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What is Prestige and how do I get it?



  • fuk sht. HOW am I being used for spam??
  • its a very small amount...1% per 50 wins...the amount is so tiny, kinda like the multilords micropenis, i have no way to really test it.
    Total Wins

    yay 2%
  • its a very small amount...1% per 50 wins...the amount is so tiny, kinda like the multilords micropenis, i have no way to really test it.
    Do you remember when this became a thing? Any textual evidence?
    I used to try and get this when I turtling when that was fun for some reason.

  • Yeah, if I turtle, yet am still active for some reason I sometimes will hit inactives all round to get these extra percents
  • 1% - this is so much to ask for 50 hits, especially if you are in mobi.
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