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  • SierraNevada Beer sucks asshole, it's worse than blue moon
    fuck you. I like both those beers
    you, sir have horrible taste. Please go drink your Natural Light also
    are those beers like Pabst Blue Ribbon?
  • Pabst Blue at least has a taste for its cheapness. But yes, Sierra Nevada tastes like bottled hobos ass and Natural Light likens itself to Horse piss.

    Drink a real beer Like Brown Honey Ale, Mguires Irish Red, Imperial Stout, and if you must go to a large produced beer get Yuengling
  • edited March 2012
    ITT: People that like crap beer commenting on peoples fondness of crap beer.

    Sierra Nevada has a decent IPA, however it's extremely hoppy; so if you don't like IPA's and the intense hoppiness that comes with it you won't like it.

    Who's imperial stout? Cigar City's? I've been meaning to try theirs. Heard good things about it.

    Edit: Nevermind, I looked up what you're talking about. McGuires Irish Pub in Florida is completely local brewery. Why would you suggest it to someone over the intertubes?

    On a side note, yuengling isn't sold in the midwest.
  • Suiciding is not allowed if anyone of your contacts is going to take the land from you. This is now defined as account sharing (Letting a contact know you suicided). Any account involved in the illegal suicide will be disabled without warning.

    good one.
  • Suiciding is not allowed if anyone of your contacts is going to take the land from you. This is now defined as account sharing (Letting a contact know you suicided). Any account involved in the illegal suicide will be disabled without warning.

    good one.
    Lol not like BCart will ever do anything about that, or change any of the rules.
    Pabst Blue at least has a taste for its cheapness. But yes, Sierra Nevada tastes like bottled hobos ass and Natural Light likens itself to Horse piss.

    Drink a real beer Like Brown Honey Ale, Mguires Irish Red, Imperial Stout, and if you must go to a large produced beer get Yuengling
    And you would know the taste of a hobo's ass because?
  • I didnt know yuengling never made it out Midwest.
  • Yuengling is a Pennsylvania product.

    Anyone espousing pbr while playing the role of beer snob can lick a hooker's ass. It's primarily rice, just like bud natty coors miller. If you HAVE to go that way, go with Shlitz. Or natty bo. Natty bo don't FUCK.

    Btw anyone drink malt liquor? Natty daddy's actually taste a little pilsnery, like natty lite.
  • Guinness.
  • edited March 2012
    I really only like Sierra Nevada because of the place I used to live and the good times I used to have out there...If you ask my favorite kind of beer it would be a pitcher of >>Hefeweizen<< with a good pizza down at Spankeys. Lately tho its been about the vodka :)
  • Guinness.
    Damn right I also brew beer from time to time and it is all about dark beer. It sounds like these little girls don't know good beer when they hear it :p

  • Yuengling is a Pennsylvania product.

    Anyone espousing pbr while playing the role of beer snob can lick a hooker's ass. It's primarily rice, just like bud natty coors miller. If you HAVE to go that way, go with Shlitz. Or natty bo. Natty bo don't FUCK.

    Btw anyone drink malt liquor? Natty daddy's actually taste a little pilsnery, like natty lite.

    YL Black&Tan is pretty dece
  • When I was in Georgia we got some Yuengling B&T and some regular. I preferred the regular. Premade black and tans in a bottle/can just seem like a terrible idea. I'd rather buy a 6 pack of Smithwick's and a 6 pack of Guinness and make my own.
  • I didnt like B&T very much. I liked the original a lot though
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