Laser troopers for the win. Funniest build I have seen in a while.
Name: Lord Baggins
Planets: 8,008
Networth: 2,068,984
Honor: 1,621
Platinum: 996,944
Power: 509,865
Population: 63,621
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Forest and Wilderness
Soldiers: 13,312
Troopers: 5,183
Laser Troopers: 162,682
Tanks: 15,073
Scientists: Unknown
Probes: Unknown
Post your (best) archived kds here....
Name: Emperess Akatsuki
Land: 41,679
Networth: 23,104,755
Honor: 2,787
Money: 9,729,646
Power: 10,710
Population: 35,106
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Forest and Wilderness
Soldiers: 966
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 0
Fighters: 3,591
Laser Troopers: 0
Laser Dragoons: 250,000
Tanks: 728,295
Tactical Fighters: 114,610
Scientists: 105,690
Probes: 33,271
Only one I have on my comp, from last round.
Land: 60,069
Networth: 22,207,331
Honor: 2,071
Money: 971
Power: 3,753,958
Population: 778,907
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Desert Wasteland
Soldiers: 39,408
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 1,131,587
Fighters: 0
Laser Troopers: 0
Laser Dragoons: 50,617
Tanks: 400,163
Tactical Fighters: 0
Scientists: 147,137
Probes: 21,914
Must be s2!
That better for S2 this time?
I've never seen a successful white girl twerk.