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Why does everyone argue with darius so much.? He is obviously the best sk player and has proved it time after time, you guys cannot keep up so just admit it and let him have his throne in peace. Voice of reason
Why does everyone argue with darius so much.? He is obviously the best sk player and has proved it time after time, you guys cannot keep up so just admit it and let him have his throne in peace.
when i was in newbie mode i had #1 landbow down to your queen, all of you I was rank 1 honor all thru noob u better step back
when i was in newbie mode i had #1 landbow down to your queen, all of you
when i was in newbie mode i had #1 landbow down to your queen, all of you I was rank 1 honor all thru noob u better step back I only had to create a kd and was rank 1 land and honor, b4 newb mode even started! )
Dariuz if anyone can crown themselves king of the round, it would be me based on those standards. I had more offense than anyone coming out of newbie.
Dariuz if anyone can crown themselves king of the round, it would be me based on those standards. I had more offense than anyone coming out of newbie. LIES!!! I came outta newb in 1st!!! I won the minute the pussy multies started on me!!! Boom suck it fuckers
People didn't like that I had zero defensive units.
Choo Choo Y2k14