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SB's WW signups



  • I don't like perma WW threads, b/c people aren't always here lol. Then you end up balancing the game around players who don't show.
  • I have to agree with SB here..Ive seen these perma lists..rl happens and people honestly dont always show up
  • Current Player List

    1. KenshinHimura
    2. Rmagician
    3. Mages
    4. LowTemp
    5. CoryNewb
    6. rsoultin
    7. Rohan Castle
    8. rsoultin
    9. Ace1312
    10. MisssMeadows
    11. Unreliable
    12. RayZar
    13. Tmonsta
    14. dbt
    15. Darubian
    16. SkyDragonX
    17. gl0xstix
  • Also, ##Lynch Viva
  • Current Player List

    1. KenshinHimura
    2. Rmagician
    3. Mages
    4. LowTemp
    5. CoryNewb
    6. rsoultin
    7. Rohan Castle
    8. rsoultin
    9. Ace1312
    10. MisssMeadows
    11. Unreliable
    12. RayZar
    13. Tmonsta
    14. dbt
    15. Darubian
    16. SkyDragonX
    17. gl0xstix
    6. rsoultin, 8. rsoultin.

    I call multi on that bs
  • its because I was just going down the list adding names. Loafery keeps the player count at 17 which is good.
  • Rsoultin must be the veteran with two lives!
  • Who says there is even going to be a Veteran!

    Roles haven't even been assigned yet. I can tell you this, It'll be a semi-open setup instead of the normal open setup we run.
  • WW thread doesn't go up until signups close tonight
  • i'm the doctor.
  • then you're the veteran!
  • hum...i should go back to doctor who, i'm still on season 2 lol
  • funny how i wanted to invite him into the bebop crew...but then shining go shot dead night0
    Almost not in cuz of this

    But in
    SB wtf dude. Why am I not on the player list
  • Don't worry I haven't rolled anything yet. Ill go ahead and add you
  • No! You have shunned me! Unforgivable!
  • Closed. I want to roll it.
This discussion has been closed.