Pride (1:4)
Posted on May 18, 14:26:56
Come at me faggot
HAHAHAHAHA, i havent even hit him yet, what a rage monster :P
Our brave kingdom Multikingdoms (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 10,549 planets.
For more LOLz please see
May 18, 11:43:12 Our brave kingdom Multikingdoms (1:4) attacked Po Po Police (1:4) and conquered 11,401 planets.--- Ryan
May 18, 11:45:17 Our brave kingdom Terraness (1:4) attacked Po Po Police (1:4) and conquered 9,748 planets.
May 18, 15:32:47 Our brave kingdom BloodyOats (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 11,252 planets.----Darius
May 19, 04:49:36 Our brave kingdom Terraness (1:4) attacked Po Po Police (1:4) and conquered 9,518 planets.
May 19, 05:31:40 Our brave kingdom Multikingdoms (1:4) attacked Nikola Tesla (1:4) and conquered 9,130 planets.---Loki(ryans group)
May 19, 05:33:06 Our brave kingdom Multikingdoms (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 10,549 planets.
May 19, 06:07:45 Our brave kingdom BloodyOats (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 9,028 planets.
May 19, 08:15:21 Our brave kingdom What is this (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 8,618 planets.
May 19, 09:12:16 Our kingdom Pride (1:4) has entered trouble mode. Aid will be accepted for 12 hours
May 19, 09:12:16 Our brave kingdom Husky (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 7,764 planets.
May 19, 16:50:50 Our brave kingdom BloodyOats (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 7,018 planets.
May 19, 20:13:33 Our brave kingdom Terraness (1:4) attacked Po Po Police (1:4) and conquered 9,283 planets.
May 19, 20:57:32 Our brave kingdom Multikingdoms (1:4) attacked Po Po Police (1:4) and conquered 7,937 planets.
May 20, 08:00:27 Our brave kingdom BloodyOats (1:4) attacked Po Po Police (1:4) and conquered 6,861 planets.---Dvs(ryans group)
Have a nice day!
"Pride (1:4) - I am the god of SK"
Our brave kingdom Multikingdoms (1:4) attacked Pride (1:4) and conquered 10,549 planets.
alright lol
BTW darius.. That was with 1 war leader... LOL... how bad can you be? i just double tapped for 19k land and still have 500k tanks home, But you are the SK god right? hahahahaha
Even better when I don't even have to be the one to do it
Normal S2 game, I get big lead, get suicided on, stay top 3 for a bit, pull ahead for a massive lead, get absolute defense even from an all goon/tank TFSL, make a fuckton of TFs, easily roll out the #2 KD sectormate that had suicided a farm on another sectormate a couple times (this retard, actually), then I run out of targets completely.
Sectormate is ryan (big normal FW pop farm) and the sector decided R/R was okay and helped facilitate it. I figured if I ever had a chance to keep up with R/R in pure growth, it would be with this round bonus and it would require less effort than switching myself. So I just max explored, made sms, and tried to keep ahead of ryan. Banks dried up and researches fell off, ryan passed me up because math, and the mount R/R in our sector was probably going to beat us both because math as well.
Then this retard masses offense and breaks ryan, claims ultimate victory. I havent even bothered making defense since like 10k land, lol. If anyone was going to intrasector me I couldnt defend against due to low military research.
I talk shit for a couple hours because I was bored at work, put my kd at vaca mode at the end of the day, and I started trying to land a kd in 1:1 so I could test s2 newbie mode for fun. Decided that was too much work so I made a thread asking sci to fix the sim instead
Ya got me bro sure showed mean ol Darius whats for!
Thank you Lynog, Thank you Bean, you guys have my utmost respect
lol, A wall of text sure is attention, So I guess I am worthy. Also, I did not just randomly start massing offense and grab ryan and claim victory you dense fuckwit lol I was massing tanks for over a week, after i decided i wasn't gonna be talked down to or disrespected by RYAN or DARIUS, So I gathered a bit of support because these two aren't very liked, I got SL removed from Ryans group, Then I steamrolled ryan and his 2 tank per land 0% military research kingdom for 11400 land,, i easily could have triple tapped him but i just hit him once, then ryan starts whining about how i didnt hit darius instead, i told him "Ryan its okay darius is a disrespectful prick as well" he's like, "well why is he safe then" I say "he isn't" lol as soon as pride logged in and read that he raged like a retard for about an hour. including saying he was the SK god, THen my sector mate grabbed darius he raged a little more, then when my wls returned I rolled darius and one of Ryans group mates, a double tap for 19k land darius gets hit a few more times from my supporters then goes into vaca mode after vowing to destroy me and promising i will not finish the round...
Here i am not even a failed attack on me yet, i have been kidnapped a few times sure, hell they even suicided my zero power 7 times already o.O
These guys that play S2 are really good!
There was one whole sentence about you in that whole thing, as a footnote at best.
Youre completely irrelevant, stop trying to be please its cringey as fuck. Notice how youre making threads about grabbing me trying to get my attention and jumping with excitement every time I respond?
Its because you're a peasant
Terrible, if you want to talk shit in the future, do it right from the beginning for the result to matter.
Dont hide behind the people you're declaring war on until they drop their guard an expect it to mean anything.
If you can manage to outbuild me in the future and roll me out in a fair competition, then you can talk alllll this shit. You just haven't earned the right to yet and its pathetic.
I admire the concept of what you're doing, talking a bunch of shit to the perceived top dogs and beating them at their own game is exactly what I did too when I came back. Its just your execution thats worthless. You're on the right track, people willing to add some excitement to this dead game are rare and valuable in their own way, you just need to do it with honor if you expect to be taken seriously.
If you really want to compete, practice on that bud. Its not just a tool for newbie mode, it teaches you the differences subtle optimizations have even in a short period of time.
also, you care FAR to much, you are just one big contradiction.
ALSO i never once talked shit until i was disrespected, what dont you understand about that? if you and Ryan were a little more respectful and not such arrogant douche bags, none of this would have happened.. WHY THE FUCK would i give you time to prepare for my strike? you would fail miserably in a real military situation lol
Some of the stuff you say is just wrong.
What are you talking about none of this wouldve happened? I dont give a shit in the slightest lol. I was curious if I could out-endgame a big FW on terra (I can't, the sci count I would need to maintain the bonuses is ridiculous), and whether I could beat a R/R KD with the round bonus (I can't, Nikola was going to pass me eventually) so I was comfortable just exploring without making mili for the fuck of it, I figured someone would inevitably get bored and break me for fun anyways.
Those were the two things I was interested in finding out this round. I was thinking about freezing my land and converting to high mili and breaking Ryan after he passed me, but I opted not to be a douche because he helped me out during the round and he played fairly