Silly viva I dint have the energy to keep talking to you with your nonsense you and greg can troll it's exhausting lol....jess you are the explore queen good job I'm proud of you
Forget 2 alliances vs 1 alliance, that war was like 80 vs 20 if you count active KD's. And 1:5 was hit a ton by 1:14 not sure wtf you are talking about Viva... not to mention the multis wiping out our guys. Icon was 3k tanks from hitting your top guy then poof, multi raped. It's not like the old days when 1 alliance could put up a fight against two or even 3, that was when sectors were full of active KD's, now there are like 5-10 active KD's per sector.
You won the war, but it isn't brag-worthy at all...
because he's like when you have like dyslexy or those things, in highschool your test aren't marked as severely as others and often have much more time for essays etc :P
So you have 15 players better than you
10 v 4 my arse
You had 1.14 helping you and you had 5 sectors you idiot
That's 6 v 9
Do the Networth add up then you will see u had about 20 million more
2 in a rooowwwwwoooo
We won 2 we won 2 in a ROoooooooooooo
now i could have hit inger but i repaid the favor. but troll all you want gg zc gratz on the win
make sure we keep this nap going all round so i can explore up to like an 80 ratio ok.
My God your a pussy
Ran into the 3Rd placed alliance to save your skin
While doing so you hung your friends out to die
You've stooped to a noob low
That's just dumb bit Nevermind
It's 2.0
probably because we've been napped with ZC for like 2 weeks now. We might as well be one alliance so go ahead and add our networths together.
add xROx too, don't forget.
I don't have time like this
I have a family
I am not a loner sitting in my room
You won the war, but it isn't brag-worthy at all...
My 2cents.
Why 3x?
he's special