When Sci had Scallywag you were VAL and then AL of Bazinga Pie. And then after I got KTed and respawned to help you out, you let me down gravely. You have improved much since then.
KDs in question were Cocaine, Heroin, Jafar annnnd Percival McLeach, Im trying to figure out who the Alliance was that let us 4 kds shit kick them for the duration of the war
this gonna be good.....
~sits down, bring a bag of popcorn~
hint: Stunners round
Was that the round I had Conviction... no wait that was the Pirate Alliance of Sci.
I was AL of some alliance at some point of one of the Alliances.
When Sci had Scallywag you were VAL and then AL of Bazinga Pie. And then after I got KTed and respawned to help you out, you let me down gravely. You have improved much since then.
KDs in question were Cocaine, Heroin, Jafar annnnd Percival McLeach, Im trying to figure out who the Alliance was that let us 4 kds shit kick them for the duration of the war
Rank Alliance Name Total Networth Average Networth
1TuRtLeS 256,023,180 51,204,636
2Phantomz 230,811,065 46,162,213
3TerranEmpire 83,699,325 16,739,865
4Stunners 14,138,17 7,069,086
5fucktruck 121,938 121,938
Archived scores... but I remember a shift at the end so... probably doesnt help sorry
Yeah, tired of the norm, gotta fight the system.