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Tales of the Werewolf: Wolves Win



  • I sure feel it as I stand over your corpse
  • I sure feel it as I stand over your corpse
    Wow you beat me in a text based game other people lost for me, why dont you tell your mom bro I'm sure she'll be happy to hear you won something that wasnt a pie eating contest for the first time in your shit life
  • I sure feel it as I stand over your corpse
    Wow you beat me in a text based game other people lost for me, why dont you tell your mom bro I'm sure she'll be happy to hear you won something that wasnt a pie eating contest for the first time in your shit life
    Sounds better than winning half a round of starkingdoms. At least I lived until the end.
  • I sure feel it as I stand over your corpse
    Wow you beat me in a text based game other people lost for me, why dont you tell your mom bro I'm sure she'll be happy to hear you won something that wasnt a pie eating contest for the first time in your shit life
    Sounds better than winning half a round of starkingdoms. At least I lived until the end.
    I was the biggest KD in the game by 50%, and 2 weeks later I'd still be in the top 5 rofl rolled literally everyone what else was I going to do? I let myself die after I got my dick sucked at a party and slept off a hangover. Nobody even knows you're playing this round, congrats bro you're a hero.

    Stop posting im just gonna keep shitting on you darubian and im starting to feel bad picking on the fat kid
  • not sure how anything went against your understanding of game rules.

    Also its an established game rules that no communications outside of this thread or the evil thread where they could plan kills. But I let it slide once I found out about it because it added to the game.

    Its always been 50/50 if someone kept powers or not when they were converted, just depends on who the mod was. Mages assumed that they wouldn't in the thread and everyone went along with it...nobody stopped and asked "Hey damdred is this true?"

    Skydragons move was actually a good move, its something I would of done honestly, Narshe was prone for perma mayor and a good conversion at any time. Corys move wasn't to good he should of waited but it was early in the game and the village still had the win. Zeal made good inventions and generally helped the town overall.
  • edited April 2014
    not sure how anything went against your understanding of game rules.

    Also its an established game rules that no communications outside of this thread or the evil thread where they could plan kills. But I let it slide once I found out about it because it added to the game.

    Its always been 50/50 if someone kept powers or not when they were converted, just depends on who the mod was. Mages assumed that they wouldn't in the thread and everyone went along with it...nobody stopped and asked "Hey damdred is this true?"

    Skydragons move was actually a good move, its something I would of done honestly, Narshe was prone for perma mayor and a good conversion at any time. Corys move wasn't to good he should of waited but it was early in the game and the village still had the win. Zeal made good inventions and generally helped the town overall.
    Skydragons move was fucking retarded, he killed himself, narshe, our mayor, took away a lynch, and didnt reveal so I had him up on the list and wasted more time having to figure out if he was good or not.

    I honestly cant think of a dumber move he couldve done, who cares if narshe was a WW, if he took his mayor power off flazer and killed him we wouldve just lynched him guaranteed during the day instead of having to guess someone like phantom.

    Like I said, I'm inexperienced in this game. I lost to Jones and Lynog due to inexperience in SK and now theyre my bitches after I got a practice round in. Once I learn the rules of a thinking game I usually cant lose.

    Take one of my old 2v2 records in WoW for example, I was a complete master at 2v2 once I found a partner I could trust. Anyone with basic game knowledge knows you'll lose tons of games as a DK to any warlock/warrior based teams because they hard countered DKs more than anything, but I actually used to win games by acting completely retarded for 20+ minutes and waiting for them to get impatient or cocky, and killing them in games I shouldve never won.

    The teams are named before you play any games fyi, so I predicted the 100% win-ratio before we even started. I just dont fuckin lose once I learn a game unless other people do it for me, and thats exactly what happened here.

    You guys know from previous rounds of SK I'm fully capable of identifying I was beaten, and how it was done. This time wasnt on me or I'd admit my own failures, because thats the only way you can improve.
  • Look at it this way, you killed arson in a way that most moderators wouldn't of allowed, and honestly I gave the seer to much power with the instant reads soon as they asked for them. Generally the seer has to wait all night to find out the readings into the next day.

