let me make this simple. unless the luck gods are in my favor again i'm dying tonight. i'm ness. vote cory or darub and I will use my ability on them to see if I can kill two birds with one stone
actually with the setup its pretty town favored at this point scum should concede I think its impossible to win especially with them potentially losing another kill tonight
afk again?
kill #darubian
I blocked you last night, cory, trying to pocket me you devilish schemer you. looks like the coinflip went in my favor
vote cory and darub and i'll see if the rng gods are still in my favor ^^
Maybe mages hes been unmage like in the thread
I like that team make up
kill #Cory
let me make this simple. unless the luck gods are in my favor again i'm dying tonight. i'm ness. vote cory or darub and I will use my ability on them to see if I can kill two birds with one stone
got it? good. get on that shit ^^
##Lynch Cory
i'm into this for reals
may want to get in non-scum mayor votes too
I know the difference when i'm not in a hurry lol
nah we're at 2 and 3 we're fine. just keep an eye on the baddies trying to swing it so you know who they are
gl townies
-flicks mages again-
Lynch #Cory
Is this what we are doing? Obviously darubian is a scum, reading the report it looks like cory is as well.
Darubian survives.
Cory Survives.
Night 2 begins.
rng gods only love me once it seems xP