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  • nothing like this happened when phantomz was warring stunner either btw. nothing at all.
  • Sad little viva. When asked about these multis he could only reply I win. Uni gb on redlaw on their sister is in order I think. If not the alliances r gonna be fighting redlaw redlaw 2 and vivas multis. Have fun with that one lol
  • Meadows brings a good point
  • Viva hit me this round. Let's kill him.
    You got hit by Viva... you are the one who should die. Your KD must be shitty as fuck.
    I thought 500 soldiers was safe d coming out of newb with 5kish goons. :(
  • I am honestly confused by this

    Some of my members hits a posted Kt and you say they are multis because a few logged in at same hour

    No I.p interaction
    No previous interaction

    My god you guys are clutching at straws


    Give me a multi list I will help kill them

    I have asked for this a lot of times and all I get is ignore

    I have never been linked with or made multis Fact

    I am trying to help the UNi by killing 15k goon dws with no defense

    If that's a crime then fook me

  • Viva has multies

    all the multies that were used to clean up same as when he led phantomz, all close user id #, clearly a sign that these are viva's multies

    pretty sad

    Ill make sure every alliance wars you viva for being a disgrace
  • Can we just Uni KT viva?
  • side note: the 3 multis I posted are all within a range of 5 kingdom ids. So not only have they all been there since the beginning of the round and still at 500 land, they were all created at about the exact same time. Viva locked the thread and congratulated the alliance immediately after they killed the target.

    nothing suspicious going on here, guys.
  • Viva you realize nobody believes your shit anymore, right?

    Tiny little kingdoms that dont login or talk, except to mop up KTs. As has been said, same shit happened when your alliance vs Stunners. Oh, same thing in WarpGate too...

    Just drop the act and admit you use them to clean up your KTs, you might actually get an honest answer from us then ;)
  • Ur confused bc you think the rest of the uni is as dumb as you. Gj u can proxy :)

    Logging in 3'kds built the same within a short period of time To hit a kt u wanted finished....ur a joke buddy but we already knew that
  • The only person who is laughing here is the REAL multi man

    To be fair I think that's why I don't get multied anymore
    Because he knows as long as I am alive I am framed for the multis

    At the end of the day there is no proof what so ever linking me with the multis

    We all know this

    We've known it's for nearly a decade after the in game red mods went
  • lol - Sounds like Viva is up to the same old bag of tricks. He should just let people know when he is going to play so that him and his multi's can play by themselves. Glad I didn't play.
  • lol what are you even talking about

    everything in that post you have said is completely wrong, everything you said
  • I like how viva's defense every time is that he is just getting framed and there is no proof.
  • Meadows I ain't being funny but I recall you bring a multi man and being caught red handed

    I on the other hand have no connections to them

    So if anything there's more chane of them being yours

  • Meadows doesnt hide it thats the difference. If shes ever caught she says Yup thats me. When she used to do it, it wasnt a big mystery. Grow some fucking balls and say yup those were my 3 kds.
  • Meadows doesnt hide it thats the difference. If shes ever caught she says Yup thats me. When she used to do it, it wasnt a big mystery. Grow some fucking balls and say yup those were my 3 kds.
    Exactly. Those who cheat and admit to it aren't the issue. It's the Viva's of SK that are really a pain in the ass.
  • If meadows multi kills someone the server wouldbe dead
    i caught viva last round maybe stunners round match interacting with his supposed flatmate. so viva has been caught
  • I think that was the Stunner round Ian.
  • They where fucking not mine as I have none ,

    I have balls I am the only one combatting the AT''s and cheaters yet again
  • Again give me a full multi list
    Then I will kill all I can

    I carnt be any more fair than that
  • I've been kting multis for 2 days with vilt had 5 kts so far hell they are posted in the pfs lol
  • Let's just kill viva :)
  • edited March 2014
    Meadows I ain't being funny but I recall you bring a multi man and being caught red handed

    I on the other hand have no connections to them

    So if anything there's more chane of them being yours

    Meadows has never hit me!!!

  • Can we just Uni KT viva?
    I am going to support this
    I've been kting multis for 2 days with vilt had 5 kts so far hell they are posted in the pfs lol

    Exitium has taken down a mess of ATs too
  • I dont understand the comments of ATs being + bonuses. So DW has to 78% Defense and 22% offense to be not considered AT? So you take out its planet bonus to make turtling easier? Seems like a load of shit. And I still think that if youre a top kd and no one can break your eg. 15k lts and you have 15k goons. Youre not AT, its called being better then the rest and bigger
  • People here think if youre a top kd and still not 60-40 youre an AT.

    Also im being told that if youre DW you add in the planet +30% bonus. So unless I am doing the math wrong, which is possible -30% on 60-40 is 78-22?
  • You can have all the O you want if you have absolute D, sadly this round there is no absolute D if any half decent DW doesnt want there to be.
  • Remember when I was warring viva too and his own sectors wanted out to join me but suddenly some ~200 land kds would login and send 1 soldier with war bonus at random kds to lock them in the alliance

    ...funny that. To the untrained eye it would start to seem like a pattern.
  • im not talking about average kds Darius. Im talking about top KDS, people still feel they have to build a 60-40kd. If you cant be broken by another kd without them going AT you can do whatever the fuck you want is my belief as a kd.
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