isn't that an obvious false equivalence? DWU made a few petty multis, call it 3 multis. Then he gets zerged by Rob Cheat made 60 multis which were also bots.
ChefGreg then goes full retard and glorifies Rob Cheat, absolutely exalting him. ChefGreg and Barricade are simply in love with Rob Cheat. You are the worst kind of flaming moral hypocrite. I am not saying you are a crowd of shit players. I'm saying you personally are shit. That is why I only played this game for a few days, because of the politics of personal destruction. Keep spewing lies, stacking cheats, and glorifying Rob Cheat.
ok so here you go. when Rob uses 60 cheats and bots its Good and not cheating. But when DWU makes 3 multis or I make between 0 and 2 multis then its considered the worst kind of moral offense ever. LOL CHEAT.
isn't that an obvious false equivalence? DWU made a few petty multis, call it 3 multis. Then he gets zerged by Rob Cheat made 60 multis which were also bots.
ChefGreg then goes full retard and glorifies Rob Cheat, absolutely exalting him. ChefGreg and Barricade are simply in love with Rob Cheat. You are the worst kind of flaming moral hypocrite. I am not saying you are a crowd of shit players. I'm saying you personally are shit. That is why I only played this game for a few days, because of the politics of personal destruction. Keep spewing lies, stacking cheats, and glorifying Rob Cheat.
ok so here you go. when Rob uses 60 cheats and bots its Good and not cheating. But when DWU makes 3 multis or I make between 0 and 2 multis then its considered the worst kind of moral offense ever. LOL CHEAT.
Nobody glorified anything you little dicked cum bubble... stfu you fake account pos
just so you all know, Divine Wind change his sector name to "unstoppable" for the first four hits he took on me. I rolled him back hard so he created a couple new acounts and then squaks that robotmo out did him.
Thank you robotmo, Divine made so many accounts he stripped sl from me. He has never even read the sector state descriptions, so if he even ranks then you know he has cheated. He just isnt as good at it as you so he calls it cheating.
for the last time, I did not create those accounts that took SL from you, that was clearly someone else (Viva). the owner of those accounts stated that he made it because you were abusing DW's OP offense (which is true to some extent but I don't see that as abuse since BCart built that into the game). I only created two bank farms since we were running out of inacts and I only started hitting you because we were running out of inacts. then all of the sudden, Rob creates 59 multis and it seems like after I went into vacation mode, he killed any new players that showed up.
you're right, I wasn't sure what no state was but how often is that really used?
DWU they are too stupid and arrogant to admit that they false accused you of making 20+ multis that were made by so-called multi lord.
Khan guy is like using a water pokemon and he thinks he's overpowered/elite because he beat a fire pokemon. DW is that overpowered since you have infinite offense for basically $0. Rob is a cheat who needs 60 bots to "win" at a dead game. He has ponerized many who are simply in love with Rob cheat, I know Vulpes likes it since the cheats/bots vote for his crew meanwhile his crew refuses to hit the bots.
Looks like the word of a fag multi isnt worth much divine. That's what happens when you trade your integrity for extra accounts and then lie about it. The worst part is you aren't even any good at the game.
ChefGreg then goes full retard and glorifies Rob Cheat, absolutely exalting him. ChefGreg and Barricade are simply in love with Rob Cheat. You are the worst kind of flaming moral hypocrite. I am not saying you are a crowd of shit players. I'm saying you personally are shit. That is why I only played this game for a few days, because of the politics of personal destruction. Keep spewing lies, stacking cheats, and glorifying Rob Cheat.
ok so here you go. when Rob uses 60 cheats and bots its Good and not cheating. But when DWU makes 3 multis or I make between 0 and 2 multis then its considered the worst kind of moral offense ever. LOL CHEAT.
and Bean's game is down to single-digit player count now...
Thank you robotmo, Divine made so many accounts he stripped sl from me. He has never even read the sector state descriptions, so if he even ranks then you know he has cheated. He just isnt as good at it as you so he calls it cheating.
you're right, I wasn't sure what no state was but how often is that really used?
whatever, I don't care anymore, SK is dead
Khan guy is like using a water pokemon and he thinks he's overpowered/elite because he beat a fire pokemon. DW is that overpowered since you have infinite offense for basically $0. Rob is a cheat who needs 60 bots to "win" at a dead game. He has ponerized many who are simply in love with Rob cheat, I know Vulpes likes it since the cheats/bots vote for his crew meanwhile his crew refuses to hit the bots.
Everyone else is welcome to join, just remember, 1 kingdom each.
now please delete yours