If someone else is annoyed, i'll be glad to make an apologetic thread to him as well...
What's if Meadows is annoyed?
Meadows only has two states. There is annoyed and then murderous rampage. If you are just annoying her I think you're ok. Certainly not safe by any means, but probably not going to die right away. Really when you think about it there should be tons of posts about how she destroyed the game, but there is never any proof beyond her outright admitting it and laughing. Brilliant I suppose there is no debate nothing to argue about, just yeah I did it so what? Take Kesha for instance he didn't really argue but you could point to his bot and bitch about it. With Meadows you can't even figure out what the fuck happened you just know everyone around you is either dead or broken to the point of useless.
Your time will come soon..