What was written in the round 9 changes is correct for the minimum pop loss but for populations above that point it is not correct.
Does anyone have the new population loss formula? I'm trying to figure it out and having all kinds of difficulty. This is what I came up with.
LAND FACTORS: these are the minimum population loss for any given land
If (land < 1000)
Land / 4
Else If (land < 5000)
Land / 6
Else If (land < 50000)
Land / 8
Else (anything over)
Land / 10
If land<15000 then pop loss=pop*RAND(0.025,0.05) or land factor as stated whichever causes kingdom to lose more pop.
Else if land>15000:
If pop>30*landfactor then pop loss = pop*sqrt(land)*0.00717*RAND(0.02,0.06)
If pop<20*landfactor then pop loss = pop*RAND(0.02,0.06)
It doesn't seem like the residence+barracks>4% or power/lack of power means anything when it comes to this formula.
Anyone that wants to feed me data/have any thoughts or knowledge on this it would be very helpful. Thanks
Where did i see it before ...?
You are 80k land and have a pop farm that is x land
pop farm is at 50% res as a terra form max bonuses. so 77 pop per res=38.5 pop per land
per kidnap max kidnap you must send .4x their pop. so you must send .4*38.5=15.4 probes per land of your pop farm. if pop farm is under 8x probes per land. If you send less than 15.4 you dont' get as much pop. basic rule if you're RR you like soldiers and pop since pop doubles as income. therefore you make as many pf as needed to max your pop farms pop. in this situation you must have 16x their land in probes anyway so who cares about their probe defense. Besides if they are 790k probes on 100k land and you send 800k probes you get through anyway at 1/2 what you should be sending. Well i digress
max pop return is target pop*.0125. if they are 38.5 pop per land, you can return with 0.481 pop per target land.
If target is 100k land you can get 48.1k pop per kidnap. You can take it from me based on losses, calculate it yourself or test it, but with good activity an RR can sustain about 1/3 the pop of their target. So you can maintain a good 12-13 pop per pop farm land. So here if you are 80k land kidnapping this pop farm at 50% res on 100k land you can sustain about 16 pop per land with RR. On a regular planet type with no bonuses that's 30% res. If you factor in the powerless that's 36% res. So an RR can sustain basically 35% res for free just with the pf needed to kidnap.
Does that mean you sometimes need 30% pf as an RR? sure. But the other thing is pf create about as good income as sm do anyway considering the income that the pop provides. So yeah RR is strong. Depends on the sizes, how good the pop farm is, and the round situation in finding out how much pop you need to sustain to survive reasonably well.