    Heres where the true folly came into play. You thought mages was good after he invited the truth syrum or false syrum, and you got a protective robot. You assumed mages sent you the robot and made the syrum.

    Honestly the game was good from a moderators point of view, both sides played exceptionally well, there were a few meh lynches going on but thats what happens in a game of people. Flazer almost won you the game once you got loaf, that being said the wolves didn't kill some nights fakeing you guys out....

    Both sides could of won going into the final day, and the ending was a decent one. I applaud both villagers and ww as either victory would of been well earned.
  • Look at it this way, you killed arson in a way that most moderators wouldn't of allowed, and honestly I gave the seer to much power with the instant reads soon as they asked for them. Generally the seer has to wait all night to find out the readings into the next day.

    Heres where the true folly came into play. You thought mages was good after he invited the truth syrum or false syrum, and you got a protective robot. You assumed mages sent you the robot and made the syrum.

    Honestly the game was good from a moderators point of view, both sides played exceptionally well, there were a few meh lynches going on but thats what happens in a game of people. Flazer almost won you the game once you got loaf, that being said the wolves didn't kill some nights fakeing you guys out....

    Both sides could of won going into the final day, and the ending was a decent one. I applaud both villagers and ww as either victory would of been well earned.
    Yeah the bending rules worked well for me up until mages was turned I'll admit haha, I thought that was normal gameplay because even if I prove someone good if they get turned midway that person has access to a full list of roles like mages did.

    I actually really enjoyed the game, and despite my current trolling to piss off darubian I thought you did a good job, I'm glad I lost tbh if everyone had just followed my directions it wouldve been a really boring, easy win and that has no place on the SK PFs ;)

  • edited April 2014
    I r leroy'd ded :(

    It was cool though, glad I got that first night save and got to try out mayor ^_^
  • game was ruined the moment i got pmd by darius, any situation it was to be taken would be shitty, made for a shitty experience, would not repeat
  • I remember that time darius tried to get a handful of villagers mass murdered and put all his trust in a guy that was converted.

    This game isnt a spreadsheet brah, you lost because you suck, no other reason. Learn from your errors and comeback next game ;)
  • I remember that time darius tried to get a handful of villagers mass murdered and put all his trust in a guy that was converted.

    This game isnt a spreadsheet brah, you lost because you suck, no other reason. Learn from your errors and comeback next game ;)
    Yeah people cant fuck up the spreadsheets I build with their ignorance
  • edited April 2014
    Darius's logic

    Day 1

    Votes to lynch TMonsta (Villager)

    Day 2

    Votes to lynch DiRTY (Villager)
    Changes vote to lynch Meadows (Doctor)

    Day 3
    Joker - shady
    Zeal - i has a feeling...
    Zeal is the Assistant Inventor and Joker is a Villager.

    Votes to lynch Cory (Villager)

    Casts suspicion on Cory (Villager), Tyrsis (Vigilante), Arson (Witch) and Me (Leeroy).

    Day 4

    Didn't have time to say any stupid shit, thankfully.

    Night 4
    Joker - shady
    Zeal - i has a feeling...
    You were still most suspicious of Zeal (Assistant Inventor) and Joker (Villager).
    I reccomend phantom and zeal for vigilantes to rail tonight
    Also, revealed that you're the Seer. Let's tell the ww's who the Seer is so they can possibly take out the only truly important role in the game.
    Actually just kill phantom tonight Tyrsis and flazer shoot mages, I think he's bluffing and if not we can just day lunch him
    Gave away Flazer's (Vigilante) role too.
    who is the apprentice inventor? message mages ffs

    also mages is confirmed unturned, I will update the list.
    "Confirmed".. lol
    Well I have the truth syrum, I am willing to drink it and confirm myself to be a villager. Mages left it to me.
    use it on Joker
    Joker is a Villager
    LOL Daru. He isnt your boss. Do what you like :)
    99% sure youre a wolf now
    Phantom is a Villager.

