Raziel did it long before you and he pissed off a much larger player base. Lrn2troll Darius
Respect to him, I was not aware of his story could you please share it?
So who else has fond memories of Raz??
In a time before xbox 360s, a troll existed so foul, so gutless, that he made everyone hate him. He wagered the entire PFs on something (I cant remember what it was now), and if he lost, he would give us all xbox 360s. He lost, didn't give us 360s, and then got perma banned for being a vile creature. If I remember correctly, he came back as Pan Utopia or something, and carried on with his usual drivel. He had no filter saying anything to get somebody upset. He was just a real bugger.
Anyway, I think I got a forum plugin or something to block all posts or something and dealt with that nonsense myself.
What else can you dudes add to my spotty memory of the history here?
remember guys, this was like....8-9 years ago
Who is the pathetic one here again? You're 10 years too late ;-)
I just want to hear a story of an alpha male dominating all of you like you promised, as he is apparently a troll lord ancestor of Lord Darius the Nerdslayer.
If you cant do that for me, thats fine, but I dont ask much of you guys around here and I am a constant fountain of happiness and enjoyment for all of you, maybe it would be nice of you to return the favor.
Please begin the story of Raziel
My ride is here, once again you have failed me SK pfs, after everything I do for all of you.
Maybe i'm thinking of paratrooper
Grand Ole Foggies was the SK Party of choice. It had me, Slacker, Cereal... nothing else needed. I mean, we got other people also, but seriously it was the best.
I mean I know its alot of runing- but really?
This seems inconsistent with your lifting persona...
I normally just lift though with no cardio, but I was a nationals level racquetball player in college and a varsity swimmer in hs.
I go all out and im not in cardio shape these days, given a month or two ill be running like a gazelle but 95 degree houston heat + direct sunlight for 3 hours + constant competitive cardio when I had to man up against a black track runner for 3 hours will make anyone a bitch for the following 2 hours
Also that may not have been an exaggeration for comedic effect, but I probably wouldve had no problem doing it if not for me getting ready to go out tonight.