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Best / worst looking sk players



  • Hahaha poor qwj getting helled
  • Dankula is probably a real looker.
    u wot m8
    Not only are you a statistical mastermind and a wordsmith, I imagine you are a real handsome gent or fine lady.
  • Cory is a sexy mofo
  • Cory is a sexy mofo
  • So at least me being the best looking sk player isn't up for dispute
  • So at least me being the best looking sk player isn't up for dispute
    At least we have seen pictures of you. Dankula could look like Sloth from the Goonies for all we know.
  • So at least me being the best looking sk player isn't up for dispute
    At least we have seen pictures of you. Dankula could look like Sloth from the Goonies for all we know.
    I'm pretty hot if you like the cute, 16 year old Bieber look.
  • Pic isnt coming up?
  • There it is. Dankula, not a bad looking guy! Let the record be stricken of my slander.
  • Also, because I like my ego stroked as much as my manhood....
  • ever since i first saw u appear playing this game, thought u were a fag

    my assumptions are correct
  • ^ thats to tyrsis btw
  • ^ thats to tyrsis btw

    Tyris is a normal looking guy. If I was gay I'd buy him a drink with an umbrella in it. (We all know I would buy vilt more...and prosnow would be my hubby if I was gay)
  • i take it you dont wear ties often cory

    the oriental knot is hardly for formal use
  • ^ thats to tyrsis btw

    Tyris is a normal looking guy. If I was gay I'd buy him a drink with an umbrella in it. (We all know I would buy vilt more...and prosnow would be my hubby if I was gay)
    Gee, thanks. And I'm 22.
  • i take it you dont wear ties often cory

    the oriental knot is hardly for formal use
    Daily, but a double windsor is a pain in the ass when you get 4 hours of sleep. When the FDIC was in here and it was suits in conference rooms all day, I took the extra 30 seconds to tie it up right, but the satellite office I'm in most people wear polos and khakis.
  • edited March 2014
    Snapchats itt

    Also: upon reevaluation that tie looks like shit in that pick. If I wasn't leaving in an hour I'd redo it
  • I am happy to throw some drunk ugly ones in of me as I've shown before
  • Stop going out in vests mate hhahah

  • Stop going out in vests mate hhahah

  • image
    How cute, he even posted a picture of his boyfriend taking him on a date!
  • Hahaha I his name was Tom
    He does u f c now in America
    Pic is very old
    That was at the twin towers

    However if u want me to pass your number to him so he can rape you then I will lol
  • Stop going out in vests mate hhahah

    Fucking Ibiza and maga mate u know how it is

    I am trying to organise a stag do just now
    My heads panned in

  • However if u want me to pass your number to him so he can rape you then I will lol
    That's what he'd do? Oh poor poor Bean!
  • image
    How cute, he even posted a picture of his boyfriend taking him on a date!
    And bean I am proud to have fought for my country
    I am proud do have been on the British flagship
    I am proud to have launched jets from my flight deck and loaded bombs onto our harriers as they went to Iraq and bombed the terrorist

    It's called doing something in your life
    Instead of playing sk 24/7 and taking smack like you and having crayons for your breakfast
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