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  • Fuck all wrong with us welsh its u english r the problems
  • Darius you are WAY wrong... i am 278 lbs and stand 6ft4... I'm natural minus protein powder, n0xplode and bcaa powder... i incline bench 385 but max was 455 and my flat is around the same... da hulk guy's not that fat in a percentage but his daily intake is 15k calories he says... If you lift heavy iron n do minimal cardiovascular you can establish a physique similar to his when you've been lifting for 20 plus yrs... If your dedicated you can transform your body into anything u want. .. go buy Arnolds encyclopedia of bodybuilding he'll enlighten you too how big boys lift
    Arnold took all sorts of roids, the levels of Dbol he was on would cause modern bbers to look at you like you shot a toddler. I'm not sure why you think that adds credibility to natural training limitiations.

    Arnold admits to taking roids but back then they were like modern creatine!!! Mike Metzer used amphetamines does that discredit the fact he had the best back ever in bodybuilding history... 30 yrs from now creatine snd n0 might be looked upon the same way... There is NO limit to what your body can do and ppl prove that daily... say what you want but some guys can be HUGE or they can be fat while others "morph" body types can never gain weight but still get stronger every day...
  • Fuck all wrong with us welsh its u english r the problems
    I was just talking generally based on the views of (Older) family and friends. I personally don't hate anyone, regardless of background. I've noticed that a lot of people in the younger generations don't hold such prejudices either so that does give some glimmer of hope that they'll create a better world in the future. :)
  • You totally missed the point bro... In the 60s steroids were new and they didn't know what they did to you... hence the combination I threw out there just like Mike Metzer didn't know amphetamines would kill him so young... despite his taking of dbolz Arnolds the most sought after physique EVER!!! You can't even argue that
  • Pre sure I could look like that if I lived at the gym and had no life. srsly

    but unfortunately I have school, work, and a life. suxxxx
  • True, Juice here is pretty beefed up, and hes got some traps. JUICE
  • You totally missed the point bro... In the 60s steroids were new and they didn't know what they did to you... hence the combination I threw out there just like Mike Metzer didn't know amphetamines would kill him so young... despite his taking of dbolz Arnolds the most sought after physique EVER!!! You can't even argue that
    The pumping iron era was the 70's, and they developed roids in the 1930's m8, hardly a new thing.

    Steroids was used on cattle not humans til the 60s... That's when the government studied using it on ppl! ;) look it up buttercup
  • So once again like I said earlier it wasn't illegal back then nor did they know of negative side effects!!!
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