After kicking around ideas it's all too obvious. You're the only hope. Sign up a ton of bots next round and be nice to people with them. We'll all fake like they are real people and get the game ranked high doing some generic seo tricks. It will be like kick starting a heart attack victim. I think it serves everybody's best interest. If you succeed in killing everyone on the server you'll have nothing to do the following round. It's in everyone's best interest to engage in a server wide conspiracy to trick new people into joining the game. Then, after a round of two of pretending to be nice, we can proceed with ass raping them for lols.
Kesh, if you are gona cry when someone hits your moo kingdoms at least post a list for those that want to avoid them haha
Whats in BCarts best interest to keep the paying customers is a different topic.
Lets face it, everyone here knows the state of SK, its been shit for ages and recently got even worse. Yet we all keep.coming back. Personally, I still have fun when I play, I assume the same holds true for others. Cept Lews. He seems to like getin abused