    Day 5
    just kill phantom tonight
    Itll be a complete waste to use it on me im a lil ol villager
    thats okay itll just shorten the list down to 2 people for vigi kills tomorrow night, then its basically gg
    Indeed. gg.

    Remember guys:
    im a near genius engineer
    :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
  • Hahahaha gd sky *applauds*
  • edited April 2014
  • he also blurted out what role I had, like come on
  • Edited post and added it.
  • he also blurted out what role I had, like come on
    Its my understanding that flazer pmd mages his role
  • i said 3 words total in my convo with darius, didnt talk to mages
  • Darius seered flazer mages rzndomly revealed to darius and darius gave all his info to mages
  • Oh wtf lol. That is super douchey, he is directly responsible for flazer dying
  • edited April 2014
    A few things.

    A: no one knows I'm playing this round because everyone knows I'm not playing.

    B: You can't possibly think your "trolling" pissed me off. I beat you. Say what you want but you lost.

    C: WW is a game of cunning and deception, not a spreadsheet game. The best move loaf and I made was no move at at all. I have no doubt you will eventually pick it up.

    D: By some fate we will eventually get paired up in this game and like many before you, you will learn I am actually very easy to work with. This shit won't even be on my radar and like you I will be determined to win.

    E: I say this from experience with this game and believe you me you will figure it out as well, but until you learn to take this shit on the chin these guys are gonna bag on you. I don't give a shit who you are, a one man corner doesn't last long here and the remaining players have an even shorter tolerance for it.

    tl;dr - People here aren't looking to give someone who acts like a dick a kudos. Most of us are much older and past that tough guy bullshit you dish out, we were just fortunate enough to learn it's not really needed. Get your shit together because from here on in its boring.
  • A few things.

    A: no one knows I'm playing this round because everyone knows I'm not playing.

    B: You can't possibly think your "trolling" pissed me off. I beat you. Say what you want but you lost.

    C: WW is a game of cunning and deception, not a spreadsheet game. The best move loaf and I made was no move at at all. I have no doubt you will eventually pick it up.

    D: By some fate we will eventually get paired up in this game and like many before you, you will learn I am actually very easy to work with. This shit won't even be on my radar and like you I will be determined to win.

    E: I say this from experience with this game and believe you me you will figure it out as well, but until you learn to take this shit on the chin these guys are gonna bag on you. I don't give a shit who you are, a one man corner doesn't last long here and the remaining players have an even shorter tolerance for it.

    tl;dr - People here aren't looking to give someone who acts like a dick a kudos. Most of us are much older and past that tough guy bullshit you dish out, we were just fortunate enough to learn it's not really needed. Get your shit together because from here on in its boring.
    A few things

    A. Fuck you

    B. Fuck you

    C. Fuck you

    D. Fuck you

    E. Fuck you

    Tl;dr Fat
  • inb4 lol better than you not raging banging supermodels drunk post jones sausage
  • lol, I think I've pissed him off
  • inb4 lol better than you not raging banging supermodels drunk post jones sausage
    I only took 6 shots im not even close to drunk, my brother and his friend were in firefighter gear hitting on some sluts and just trolling some beta faggot indian guy and the girls he was with

    I did party with some chill english fuckers though, one of the was probably lynog, bald as fuck and telling us about how his wife pissed herself running away from a cockroach while she was on the toilet, dumbest story ive ever heard in my life swear to god

  • Wait, THE brother?

  • Haven't even closed the bar down and he is back. I think someone missed us.
  • edited April 2014
    lol, I think I've pissed him off
    if you pissed me off I wouldnt be posting, you have no clue what I am darubian. I grew up with the biggest fuckin troll family and youll never even be able to slightly agitate me
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