollies botting ppl n ruining games duh
You say United isn’t your buddy yet you botted the crap out of people after he got dead for being your boy toy. You are a garbage player, garbage builder, garbage bot owner, and a garbage person. Congrats GarbageBoy you sir are garbage.