I'll reply. If you truly were Lynog you would know how to do. You might be really surprised about your accusations if you saw all the effort and also how much time it took Lynog. But yeah, accusing of cheater is easier, makes you feel like you can't do it because it's not possible. Lynog and many other tops have some very strict codes of conduct btw, such as (as far as Lynog is concerned) not hitting a suiciders. Anyway, you might wanna try to speak with Lynog before stealing his handle and speaking bad about him. By the way, you're a coward, only cowards hide, how come you reveal yourself, hater ?
If you truly were Lynog you would know how to do. You might be really surprised about your accusations if you saw all the effort and also how much time it took Lynog. But yeah, accusing of cheater is easier, makes you feel like you can't do it because it's not possible. Lynog and many other tops have some very strict codes of conduct btw, such as (as far as Lynog is concerned) not hitting a suiciders. Anyway, you might wanna try to speak with Lynog before stealing his handle and speaking bad about him.
By the way, you're a coward, only cowards hide, how come you reveal yourself, hater ?
bcuz u like the cock.