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ATTN RO. Choo chooooooooo



  • all I know is that if anything im teaching darius how mechanics works

    he should be thanking me

    its also bad people downright saying such and such is a bad strat when they have no hope of understanding anything in the post i made
  • He just did exactly what you do when you talk about your strategy off the sim darius.
  • You are damn 100% right I aint reading it mate hahah I literally dont care which strategy is better and am keeping myself way out of that argument.
  • I did it for myself and enjoyed doing it so, it just reinforces that sm play for terra is for people who are pussies and aren't up to the task to be the best players, aka darius
  • edited February 2014
    He just did exactly what you do when you talk about your strategy off the sim darius.
    No, he wrote a bunch of arbitrary & impossible to achieve numbers down. I built a KD in a simulation engine and posted the results

    The fact that hes making some of those assumptions in linear math is hilarious to me, because SK is a compounding game of random factors and variation, and at least the game-modeled simulation attempts to include that.

    Flazer just wrote a fuckton of basic math down and none of you care enough to actually read it, so youll take him at his word because you like him more lol
    i will believe him when he says res income is superior to sms simply because i know how good at math he is, as you know id never actually play it nor is the convo worth even carrying on its so boring.

    Like i said to you earlier in the rd these sims mean nothing, on paper isnt actually the same as playing the game, Ive seen tonnes of very intelligent people over the years through numbers around but it means nothing in reality, sk is alot more simple than alot of people would like to believe it is, you tick hit, you make the best use of your probes, you know the basics of building and deploy them and then you crush faces once you are able. From my experiences with all the intelligent type of players who like to sim and number crunch, they usually fall flat on their face due to things not going perfectly the way they want them too, then come the excuses, "if this happened" "if that happened" and so on. All i have to say to that is, if my auntie had a cock she would be my uncle. Ifs and buts mean absolutely nothing.
  • Great thread isnt it, all we need now is Illy to come in and threaten jones etc, that would ever so slightly top Arson trying it.
    Simmer down. Make a kd next round so i can roll you out easy.
  • Great thread isnt it, all we need now is Illy to come in and threaten jones etc, that would ever so slightly top Arson trying it.
    Simmer down. Make a kd next round so i can roll you out easy.
    Like you did with the RO on your r/r kingdom this round?

    You are boring, come back when you can outbuild hotgates.

  • all sk is, is simple math, if you have a complaint at me saving time then do something more than whine about how bad you are
  • but the real problem here, darius doesnt even know where all these numbers come from, talk about a fake engineer not even knowing simple numbers
  • Great thread isnt it, all we need now is Illy to come in and threaten jones etc, that would ever so slightly top Arson trying it.
    Simmer down. Make a kd next round so i can roll you out easy.
    Like you did with the RO on your r/r kingdom this round?

    You are boring, come back when you can outbuild hotgates.

    I started the war against them scrub, how do you think anything got done this round? fuck you're thick in the head, is there any form of intelligence left in there?

    Come challenge me when you've done anything note worthy other then taking over a top 3 kd half way through the round then we can talk.

  • Wow u guys talk a lot lol
  • Wow u guys talk a lot lol
    Refer to my posts from last night haha.
  • Things got done because of the people running trains on the RO now, not because of your shameful r/r kingdom.

    I have never taken over a top 3 account. You sound desperate like dank now. I literally never have to challenge you because you are terrible on SK arson. It would be like picking on a disabled kid. Now go challenge people on your mid tier level.
  • edited February 2014
    Things got done because of the people running trains on the RO now, not because of your shameful r/r kingdom.

    I have never taken over a top 3 account. You sound desperate like dank now. I literally never have to challenge you because you are terrible on SK arson. It would be like picking on a disabled kid. Now go challenge people on your mid tier level.
    You scared? Sound pathetic backing out now.

    Yes you have taken over an account. Also, bringing Dank into this, although some of his stories are misplaced at times, half of the time hes actually bringing facts to the table. You're too stupid to realize that though.
  • i try to back up what i say

    darius however...

    cant say Im more disappointed in a human being from all the sucking up he did and now ranting on about stuff he can't even prove

    its a shame that he multies and cheats and cant even do good in this game, gets tapped by an all res kd that he claims sucks

    all that is concluded in this thread is that I am better than darius

    and that lovsan is better than darius
  • He just did exactly what you do when you talk about your strategy off the sim darius.
    No, he wrote a bunch of arbitrary & impossible to achieve numbers down. I built a KD in a simulation engine and posted the results

    The fact that hes making some of those assumptions in linear math is hilarious to me, because SK is a compounding game of random factors and variation, and at least the game-modeled simulation attempts to include that.

    Flazer just wrote a fuckton of basic math down and none of you care enough to actually read it, so youll take him at his word because you like him more lol
    i will believe him when he says res income is superior to sms simply because i know how good at math he is, as you know id never actually play it nor is the convo worth even carrying on its so boring.

    Like i said to you earlier in the rd these sims mean nothing, on paper isnt actually the same as playing the game, Ive seen tonnes of very intelligent people over the years through numbers around but it means nothing in reality, sk is alot more simple than alot of people would like to believe it is, you tick hit, you make the best use of your probes, you know the basics of building and deploy them and then you crush faces once you are able. From my experiences with all the intelligent type of players who like to sim and number crunch, they usually fall flat on their face due to things not going perfectly the way they want them too, then come the excuses, "if this happened" "if that happened" and so on. All i have to say to that is, if my auntie had a cock she would be my uncles. Ifs and buts mean absolutely nothing.
    I agree with everything in this statement, but being good at math doesnt make him right in the slightest, because of everything you just stated.

    Hes not even doing complex math, its literally addition and division with assumptions and ignoring 70% of the variables that occur in-game. I fucking loled at the 'using mathematical series' or whatever he in there
    Wasnt it us who said this to you in the first place, when you was telling us abut your sim'ed kingdoms, and how could they could be. Literally none of it matters once the game starts.

    I hardly know any of the math for sk, i honestly dont care about it. Alls i know is how to make monster KD's

  • :-@ Sure mate keep looking for me. Here is a hint, look up.

    Pm me when you find me and remind me, ill be busy keeping an eye on players who actually matter. Bring your 2 mates back too.
  • Keep hiding like the rat you are, come out and squeak when I'm already done with the round. Fucking rodent.
  • When you are already done with the round? Whats that, day 4 when you are already 50% land behind, in mobil pumping goons for some early NW before you get rolled out hahah

    Go away you boring stoner, you are boring and insignificant.
  • edited February 2014
    You must be confusing me with hotgates, in which case, you are really misinformed. I applaud your attempt at trolling me qwj with as much effort you put into your posts.

    Try again. Your repetition reminds me of this game.
  • Its easy to confuse you with him. You are barely any better.

    And that is the 100% truth, no trolling.
  • Jesus fuck you guys take this game too seriously. Cheers for the laughs though :D
  • Was that supposed to make me mad? or something? You're no good at this Qwj. Hang up your coat and go back to sucking Jones off. You're much better at that.
  • its so nice grabbing an easy land farm

    thanks darius!
  • Not at all mate, 100% truth. You fit in well with that trio, all the same level. Whereas our trio actually make a difference when we play.
  • See issue here is Qwj, I don't need any friends to do well on any given round.

    You do. Thats the difference between you and I. :-)
  • You have never done well in any given round, you are an average player.

    The difference between you and I is anytime I have played I have been up with the top kds, you never have outside of a few days out of newbie when you go mob on shitty dw kingdoms.
  • edited February 2014
    You have never done well in any given round, you are an average player.

    The difference between you and I is anytime I have played I have been up with the top kds, you never have outside of a few days out of newbie when you go mob on shitty dw kingdoms.
    tailgaiting jones/lynog as they roll out the competition hardly makes you a good player.

    I've played DW maybe a total of a 5 times out of the 70+ rounds I've played and never have I fallen behind on DW except for last round.

    Shows how much you know about my ability to play.
  • So just to throw this in there, your math that you did wasn math at all. You wrote a bunch of bullshit Sk nonsense that is all hypothetical. Yes an arson could lower his income but if he never gets stained he's okay. The rest of your random
    Gibberish was stated by both lynog and flazer. So your math doesn't exist and you're wrong so drop down and take a load from flazer And learn what math is
  • Everyone of your posts shows how much you know about me. I didnt need jones or lynog when I 1WLed your shitty pro abortion kd one of the times I played.

    Im bored of you now. If I ever play again I doubt ill hit you as you are never high enough to be one of our targets, but feel free to pm me and remind me.

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